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A SCBOFDLOUS BOY Running Sores Covered His Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. Wlicn glz montlis oíd. left hand of 01 grandchild began to swell, and bad evei appenruní'e of a larjre buil. We poultlced J but al] to no purpose. Aboui five monthsafte ame a running so other son __ forxned. He tlim hid tw( of theni on fürh hand. íuk VggÉ as liis blood lii-ciune mor L1 W 1""' """■'■ too tí VM lcss time fcir thcm to brea . ;í 'ÖBf "T' ' sor(' ('Hiñe on tt Wt 3 W. chin, beneath the nnder llp V ïy wnich waa very oflensive. , - V Hls head was one solid - t- dlscharglng a great deal. 4 lila condltlon at y__ X- twenty-two months old, VWknMsS wlu-ii I undertook 1 1 ■ ! } yfëgM ofhim. his liaving "= x. "$bS dled when he waa a littlu more ilnm i vear okl, of consumption (scrofula, of course). He could walk a llttle. but eould not get ap lí he feil down, and could not move when bed. havlng qo use ol bands. I Immedlately commeneed witn the ' UTicuBi Kembdies, nslng ;il! ireely. One sorc nftiT another lic; bon; matter formlng In each one of ttu-' deep ones ju-r before beallng, v.liicli wonld linallv grov loose and were taken out; tlien they would heal rapldly. One of these ugly ormatlonsl preserved. After taking a dozen and a half bottle be waa completely cured. .'111(1 lsnow, at the age of -: Btrongand bealth; E.8. DRIGGS. Mat 9, 1886. 612 E. ( lay 8t., Bloomlngton, 111. My grandson remalna perfeetly well. Xo slgns of sciofulaniid no Bi Mrs. K. S.IiRK,,-. Feb. 7,1890. BloominKtoii.Ill. Ou.tic-u.ra ïSesclT7-ent ThenewBlood Purlfier, internally (tocleanse the blond of all [mpurities amí poison ele mente and thus remove the cause,) and (Tti cdba, the arreat skin Cure, and Ctjticuba Soap ii 11 exqulsfte skin beautifler, externally to cica the skin and BCalp and restore the halr. ('ure dlsease o tlie skin and blood, from pim pies to serofula. Sold everywhere. Price, OOTICÜBA, "0e. Soap, 25c. ; Risolvïnt, tl.00. Prepared by the Potteb DeüG asii Chemical Corporation Boston. Wfc_sond for-'How to Cure Skin Dlseases.' @i pages, öOLillustrations and loo testimoniáis. PADV'Q Skin and Scalp purified and beauti DHDI ü fied by Cuticura Sou-. Absoluteh pure. 1r RHEÜMATIC PAINS. fifi In one minute the CUTICUBA ANTI IVi Pain Plabter relieves rheuraatic, A# SCiatica, musm enlar palns and weaknesses. Price twenty-five cents. GOLD MEDÁL, PASIS, 1878. W. Baker & Co.'s Jp&Brsakfast uocoa HB from which the excess of bM oil lias been removed, is ■I i ñ MkAbsolutely Pure msUJMand it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used in its preparation. It has more than three times the strength oí C'ocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more uconomical, costing lesa than one cent a ciq). It is delicious, nourishing, strengthening, easily digested, and admirably adapted for invalida as well as for persons in health. Sold by Grocers everywhere. W. BAKER & GO., Dorchesíer, Mass. HEADACHES for 2c. CURED K SOLO 8Y DRUCG([ST; "=" sa:.h nr EBERBACH & SftY. AVf VBü OB. ÏRÜCK and STORAGE Now we are reody with a new Brick Storehouse for the storage of Household Uoods, Pianos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS AXD HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS All kinds of heavy aud light Drayinft. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone 8-2. Kes. and Office X. Fourth Ave. XX A IVE I JL, T O WS INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Kamilton Block. I.iie, Fire and Accident Policies written in First Class Companles. Rates Low. Losses liinrally ndjiiHted and promptly pald. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Houes: From 8 a. 12 m.and 2 to 5p ra. A. W. HAMILTON. For twentv-five yeara t'jo eipertenoe oí millions of enfferers, cid and yoTWC, ■::.