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The me oL standard silver dollars from the rnints daring' the week ended August 15 wiis $455,282. The issue during the corresponding week last year was $825,468. A ruïK at Jacksonville, Fla., mowed a path two blooka wide and six blocks long1. Thirty firma were burned out and sixty dwellings and four hotels were destroyed. The totaHoss was over $1,000,000. A TERBIFIC hailstorm at Deer Creek, S. D., destroyed 2,000 acres of grain. NBAB Jackson, Mich., a tornado accompanied by a rain and hailstorm destroyed crops, blew down houses and "barna and damaged orchards. K. .1. I-. Webstbb, ex-sheriff of Covington county, Miss., was assassinated At his home in 1 1 attiesburg-. Kmii. BloCH and Miss Clara Fechheiiner, of Ciucinnati, and .Miss Laura Bamberger, of Chicago, all prominent young pi-rsons, were drowned in the Ohio river aear Cincinnati l)y the caphiini of a boat. ÍT was announced that B. P. Ilutehinson, of Chicago, familiarly known as "Old Butoh," made over .fiCOO,000 in the recent wheatflurry. Maby K'kati.nh andMary Duffy were drowned whlle bathinprnear Bath, Me. L. 1). KKir., one of the most prominent business men of northern Indiana, dropped dead of heart disease on the street at Fort Wayne. At Danlmry, 15ethel and Wilton, in Connecticut, buildings were shaken and people badly frightened by a violent earthquake shock. Thk Peacock canning establishment and some adjoining1 s-tructui-es at St. Louis were destroyed by fire, causing a total loss of 8150,000. Thk Damon iron works at Cambridge. M;is., were destroyed by fire, causing a loss of $200,000. DuBnro a llungarian christening party at Ashland, Pa , all hands becarae drunk and a free fight occurred, in which four men were latally hurt. Ric.H veins of lead ore have been discovered a bout '25 miles from Ogden, U. T. JoiiNSTON-, & Co., importers of fireworks at New York, failed íor 8000.000. Putxam & Co. 's mattress manufactory in Uoston was burned, the loss beiüg $200,000. Il Minnesota a hailstorm ruined nearly 15,000 acres of gruin. ASSISTANT CaSHIER LaWKENCE, OÍ the Keystone national bank of Philadelphia, who pleaded guilty to being in the conspiraey to rob the bank, was sentenced to eight years in prison. W. 1'. MuBPHY, a New York blcylist, made a mile in '2:2.J. 2-: at Kpringfield, Mass., beating the American record Z 4-5 seconds. Laiigk numbers of cattle in Kansas have died from sunstroke. Avon Taylor, a farmer near San Matoe, Cal., .vhile drnnk beat hls wife and 8-year-old son to death. J. Cbompton, a -ailway agent at Carbon, Wyo., while drunk .set fire to the depot and perished in the llames. Al] the records of the Union Pacific Company and a ïarge imount of money in the safe, the doors of which were left open by Crompton, were burned. On acuour.t of domestic troubles Mrs. Dickinson drowned her 14-year-old child and herself near New Auburn, Mimi. Willje Armitage and his two little sisters were drowned in a creek at Birmmgham, Ala. The little girls ■were tryinr to save their brother. Tuk supreme legión, select knights, A. O. D. Y, in biennial session at Kansas City elected .1. V. Carré, of Omaha, as supi , mander. Theee men - 11. O. Mullican, John Lawton and J. F. Ilickey - were killed by the oars at Utica, N Y. ANBON L. 1'katt, :. lireman, was killed and John Galvin. au. engineer, and another man fatally Injured by a collision near Kane. Pa. Thb steamer Teutonic arrived at New York fi're days, sixteen hours and thirty-one minutes from Queenstown. This lowered the fastest previous record one hour and thirty-seven minutes. Thk Frederick Homer Brewing Cornpany of Brooklyn failed for $500,000. PBE8LDENT HaRBISON was present on the lüth at the dedication of the monument erected at Bennington, Vt., to commemorate the victory of the Vermont and New HamjJshire militia under Gen. Htark over a detachment of liurgoyne's army. It was also the centennial anniversary of the admission of Vermont as a state into the federal unión. Anna Uokosowski and Catherine Schmidt hauged themselves with pieces of bed-clothiug in the Erie county jail at Uuffalo, N. Y. . Hknry C. Dahncke and George A. Gilpatrick, the bicyclists who left Helena, Mont. , July 1, reached Chicago on the 19th, having traveled 2,280 miles on their whecls. Housks were flooded in the eastern portion of the city of Indianapolis by the rising of Pogue's run and three boys were drowned. Over B00 pieces of skin have been grafted to the body of William Shaw at