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County Fair- at Ano Arbor, Bept. 29, 30, Oct. 1, 2. Teaclier's Examination- at Saline, Aug. 28t3i. Farmer's Picnic- at "Wliltmore Lake, Aug. 29. Farmer's Club, of Saline- at the residence of Joseph Kyte, Sept. 4th. Eastern Fair- at Ypsilanti, Sept. 15-18. District Fair- at Dundee, Sept. 8 -11. State Fair- at Lansing, Sopt. 7-11. Plymouth Fair- at Plymouth, Sept. 22-25. Brighton Market Fair- at Brighton, Sept, 2S, Oct. 2. Livinsstyon Oo. Fair- at Howell, Sept. 22-25. Reunión 20th Mich. Inf't. - at LansIng, Sept, 8. Southern Wnslnraaiv Farmer's Club -at residenoe of M. B. "W allace, Bept. Ath. Western Mich. Agricultural and Industrial Fair- at Grand Kapids. Bept. 14-18. Rev. Dr. R. B. Poipo, formerly of thia city, preached at the Big Raplds Camp meeting on Sunday Aug. lGth. W. G. Titus, of Lansing, representing the Security Ins. Co., as special agent, was in the city a few days last week. The opera house at Ypsilanti has a beautlful ncw drop curtain. The drop curtain at the Anm Arbor opera house is - but we drop the subject. President Braun says that liever, sinee he has been connected with the iociety, has there been euch a fine outlook for a big county fair as there is this year. Sopt. 29- Oct. 2. There was same lively liustling to get Rosy's billiard hall In tlie St. James bloeit, when it became known that he was going out. Wallace Bliss secured the prize and will commence business there Sept. lst. The tradk at the fair grounds is the best that Ann Arbor luis ever had. It ia in muclh better condition, so horsemen say, tha.n the track o'n tlio old grounds ever was. This has already bad an effect upan the emtry of horses. The alarm of fire Frlday forenoon was caused by a gasoline stove at tflie home of Eddie Hangsterfer, on N. Main st., acting badly. The stove was picked up and tlirown out doors by Hugh Maguire before any damage was done. Hou. ,T. J. Woodman, of Puw Paw, wiil delivor t.iic addrees before the Farmer's Picnic Assoclatlon, at Whitruore Lake, aex1 Saturday. Mr. Woodman knows how to talk from a farmer'e standpoint about as wel] as any man in Michigan. Rev. Abraham Ootman is the name of the pastor of the A. M. E. church, of Ann Arbor, appolnted al . the recent genera] cosiferenee held tn Detroit. licv. James M. Henderson is the prealdlng eider of this district. ROV. I.. M. Beokfitt is pastor of thi Ypsilanti clnirch. At the quarterly contorence Satururday evenlng the following Stewards were chosen for the let M. E. church of this city : J. B. Stoere, W. W. Whrton, W. J. Booth, H. S. Carhavt. Chas. A. Muma, C. G. Darltag, M. W. l'.lake, A. H. Roys, Mary Daj . Hannah Neale, Mary J. Johnson. Snnflay'a and Monday'e rain was recelved witlh thanks. The coldness of tlie atmosphere called for a llttle fire in the grate r stove as the case niiu.-iit be, luit the -wetm'ss was welcoine. Peopte here have learned that if tihey caniio; have rain when they want it, to accept it thankfully whemever t hey got it. Trof. .T. M. I!. 8111, oí Ypsllontl, suililics the pulpit at Bt. Andrew's church during Dr. Tatlock's absence. The public schools of tliis city wlll open one werk from next Monday. Stranners are begioalng to bc plenty upon our sti-ciMs. Itev. Fr. Kelley, of 8t. Thomas church, attended the funeral of Very Kev. Dean Van Lauwe, at Port Huron last Frlday. It was gald to have been the targest funeral ever held in that elty. The Ann ArbOT & YpsiUuti s! . I!. i;. Co. bas ordered another handsome new cjosed car to take tbe plncp of the open Bummer car wihen it shall letome neceesary to dispense wlKh that pteasant coach. Builders coniplain, and so do those having buildings erected, about the dlfflculty in Ketting work do-ne according to agreement and contract. It appears to be difficult to obtain hands to do the work. The Board of Directora of the Washteoaw Mutual Fire Ins. Oo. meet at Bec'y diild's office, next Monday, Aug. 31st, to declare the annual asses ment. The indicatioiiH are that it will be Ickh than last year. Hoai. A. S. Bawyer Is home from Cavanaug-h Iake. We have the ise of one of the most thrilling, oxcitIng, and exasperatkigly truthful fish stories ever placed before the public. Ivoök out for it next week. Erastus LeSuer, me of Ano A.rbor's old and respected citizens, dled, at St. Joseph's Retreat, Doarbon, on Monday evening. He had been In a feeble condition for sorne time. He ivas 80 yeara old, and leaves a family of three daugtterB. IU-mains were brought to t iiis city foT. intcrment. Chas. B. Davison