-.' un i i'cinale, hava grateíully euJcrsed tbe miiscnluns virtuts of TLis Phannaccníical Tz radcx of the Age A vitaüzing Btiinulant without al cohol. A nerve sedativo without narecties. A bloed purifiei' without poisoas. A liver cieonser. A purely vegetable tissue-inaker, pi-omctindigestión, nutrition, eecretion, ■ cretion and respiración. A life-givinf? i tonic, pure and simple, without thó disastroua reactions of tho deadly compounds of rum and alcohol usually eold a3 bitters. W as never known be&ra la the World. Ita aiscoveryamnnfr tha modicinal fruits, roo arnl herbs of California WAS A MIRACtE. nrl their conibination into a puenornenal lifajiviur toDic A TRIUMTPH of the CHEMICA1 ART. The only changa marte in t!:o formula during wtnty fivo yeara has beca to present it in two onibiuationa. The nhl oriirinnl rcmain uarhanged. but boing fronger, more laxativo anl better. A form aorc ttjrreeable to tbs taste and better adapted to ''licfitftvotnrii nttd hildren, but comprising he same tonic propc-rties, ia now mado and the ri'ure.of the ivorlit is chatlcngcd to producá tieequalofthü TRULY & OXLY TEMPEREXCE BITTEES KNOWTJ r to produce apurely vegetable bitters or medicina f any kind, whose action is at once tío tíaíe, so cerain and comprehensive as tho CALIFOKNIA VINEGAR BITTERS, r any componnd which from its varicd action yon the vital íunctions is equal to tho CURE CF SO MAUY DISEASES. Their name is legión - Rhonmatism. Neuralgia, ■"Rtíirrh, Jaundioe, Kidney Pispase, Scrofula, Skia BiseasesandBoils, Consumption, Piles and a'll di3rders arising from indigestión, impura blood ervoTM prostratinn, and dilapidated constitntion rom any cause give way to it like mist before tha un, while its sinpular power over HE EEADLY MICROBE AND OMXIPRESEXT BACTERIA nrticates its Rnperiority in all diseaecs of malarial rigiu, and renders it the BEST VEKMIFUGE KNOWN. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STÏXE VINEGAR BITTERS n the house, as eipressed by thonsanda of testimoniáis. Seodforbeautifulbook. Addresa, R. H. JIcDONALD DRUG CO.,' New Yojt Shoes ■ forTthe g ramiw fTi FARCO'S ISlii "Box Tip" School Shoes l&VvV for Boys and Girls. I A Heeled or Wedge Heel. SViV Sizes-8tolO, 1.25 k ÍtÍdT lltoKK i-so jHr. TIP lto3 1.78 jHl $2.50 Calf Shoe Wv%v for Gentlemen. tw1 17L'neiiuakd by any shoe fcá... F Cünr f n America at the Rimo ■fíT'igMOtprlce. InConcrcRK.ItiitJ+ n&0t ton anti Iocc. Sleu'saiitl Boy 's sizes. B ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT f 'L?„ V Dongola or Goat, Button. i' JV$ X Opera, or Common Sense. jfCnÍS:e Tackless aId Flexible. C-OUI íe. Wnrnmted the most OÜR NAME IS OH THE BOTTOM OF EVERY SHOE. kD ST dcaI,eïfor FnntoV Sh,,„. If be doM „„ O. H. FAKGO & CO., Chioag-o, IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENT8. - ANN ARUOR. "M. Sc H. WITING TABLETS. The Handsomest, Most Económica!, and BEST method of putting np Writing Papers for lioiiit' and oflice use. (Jet them from your stationer, or send direct to tbe Manufacturers, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 & 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handsome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondence malled for J'c ,,,,, ■ HutzeFs Ut Back ! A very important inventiun which wil] be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experienre we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, otter: making them useless and in great many instances becoming dangerous. i he outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask your stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back. Masón & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided with our improvement. Everybody cali and examine this useful invention. HUTZEL & CO., Plwnber and Steamfitttrs. ANN AKHOR, - - MICH tfffc A A A A A TEAR I undertake to bri#fl IP "1 11 JteaChny fairlyintel]geatperonofeithm