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A Michigan Central Railroad Employé Wins His Case, After Seven Years Contest. Vv'hik' empíoyed as ageni ol the Michigan Central üailroad Cómpany, a1 Augusta, Mich., my kidneys 1 - carne diseased, and írom an impoverished and iuipuri; State oí the Wood, my general bealth was entirely undermined. I consulted the Ieading (iliysicians ot thla ciiy and Aun ArlHir. and all promounced my case Brlght's dlseaa . Eo OctobeT last, I began taklng Hl'bbard's Rheumatic Syrup, and am to-d.iy. a weJl man. It affords me pteaanre to render Bufferinjf Immanity any good tliat I can. and I wish To say tliat I think it the great-est blood, kidncy and Uver medicine in the world. E. Larzilere, Agent M. ('. K. R., Albion, Mich. Sold by all druggists. Preparad 011ly by The Charles Wrlffhi Medicine Oampany, Detroit, Mioh. "All English people," says an old traveler, "are fretful about their letters. I remember of meeting a party of English people in Baffalo, and aSked them if they were going to visit Niágara Falls. "Oh, I wiah I could, my deac fellow, but it is impossible.' 'Why?" I inquired. 'Oh, I can 't, my dear fellow; I can't. Why niy mail is in Chicago and I have te get it.' 1 met the same party in Denver. They were begged to see Manitou and other pretty spots, but there was the same excuse. Their letters were in Salt Lake. They cut their visit in that city because there were letters awaiting them in San Francisco. The same bugbear porsued them here. In fact to my thinking the entire pleasure of tliat trip was spoiled by those horrible letters. i. '.-i re ' ïviiinci. All vr wtio enter fcere! So ran the dirc warning which Dante read - ■ . [nferao. runs the cruel verdict ol your (rlends if you are oertn!ken by tinii-st gymptome ol tha1 terrible i ease, eonsumption. "Ieave top liinil. Vuur daya are numbéredü" Bnt white there ia lifte, there is Uope! Dr. Pterce'a &olden Medical Digcovei-y has cured hundreda of cases worse bhau yours; .-nul it -ivili eure you, ii taken in time. Bnt delay is da ons. No ]]()(']■ can restore e we lung; the "Golden Medical Discovery," however, can and wüi arrest the disease. 4A Flourishlng daba - Pollcemen's. A halr-liíting article- The comb. Facos the muele Theo. Thomas. Does as lic is bid- The Anctioneer. Grovernment Shlelda- The Dnited States Commissionei AVliy don't you try Oarter's Little Llver Pilis? They are a pi cure for sick headache. and all the lila produced by disordered liver. Onlv one pill a dose.


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Ann Arbor Courier