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For rwenty-five yeara tbo oxpcrtence of milïïona of sufferera, old and youtipr, ;ít I female, havo gratcfuJly endorsed the niirucuioad viriuti of This riiarmaceníicc! Pirados of flio Aga A vitalizing stimúlant -without al . cohoL A 'nerva sedativo without: rai'cctics. A bloed puriñer ■without poisoas. Aiiver cljnraer. A pure! 7 vogetabla tissue-maker, promoting digestión, nutrition, seeretion, escretion and respirar: on, A. lifé-givlng torne, puro ená si :hout tho disastrou3 reactioun of ths deadly eompounda of rum and alcohol usually sold as bitters. V7as aever kcoTn befcw !a the Worli. Ita discovcry a.moTif tbe rjcuicinal fruita, roct and hurba üï Calilornia WAS A MIKACXE, aTid their conibinatioa ídío a phenomenal . giving tonle A TRIUJIPH of the CHEJIICAI, AKT. Tbe only change maile in the formnla during twenty-flve years lias been to present it in two oombiuatious. The old urierinal remain unchanged, but being Etrocper, mor&laxative an'l bettc-r. .1 new form more aix-eable to th.3 taste aud Letter adapteiï to dí'lict tt wntnt'it. and rhiïrfren. but couiprisiug tho same tonic proporties, is now madu and the 8ri"uce of the ivvriil is chnlleri'jtil to pruduca the equai of thi9 TKÜLY & OKLYTEMPERESCE BITTSES KMO'tt'S or to produce apnrely vegetable bitters or medicina of any kind, -whoso action ia at oaco sü 6ufe, so ' tain and comprehensivo as tho CALIFORNIA VINEGAR BITTER:!, or any compourjd "ïvhich from its variod action upon tho vilal tuuctions is equal to tho CURE OF SO MANY DISEASES. Theip rame Í9 lepion - Rbram&tisiri, Neuralgia, Cafarrh, Juundiro, Édney Diseaae, Scroftila, Skin DiReases and Boils, Cocstimption, PUes and all disarisinK frnm indigestión, impure blooil, nerrons prstratirn, nnd dilapidated constitntion from c?:;y cause pive -w-jiy to it iiks mist belbro tho Bnn, ■vhilo ijs singular power over THE DEADLY MICROBE AND OMXIPHESEXT BACTEEIA indicatea its pnperiori'y in all di3eases of malarial origin, and renden it tho EEST VEEMIFCTGE KSOWH. No family can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AND NEW STYLE VIXEGAS BITTEH3 in tho house, aa oxpressed by thousanda of tosti monials. Send for beautiful book. Addresa, R. H. jHcDCXAIiD J3R17Q CO., Sew lor Fargtfs Shoes remfly Tï FARCO'S Y5f"BoxTip" School Shoes W& tor Boys and Girls. ?-LeV Heeled or Wedge Heel. t ;SsiSV Sizes-8tolO!4 1.25 I OFtÍdR litoWK 1.00 y-fiF-O 1 IM&? ito3 i.5 IfST FARCÖ'S 5SV $2.50 Calf Shoe la$K for Gentlemen, ,Ojíli-JSí' s Cnequaled by any ehoo bi'FÊrnic7" - n America at the samo ■BPTfeÍ?HUfcJ(W'rprio In CotiffreRsButi, te. ;t ton and L.ace. Men'saiul Boy'ö sises. -fl FARGO'S m $2.50 LADIES' BOOT OL? N. Donnola or Goat, Button, . 7fjv!?e Opera, or Common Senss. fi rJ8 Tackles and Flexible. .P jJ Dlggai Made in Hulios iuid j : DUR NAME f S ON THE BOTTDH OF EVERY SHQF, Ask your dealer for Fnnro's Shoe. IL ho ikeen tht-m Bend toosaad we ü; famisli yon 8 reoelpt of prip ,. iist. C. E. FAKGO & CO., Chicago, III. DOTY & FEIWEr?, AGENTS. ANN RBOR. "M. & H. WRITING TABLETS. est, Most Economlcal, mul BEST metbod oí putting up Wrltlng P for home and office Gel theni f rom your Stationer, or aend direct Manufacturéis. HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 4 53S PEARL ST., NEW YORK. X. B.- A Handsome Tablet sultable for Polite Correspoudence mailed for Twenty I Hutzel's Water Back ! A very important invention which will be hailed with delight by everyhoríy using a stove or range for hDt water oirculation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducmg a simple and perfect WATER BACK It overcnmes al! the present troubles of extract) ng lime and other sediments which accumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many iustances becoming dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can affbrd to be without it. No more troubie by usirig city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask ycmr stove dealer for Hutzel's Water Back Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Eberbach are provided vith our improvement. Everyboriv cali and examine this nseful invertnir:. HUTZEL & CO., P'umbern and SteamfitUrn. ANK A.RPOT, - - MICB fa A A A A V YEAK ! IuTiflrrtnfcetobrieflyli" 3 I 1 1 tcach any faírly iixteUlfrent persen of either CH fllsex, who cutí read and writo, and who, ■ fin IS I flntt.