a I B lluei, whocan read and write, and whow Cutí I llafter Iiutruction,wÍU work induBtriouriv, (r w T # Vhow to earn Three Tfaausand Dolían a Tearintheirovi-n icHli[ie!.wti-rvortbey live.I willalsofuroiíh. the situatioooremp]cyint'iit,at which youcan earn thatamount. íio money fur nieunL-si suct-eisful naabove. Easilyand quickly learned. I desire but 011e worker f rom eacb district orcottDtT I have alreadjf laught and providcd with etnplovment a lare numlter, wbotre making over ÍSOOO a remrtt&vii li'sXEW and SOIJI. Full rticu!nriFKfeK. Addreii at once. j;. C, VI.I.J.N, liox -J 'JO, A iiififtii, Mullir, f éf COMPOUND W "mcosed of Cotton Roi t. Tansy and y %_3 Pennyroyal- a recent discover? by au CJold physician. Is me ■.■.. uíír, used monUUy-Ssite, Eöectual. Price L by mail. sealed. Ladies, ask your drniiKtet f.r "Cook'8 Cotton Root Compound and take no ubstituto, or inclose 2 stamps fop sealed particuiars Address PON I.ILY comïaky. No. 8 Flbher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mich. Wood's !P3a-Osxt-C)a-inO. THE GREAT E.XGLISH RKMEDÏ. Csed for 35 years - .m. ' of Youthfnl foltr by jr1"! and the exnesses cesstully. HgAiJ or later years. anteed to eiire all TiffJ Gitvs immediate fiirms ot Nervous XIWTnJ sfrenaiA andfioU eakness, KKrJ. or. Askdrucslstg slons, ■■■i for Wood'B Phorhea. Impotency.i''"; phodlne; takeno nd all the efTei-ta1 hoto Trom Life. c„hcfif„in Ona package, Í1; slx, $5, by mail, Write for pamphlet. Address The! Wood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward ave-, Detroit, lllch. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. T A TYTTPQ TRY DR. LEDCC'S "PEJ-IAjyXJllÖ RIODICAL" PILLS from I'aris. France. Established in Europe 1839, Canada in 1S78. For Suppressions, Irregularities, and Monthly Derangemeuts. A reliable montbly medicine. Theyalwaya relieve. Any dniggist, Í2. AmiTican 'Pili Co., Proprietors, Spencer, lowa. Kobert Siephensou & Co... wholesale ageut.s, and all other drnggista ia Ann Arbor. These pills are warranted to. bringou the " ehauge. CET THE BE8T FIRE INSURANC5 29.000,000 Sccurity held for the proteetion of the polier' CHRlSTÏftN MACK Representa the followlng first-olass eompanies, of whlch one, tbe Etna, bas paid $13.000,000 fire loases in slxty-flve yeara : .-■Etna, of Hartford t992L44 FranMin of Philadelphia 84.18,718 Germania, N. Y l.T0u.T29 Germán, American, N. Y 4.0G3.968 Loudon Assurance. Londoii 1.: Uichlgan F. AM.. Detroit 287.608 N. Y. I n.]( iv, rilcrs. N. Y 2%.üT6 National. Hartford. 1,774,605 riioMiix, Brooklyn 3.759.03& Loases liberally adjusted and promptly paid. Polloleg lssued at the lowest ratea of premium. Bfllfl fes 11 Wl;1IlilL-v ""i '"""'b'y, iy ■HU I 8 Eli Va ■ eiih.T M'i, youugor old, aitd in tlinr lllVMk 9 cue eanlo ifae work. Kas'y to lra. We t'iiruish everythinff. We start you, No ri.k. Yuu can devoteLrt momants, umi! jour ttma to tb work. This is i entinljiuw Iwdnd bringtwoadarftil m cm t" mry vorker BwtnaMSKN eamiiigr from ÍÍ5 to Í5U {icrwfpkand apwardt and more aftcr a little enperience. We can furnish you the tmploymtutaiKl tcach yoa rUKR. No spneeto explain here. Ful mformatioD VUMU. TKIE fc :O., AltitSTA, UUik. ÜBVERTISERS XZiïzF) on adveriising spaco wnen n Chicheo. w' ftnd il Oïi 45 T0 49 Randolph St., PC??S A UfkV" theAdvorti6,ngAt;encyof LtfClJg B HU _Mj 6000.00 a yenr i beinp madr hr John R DBrk Good-in,Trt)y,N.V.,at orle tbr us. lipader ■ :fcyou '"y not makr "- mucli, Ijut mo can B ' ■'hyoaqnlckly how to ram frora 5 ta ■-MtlU a dny at the start, and more as you go Po(h seicü, al! pc. In nnv part of ■B THAmiric, you can cummencr ut home, givrj ■LV'kg: atl your timcor sparo momenta onlvto mÊÊTW-1'-' Alliinew. GreatpavSlKK'for m-TBSsSm evt-rr worker. V start vou, furnïshinff fFk 'Ai U : AVS FKKE' Address at once


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