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A mOFDLOÜS BOY Running Sores Covered His Body and Head Bones Affected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. vh.■ oíd, the lefl ! rrandchild if n large buil. We poultlced it, al all to do purposc. Aboni Ove montli i _ formed. Hethen had two .íSSSsteíy of them on each hiuul.and J%ËLgliÈ$ï as tiiH blood bi - "mr ia and more took ' VÏJ ' 'or ""-'■" ' '""enk t; 9H out. A sore cuine '; Cf & &f i ath the und k Tffi v. hlch v aa vei y ofl V rj Hla beod ■ js , ; _; i ; .-, :-;_ i i t m greal deal. ƒ Th S í$v twiaty-tuo months oíd, V'JSL'7' '!l tn0 Clire It "imíis ofhlm.hls mother having =S N. WHS dled when he was B little more tlum a year ol on8umpttoB (acrofula, ol conree). He could valk a little, but could not get iip U he fell lown, and could not raovewhenin bed, having 10 use of hls linnds. I Immedlately comnencedwith the Cdticobí Remedies, nsing ill freely. ■ alter another healed, a lony matter forining in each one of these five leep ones jnst before healing, whlch would inallT grow loóse and were taken out; then hey wonld heal rapldly. (me of these agly tone formation8 1 preserred. After tiikhifr i lozen and a half bottles he wat completely mred, and lsnow, at the neo of six years. a strong and heal thychlld. MR8.B.S.DRIGG8. May 9, 1885. 612 E. Clay St.,Bloomington, 111. Mv granosos remalns perfectly wcll. No =igns of scrofnla and no soit-;. MB8. E. 8. DRIGG8, Feb. 7,1890. Blooiningtoii.Ill. Cviticu-ra Eesolvent ThenewBlood I'nrilier. internally (tocleanse the blood of all Impurlties and poison elementy and thus remove the cause,) and r CCKA.the great skin I lure, and Ctjticüba Soap. mi exquisite skin beautlfler, externally to clear the slun and scalp and restore the liair. cure cvcry dlsease of the skin and blood. from iiiniples to scrofula. Sold everywheré. Priee, Citicüra, 50c; Soap,-26c. ; Resolvjent, $1.00. Prepared bj the Pottbr Drikï and Chemical Cobpobation, Boston. lt-Send for " IIow to CnreSkln Dlseí 64 pages, 60 illustrations andlOO testimoniáis. ninyin 8kln and Scalp purlfled and beautiíflul u fied by Coticüka 8oap. Absolutely pure. -Jfo RHEUMáTÍG PAINS. JJM In one minute the Cutici'ra AntiJ CJ%A Pain Plastes rellevei rheui %# selatlca, hip, kldnoy , ehCBt.and mus cul and weaknesses. Priee twenty-flve cents. GOLD MEDAL, PARIS, 1878. ,11. Baker & Co.'s WBreakfast la Cocoa u from which the excess of ÍM oil has been removed, is 1 j j lïnAbsolutehj Pure '[%êiLq}p$and it is Soluble. Uq Chemicals are used in its prcparation. It has ;.ut:-e. than three times the strength of I locoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more üconomical, costing Iets than one cent a cup. It is delicious, nourishing, strcugthening, easily diqested, and admirably adapted for invalids as well as for persons in health. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. so HEADACHES foh 2c. CURED PWHEJSCM ( SOLfi BY.DRUfiCI# -E-RIGGS' WEOICJNE C,V EBERBACH & S3i. ITf VÍIÍ3R . TRUCK and STORAGE Now we are ready wlth a new Brick Storehouse for tlie stomme of Household Goods, Planos, Books, Moves. etc. PIANOS AM) HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Cs.ref1a.ll3r üoirea. All kinds of heavy and light Dra; LREIOHIT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phone S2. Res. and OHice 40 N. Fourth Ave. sx -a. m: i x. x o sr s INSURANCE, REAL ESTATEand LOAN AGEHCY No. 2 Hamilton Block, Life, Fire and Accident Policles wrltten In First Class Companiea. Batea Low. Lossea liberally ndjustcd and promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Addition for sale on easy terms. Office Hovbs: Front 8 a. 12 m. and 2 toóp m. A. W. HAMILTON.


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