has received a vcry fine Morocco bound volume from his eousln W. W. Huntley, of Silver Creek, X. Y., entitled "A Biograpihical and Portrait Cydopedla of CJhantauqua County. New York." What makes this work of more than ordinary interest is t3ic fact that it co'iitains au account of the Uves of Mr. Davison's grandparents, and oher relatives. Out at Caledonia, Kent Co., the managers of the fair offer the following for a drawing card: Farmer'a Race- with lumber wajfone, 3-4 mile heat; lst quarter, walk; 2d quartcr, trot; 3d quart-er, go as you please." s The abo vb indicates the place where some of the "friends" oí the proposed city sewer system would have the scwer cmpty. The engagement of Mr. J. V. Seyler, of Detroit, as teacher of piano in the Normal Conservatory of Music for the coming year, is particularly noteworthy. Mr. 'Seyler te a pupil of the great Xavier Scharwenka, of Germany, and is a pianist of much ability. He wfll give a number of piano recitals during the year. The Oonservatory is to be eongratulated upon securing his wr vicos.- Ypsi'ranti Commercial. The celebración of what is termed "Germán Dny," was held at Manchester last Wedneeday, and was a vci-.v successiu] affair. There was a large attendance of Germana f rom this city, and the southeastern part of the county. Ypsilanti, Jackson and other places had delegations present. The day was spent in speech-making, ptcnlcing a.nd In various pieasant ways. The maiu speech was drlivered by Mr. L'aul G. Suekey, -of this city. It is eetimated that some 5,000 or 0,000 people were in attendamce. On Saturday evening at about 9 o'clock llames were discovered In the barn of Dr. W. W. Nlchols, In the rear of tho Masonic block, and before a n alarm oould be given the whole structure was in llames. The Ure had got sucli headway before being noticed that it ivas ímpossible to get at any of the contenta, and the carriage hor1 of Dr. W. W. Nichols, together with tour oarriagos, cutter, harnees, and in fact all of nis barn outfit was burncd. The entire loss Is placed at $1,000 with an insuraince of $500 in Beal & l'ond's agency. Treasurer Soule: "Do you know that every farm along the line of the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti st. R. E., has lieen materially advanced in value ? Well, I blic- it to be so. If I wanted to buy a farm to-day I would certainly give vat least $10 per acre. more for one on tlmt line than anywlhere else in the county." "What about waring your liorses. Major '?" "Oto, (udge! Some.horses would gel soared at a frog jumping in the ditch reliong the road; BUdh horses have no sense, and I ■wouldïi't own one. But a sensible horse soon gets used to the and pays no atteotion to thrm. I teil you that road Is a great convenience." Mrs. Bennett, n lady oí this city, was untortunate eaougfli to be obliged t-o take a and' lot in Bay City ooi a mortgage, eome little time ifío. The property is assessed at $í00, a figure that would buy it in short order. To show how it costs to own property in that place, here is au aocount of one year's taxes shc lias liad to pay thereon: Total $43.42, divided as follows, state tax, $1.42; eounty tax. $0.1S; city tax. $80.89; school tax. $5.1)4. for collectkm J09. What wmild Ann Arbor people tliink of that '.' If any crae doubta thcsr figures they eau have tihem verifled by applying i" Mr. Thos. ,T. Keech, Who as ageúl holds the receipt. Supervisor Eearns ays it dld not ih'ciI a speaker at the meeting of the state board i equallzation at l.ansIng. The sons f pov.erty was sxmg so presistently by so many# eouifties, [1 made i lieni all very tired. lli' ier saj b i aa ; svith . be exceptioo ui' Waöhtenaw and a few other conBervative oounties, üiere was considerable aniounts expend-ed in compiling rts and in idHbyiiiiï. He tliinks t nmst have oosi wayne eounty $5,000 ar $6,000 t" prepare the siatistirs sIk' presented tbere.' Whether it will tnave any effect apon tne state board rem-ains ti !