Lima, O., who was scalded in the Standard oil refinery July 4. This eclipses all previous skin-graf ting operations. The Elbefon (N. J. ) hotel, including the cottage yhere Garüeld died, was sold at auction for 02,000. EnwARD Lambert, Jr., bookkeeper of the San Juan Smelting & Mining Company and mayor of Durango, Col., was said to be a defaulter in the sum of $110,000. GOUD and silverhave been found in paying quantities in the Kiowa and Comanche country in Oklahoma. Thb American Wheel Company of Cbicaco failed for ííi.soo.oao. Mits. Amanda l'n.vKU. a u....v iged 43, ik! killed at Lancaster, Pa., by her lover, Lemon Ellsworth, aged :js', who then committed suicide. Thb Southern Lumber Company of Atlanta, (ia., failed for 8186,000. Tnn Great Northern railvvay has issnedanolice to its agcuts in MinneBota, the Dakotas and Montana to nofc only strictly observe the wme law ineniseives, Dut report any violation oí the same to their notice. At Milwaukee Cardinal Gibbons conferred the palliurn" on Archbishop Katzer. At Terre Haute, Ind., Amül Willis died at the age C 93. He was the oldest veteran of the rebellion iu Indiana and ono of the first meinbers of the G. A. E. Edward ]i..ih was hanged in the penitëntiary at Columbus, O., for the j murder oí Arthur llenry at Harteburg March . I :i5ü Ai.mï, who most brutally murdered Miss Christie Warden, a beautifül yonng lady of Hanover, N. 11., sevéral weeks ago, was captured in a haymovv on the Warden homestead. Fike in a telegraph office at Dallas, Tex., destroyed business property to the value of 12,000. Thk Bed l'iver valley of Minnesota and North Dakota was the last to gather it.s wheat erop, but the returns are said to discount any previous year. Of wheat alone there is a erop of over 40,000,000 bushei b, not to speak of j lions of bushels of other grains, besides other crops and live stock, resulting in a per capita ineome to its people greater ihan that received by the I lation of any equal agricultural área oí A merica. The (ireat Northern railway of Minnesota and the Dakotas is the largest i carrier of wheat from original points in tb e worid. Last year single stations j in the lied River valley shipped over a million bushels each. This year it is expected to beat any previous record. Clakk Woodman, a wealtby and influential citizen of Omaha, Neb., was found dead in his room at the Grand Pacific hotel in Chicago. The cause of his death was unknown. The blue grass palace at Crestón, Ia, was formally opened on the 20th. An expresa car in charge of J. T. B.yne was robbed by threemasked men near Collins station, Ga., of $0,000. Flames in New York destroyed the buildings of L. 11. Mace & Co., manufacturers of refrigerators, toys and woodware of various descriptions. Loss, L250,000. W. F. Mriii'iiY, of the New York Athletic club, broke the world's record at Kochester, N. Y., by making a mile on a bicycle in 2:25 4-5. In the United States the business failures during the seven days endedon the 21st numbered 216, against 227 the preceding week and 192 for the corresponding week last year. At Alexandria, Va., Mrs. Banhowser during a fit of temporary insanity drowned her 13-months-old baby, then brained her 3-year-old boy with a hatchet andattempted to take her own life. She would recover. Business in nearly all branches of trade was reported to be improving all over the couutry. Peaches and other growing crops in Brown county, Ind., were seriously damaged by wind and hailstorms. Fif ty acres of corn in one locality were destroyed. An oil tank caught fire and burst at McDonald Station, Pa., the fire destroying many wells and buildings'and 11,000 barrels of oil. tracts of land in Nevada and Eldorado counties, Cal., were being eompletely denuded of buildings and all kinds of vegetables by i'orest fires. Stoííms in aud around Kansas City, Mo., and Huron and Leavenworth, Kan., unroofed stores and farm buildings, destroyed corn and prostrated telegraph wü !'i SSBLL, an old resident of Cumberland, Wis., and Iris grandson were drowned by upsetting of a boat. Cvri'. Bakkeb, of the sLaamship Obdam. pon arriving in New York reported that on his last trip out of New Vork the stokers mutinied and that he shot the ringleoder, a socialist named Duzen, deadi Tin-: three little children of George Hamilton, of Irouton, O., were cated in a tooi chest during the absence of their parents. A stick fastened in the staple of the chest ÏDdicated ïnurder. Bï an overflow of the Chariton river In Macon