-r lQBtrnctton,wIII work industrioüslv. VVVV VbOWtO urn Ihroc Tlumsand Dolían Tearinlheirown Jnrali;ies,vheri-verthey live. I wMlniBofaniish tïït? sitúa tion orittplojrtndltfftt hi h .)u can corn thatamountm No money fbr me unten uereesfu] aa above. BaaUjind qulcklylearned. Í i3cn but mie worker trom each district orcouiity. 'ï have alrcady rauglit and proTlded witii enipluyment a larga number, who are"niakinfr over Í3000 a yenreath. It'sIVEW ■od SOLÍ II. Full particular FBEE. Addroim at once E. C, ALtL.. t!o 4"-i, Auci:Cn, Aluine, grlBoolc's Cottca Boot f (5a COMPCUN5 fi j$yiComtosed of Cotton En I. T?.nsy and kjH JS Pennyroyal - a recenr, dipoovery by au Jold phyBidan. In mectsi u-i u.ct monitüy - tafe, tiïectual. Pru'p :i. 7 mail soaled. Ladies, ask your diu-sit fur Cook'a Cotton Root Compound and tuk i o -.'bstitute, or inc'.ose 2 stamps for sealed pnrticu'fcra Address PONO LILY CM1'AN, :,,.' 1-L.her Block, 131 Woodward ave.. Dei "WoocL's :PLLOs:p33-OcL:n-e. THE GREAT BXGLISH REMEDY. Used for 35 years - rr jéfS& Io' Youthful folly by Ë&l ant the exoesse3 eessfully. ilm'MmB'v "f later years, antecd to cure all, "t aJK aS c;Í!''s i'nmctíafo forms of Nervous ïjLyjKsJf strength andig Weakness, K&L or. Ask druggista slons, Spermator-,PBaRMlWP (or Wood'6 Phosand all the pfrarts'otofromLlte. 'ihsUtnU. Ona package, $1; six, $5, by mail, Writo for pamptalet Addres3 TheiWood Chemical Co.. 131 Woodward 've., Uetroit, Mlch. E8ERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS, T A TYFTT'C! TRY DR. LE DUC'S " PEXJAUXJIiO RIODICAL" PILLS from Paris, Franco. Establistied in Europe 1839, Canada in 1878. For Snppressions, Irregularities. and Monthly Derangements. A rt'Iiable moiithly medicine. ïhey alwaya relieve. Any drugglst, 2. American Pili Co.. Proprietors, Spencer. Iowa. Robert Siephenson ék Co., Wholesale agents, and all other druscgists iu Aim Arbor. These pills are warranted to bring on the " chauge. ' FIRE INSURANCE S29OOO.OOO Security held for the protection of the poücy CHRISTIN MñCK Representa the followlng flrst-class eompanies, of xv'.m-li one, the .K:. bas alen' paid f6 i, OOOflre [oases In Bixty-five yeara: Etna, ol Hartford $9,192844 Franklin of Philadelphia ....... 3,118,713 Gennania, N. Y ... 3.700,729 ■ . American, N. Y. ... . . 4.v ■ London Assnrance, London 1,416,788 :,n F. ,v M.. Detroit 887,0 ■ N. Y. ünderwritere, X. Y -J. il National. Hartford. . ... l.T7.), Phcenix, Brooklya . . " t.086 LoBses Uberally adjnsted aud promptly paid. Policies issued at t) i premium, llflltf L■' -Si 2' " 'f '■"''■ n' ' ' ' ' ' IeS r si I B ■ ■ ' l"'v Iivt' A: y IbÍvIIMB I one can do the wolk, Knsy 10 leani. We furui-h ovtrviiiiiif; fl ra raomenti, oral] jronr tima lo the ..rk. TI éntirelTnvwleadnd bringiwcwdwfbltuccewtooTery workr. ,nre eaniing f rom í-3 to #J0 per week and upwards, tnd mor nft'-r a little exnarlmce. We can fumisb yon the emplovmentand teh jron MU r. N s.. ,,cio exiilain hre. Full mmiW 5Í6 i Ií56''r ::.;... .orobl i5Íng space vhsn in Chicago, wül í.nri :i 45 tu 49 Randolph S;., J Al MBw f 0000.00 s yenr beinp mad by Jolui R. „■;' iBP Goodwin,Troy,N.Y.,(itwork forus. Leader, H? iri. you may nit mokc ns niuch, but we cnn r i njB teach yu fi!iii%kl.v how to ara frm '■"' ' i ■úLb -hí'I) atliiy at the start, Knd mona U y is g tKwmw. B99Lon ottl St-'xcs n" af es. In Any part of Mf fAmericn, you cru comniencc nt home. c"4"W% w'"ff "" vur time,or ipan moment! onlvto ÊBSÉr-lho AU is new. Great pay SlItKf; p TL Jr rverv wurker. We stnrt you, ftiniisliinir B JÊÊT everythinj-. EASILV, SPEtUILY leanwrt. yVMHrV PAKTKTLAVS FUER. Addrcss at once, iBfllKdIN & tO., PUUTLAM), !LU.L.


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