■ Been. Oourt will convene on Monday, Sept. 7th, for ono (l.iy. The days are not as long as tliey were a while ago. The eold Kiiap has brought in quite a aumber oí campers. Ex-Ald. Know lias purchased a fine new liaök for lus livery stalde. Braken stone for sale. Enquire of tli' sherllf. ïlic city ought to buy it. I'nifui services win Ík' held In the CongregationaJ church ncxt Sund.iy evening. The Ann Arbor Asricultural Club - fishing club - have decided tio build a club house at Base Lake, during October. The Michigan Furniture Co., Whicli now employs 100 men, expect sooo to put on an additional force. The Ladie's Society of Zions churcli meets to-morrow afternoon, at Chas. Grossman's resldence, cwi S. Ashley ave. Sh'ould the fair nuthorities conclude that one day wlll be devoted to a military parade, it would prove a drawlng card. Steffy & Servies have purchased the news depot of G. P. Gruber, .and they will hereafter conduct the business. X(r. (jruber will ko on the road as a general agent. St. Thomas parochial school will thde year be in charge of saven sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, fi-om Monroe, who have already arrived in the city. The Detroit Exposition is not drawing Ann Arbor people this year as it lias heretoíore. It is too deuced chestnutty, dom'tcherfcnow. Announcement has beon made of the engagement oí Mrs. Minnie Hosack, daughter of Hon. Reuben Kempf, of this city, and Orla IS. Taylor, of Detroit, formerly of this city. On Monday the loss on the Rink, by fire was adjusted, and SIr. Preston ha received $150, through Messrs. Bcal & Pond, agenta lor the Security Ins. Co., of New Haven, Con. A noted phyeician in this city has travelled in his practice in Ann Arbor and the country during the past 22 years, 155,400 miles, which is equal to 0 1-2 trips around the world. Next. Aiinouncement is made of tlhe engagement of Miss Carrie Ball, who is quite well known in Ann Arbor, especially among the musically inclined, and Mr. Frank Edwards, formerly a student here. Dr. N. 8. Hoff, of the university dental department was choaen 2nd vice president of the Michigan Sta te Dental Society, at its meeting at the "Soo" last week. Where will the $100,000 fellows liave their scwors empty ? Have a scavenger stand with a pail and catch it ? Or will the Huron river have improved its facilities for carrying OÍ sewerage by that time ? The average per acre on the assessed valuation of this county is $39..24, the highest of any county In the state except AVayne, Lenawee and Houghton counties, as given by the Wayne county tables. Dr. W. W. Nichols h-as commenced pleking liis Early Crawtord peaches, and will brom now on hustle that wort of fruit iorward into the markets. Kverybody rejoifiea nearly as much over peach time as over strawberry time. The monthly meeting of the AVashtenaw HoTticultural Society will be held at the oourt house, at 2 o'clock p. m., of Sopt. 2jmii. Topics: Marketing o 1'eaCheti, l'ears, Fall Apples, and otlier Fruit; l'rices; Exhibit of fruit at faire. The Mission festival held in the Bethlehem church Sunday, was very suscessful. The church was handsomely decorated with ïlowers and plants, the singing was very weet, and the suin ol $67.48 was put fn the platter at bhe moorning coUeotioQ. It will "be a hot d;iy wlien the propositioa to bond tlie city of Ann Arbor for $100,000, tor sewers or auy other purpose, is brotmlit forward, and it will be a cold day when the people of this city submit to sueh a proposition. Sticik a pin there. It is stated that the Ann Arbor Licht Infantry expect sooa to fit up the gecond floor of the Hangsterfer block with reading rooms, billiard room, etc. It 'cO'Uld bc made a very pelasaií rendezous for the yountf gentlemen of that orjïani&ation. The opera house will be opened Fri'ilay ' ciiinti. Sept. 4th, by that ncw and thrilllng drama, ontitlcd: "Únele Toan 's Cabin." This rare1 play is brought by manager Bawyer after great etfort. Ho had oever seen I'ncle Toni. Topsy or Marks, tho Lawyer, and he is bound to see thiim regardlees of expense. The office of the Postal Telegraph Co. has beeu removed írom the llaniilt'on block to the MasonlC block, occupying ono-half of Hall's coal olilce. On Wednesday evenlng last, a very pleasant lawn social was held at John A. !■ recnian's residence on Miller ave. Miss Carrle Freeman doing the hooors oí liic veiling. Mayor Doty lias vetoed ihe appropriations made by the council for culvorts on Hill, Fiitli and Felch sis.. for the purchase of a map for the council room; and for the construction ni Bhe coplng on 8. Dmiverslty ave., on the ground tliat the city has no motney to pay for it wltth. A very good reason. ,T. W. Mavnard is happy fco Inform iiis (rienda and eustomers that he Is again in fair health and able to do business. Have nol .u'DiK' out ol trade and dn nol tatend t. but shall continue selling higa grade groceries a1 [air pricee, and at all times pay cash íur cholee imt! er all offered for sale. I have c.-iiis for it every honr. Augu8i 25th, 1S'.)1.


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Ann Arbor Courier