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Is Washtenaw Interested?

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There is a hint dropped in the following article, taken from the Owosso Times, which rnay interest our officials- or may not- as they happen to feel: W. E. Watson, the hustlins wideawake deputy revenue collector, writes ;is follows: "In vuur issue of August 1 1 tli. '91, onder the head of 'A ('liar Case.' your statement as to the si at e providins for the eale of beer on the gronndg at Camp Custer during the enoampment, is correct. But you are in error when you aay that no government tax was paid. I am happy to say that I was on duty in "Washtenaw county the week of the encampment vtsited the camp and oï course Koon iM'camc possessed of Kufficient evidence to demand tihe payractit of a líoverniuent tax. whicli I nevcr fail to do, "'hen the opportunity is présented. The ffovernor and two of liis staff made some objections to payin;, but soon accopted the situation, and paymont of the U. S. tax ivas arrangedTör, and paid. Xow let the state authorities do their duty as well, and Washtenaw county will be $300 ahead." One of the finest tilinga received at our sanctum of late is the Detroit Times birthday supplement and G. A. R. souvenir. It is a thing of beauty, and would be a joy forever, if it was only in convenient form to bind. No side shows are to be permitted witihin the Exposition groandg. The Directory has decided that thp entrance loe shnll entitje the visitor to see everything wltihiü the inclosure. Tlieru will be, howevor, seve.ral thea-v tres buitt and kept funming, at which the finest tnlent in the world, it íh cxpected. wül appeat, and vinitors ivlio chose to attend the performnnces wfll li:ivc to pny an aflmission feo. Such sights as "A Street in Cairo" will be íree, but nativos of oriental countries in a few cases will be allowed to cüiarge a small lee to apecial preformances of a theatrical nature. The speech of President Harrison at Aïbany, N. Y., wMle on his way to the Bennlngton, Vt., celebration, last -ivoek, was as usual, a maeterly ettert, but the sentiment expressed fcheretn are of great interest to the people of this nation at i)rescmt, when the unsound ideas of a lot of ttnancial visionaries have succeded In getrtlolg a considerable foothold. He tells the people, without any hegltatlon or mental reservatlon, that the only true monetary ]olicy of this country must be a sound one, stainding upon no fiat or fictitious base. There must be no irredeemable currenoy, nor iuFlated silver values. A povernment dollar must be worth a dollar. Peaple wlw fit n studente rooms must nut aegleci to see Martin Hal■i-'s iurnltupe store. He mates a Bpecialty oí this daas of goode. Few chlldren can lx? laduced to take physic ï t ii r ui 1 ,-i struggle, and no wtmder- most drugs are extreanly nauseattng. Ayer's Pilis, on iiie contrary, being sugar-csoated, are eageri.v EiwaUawed by Die llttle ones. and are, Cherefore, the lavorlte family medicine.


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