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MA80NIC DIRECTORY. Ann Arbor Commandei'.v. No. 18, meets first Tuesday of each jnonth, B. F. Watts, E. C; John E. Mtner, Recorder. Washtbnaw Chapter, No. 6, Tt. A.. M.- Meets üi-st Monday eaoh nionth. L. C. Uoodrk-h. II. l'.-. N. n. Gates, Secretary. B U SI NESS CARDS, Mms H. E BUBLI MOD1STE, Makes fine Costumes, Tallor Sultt.alao M and ChildivnV 8olts. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. U% XOKTH FIFTir STREET, ANN ARBOR. Chas. "W. Vogel, De&lei in all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats. PótiUry, tard, etc. ËVËRYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. Ann BT., Ann Akbor. W. W. NICHOLS, DENTIST. Reoms over 'Ann Arhor Savings Bnnks, Opp (Joint House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Administored. It is agreeable and easy to take, and no prostrating effects follow, while teetS are extracted without pain. House, Sign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Pnpering, Glazing, Gilding, and Cfilcimining, and work of every deacription done Ín tho best stylo.aiid warranted to glve Batlsfaction, Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St( Ann Arbor. QEOL DIEFFENBACH'S rW. PROTAGON CAPSULES, j&JPiívfK ure Cure for Wenk Men as f$B y provedbyreportsof leadingphy t&nR"=:5Ê3i ?5 Bicians. State age in ordering. KR'Cft V Trice, $1. CiilííloKiU' Freo. rsuFí v2 Ö f% Ó A A safe and spcedy 1 mkiaJÊÜSi Iti #6 I "i cure for Gleet, JH 3 lUlXU Strictureand all 'A jjw unnaturaldischarses. Prlcc)S3. WilP ñREEKSPECIFICg'rad -aatt' W:iiii!SklnI)leni-ii, Scrol". nlonti Sores endSyphtlItlc AfTectlans, without morcury. Price, M. Order froni THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. 525. 189 WiocMsin Street, MU.WAPKEE, WIB. ■K ■ ■ ■■ fl% "ANAKFSIS ' pives instant nfi i nlrclk'f and san infalliblo L 'Bk Cure for Piles. PriceSl. !ty SP1 H B" Ll)rusrt;stporniail. Samples ■ free.Ail(lrtss"ANAKKNIS," ■ ■ BH ■■ Box 2418, New York City. Univcrsity Building - Tenders Wanted. Proposala wlll i i bj the Board ol Kcüt-ms of tin' Unlvereit? of Bdlchlgan up tu and Including August let lor the erection and completlon of nu addition to the Law buildind an addttion to Engineering building, both on the Dniversity grounda at Ann Arltor. Plans and speclflcatlone can !■ seen ut the offloe of the Secretary of the University, or ut the offloe of the Architect, E. V. Arnold, 57 Kuhl Block, Detroit. Proposala must be sealed and Indorsed "I'roposala tor ünlversltj Buildings," and addressed to James II. Wade, Secretary oí the Board of Regenta, Aun Arbor, Mich. Separate proposala wil] be requlred for each building. and tho woik 111 u-t be d by the Brst day oi January 1893. tender mus,t be accompanied by an pproved bond, or certifted check i' ii-o bundred dollars ($500) as surety that partieswill enter Into B contract Bhould thelr proposals be aocepted. Blank schedules ill be Bupplled by the Secretary on appllcation. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ghe érfobe. Alie. 31 TB SEPT. 6 UNEN SALE TABLE DAMASKS BLEAGHED, UNBLE&GHED ANO COLOREO NAPKINS All Sizes and Prices LINEN AND COTTON FRINGED TABLE COVERS. ib m ■ m su HMK&86HB Comraissioner's Notiee. STATU OF MICHIGAN, County of Washte iiuu. The uudersigned hnving been nppointeil by the Probate 'ourtof saldeonnty. Commisslonera to receive, examine mid ad'just all claims and demands of all persons Rgainst the of Francia Woodbridge, late of said county, deceased, hereby give notlee that six months from date are allowed, by order of süid Probate Court, for oredltors to present thelr claim-: against the estáte of said deceaaed, and that tney wlll meet al the First National Bank, In the eity of Aun Arbor. in said county, on Tuesdny the 2ith day of September, and on Tnesday, tht"29tli day of December, next, at 10 o'clocfc, a. tn„ ofeacb of said days,to receive, examine and adjist said claims. Dated, JuneWth, 18L ('HAS. ]i. DAVI8ON. Í . WM,R. I'kii E. i Commissiouers.


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Ann Arbor Courier