county, 5Io.. crops were washed away and hundreds of live stock drowned, Ocean SPRAY, a summer resort on Ihe Atlantic cist üear Boston, was partially destroyed by flre and two men perishcl in the flamea The new lake in th3 Colorado destrt, it was discovered. was being fed trom the' ffulf of California as well as from the Colorado river. Kate and Mary Walton, sisters, 18 and '22 years old, of Dorchester, Mass., were drowned by the upsetting of a boat. Thomas S. Findi.ay, the cashier oí Wall ace, Elliott & Co., of New York, was arrested for embezzlinif :,000. It was reportad tliat congress would be asked at its next session to take all the militia of all the states into their service and pay. According to expert figures the permanent tramp population of the United States numbers 60,000. John Fi.exokl, of West Cooper, Mich., aged 76 years, set fire to the house while smoking in bed and was burned to death. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. The official vote oí the Kentucky eleetion gives Brown (dem. ), for governor, 144,168; Wood (rep.), 116,087; Ervvin (people's), 25,631; Harrif (pro.), 3,291. For the coustituuon 212,920, against 74,581. Philip McAui.ey, of Middletown, N. Y. , celebrated his 102d birthday. Nathan Lighthaix, who invented the hand car now in use on all the railroads in the country, died at South Bend, Ind. Thk republicans of Pennsylvania in convention at Harrisburg adopted a platform which indoi'scs l'rosiueut liarrison's adiiiinistration, the McKinley bilí, favors Liberal pensions to soldicrs, approves the ballot reform law, recognizes ihe righte of labor, and eulogizes the course taken by Mr. Blaine as secretary of state. David M. Gregg. oí Berks county, was nominated for stato auditor, and John W. Morrison, of Alleg-heny countv, for state treasurer. WlLLIAM Orr, aged 80, the oldest man in White county, Ind., was killed at Monon by a train The indeoendents of Xphraslfa in state conventión at UustiQgs nominated .T. W. Edgerton, of South Omaha, for supreme judge, and W. A. Jones, oi HastingS, for recent of the state universitv- At Motmt MoGregfor, N. Y., W. J. Arkell tenderud President Ilarrison a banquet on the 20th in honor of his 6Sth birthday. Heniu' WoRTrnxnTOV Hkckwith, United States -m.-.ul at Bermuda, died :it his mother's home near liinsdale, 111., aged 28 years. 'J'm: death of Inter.stnte Commerce Commissioner Walter Bragff, of Alabauia, occurred at Spring Lake, N. J. FORE1GN. The reports of graat distress amonff the people of Labrador and the northwest coast of Newfoundland on account of grip, diphtheria and starvation were confirraed. Two passenger trains collided near Ostrowo, Prussia, and ten persons vvera killed and many injured. Thk village of Kollmann, in Austria, was flooded by a cloudburst and forty persons were drowned and half tha houses in the town destroyed. AVii.i.iam TURNER, the murderer ol little Barbara Waterhouse. was hanged at Leeds, En. Turner protested his innocence to the last. Premier Abbott, of Canada, was said to be arranging for a reciprocity treaty between Canada and tho United States. The erop of wheat in Canada this year exceeds anything in the history of tha dominion, it be ng estiinated at 63,000.000 bushels, of which 88,000,000 bushels will be for export. At Nordenhamm, üermany, a seaffold upon which a lurge nunibcr of uien were workiüg collapsed. killing focrtoen men and seriouftly injuring forty others. Louis Paulsejt, ths famous chess pla.yer, dieil in London, aifed 58 year.s. A at Martini"; ne, in the West I ndies, destroyed every sail in port. Houses weiv also damaged and a great many lives lost. At Melbourne the Anglo-Australian bank Suspended with liabilities of S000,000. BeIiLA NlfTHOI, apfed 9 years, and he,r brother Willie, aged li, were drowned at Broek ville, Ont., while bathing in the river. John C'onwav. who killed a boy in Liverpool, was hanged. He confessed his crime. Sixty persons are known to have lost their lives in the recent hurricane at Martinique, West Indies, andtwenty vesbels were wrecked, amonjf them the American brig Ned White. Mme. Patti has signed with Abbey for an operatic tour of the United States in the late autumn and winter. Marciano Medina, a ranch owner living in the United States of Colombia, has confessed to murdering his thirteen children. He objected to the expense of bringing them up. The casualties in the recent hurricane on the island at Martinique grow with each additional report. Two hindred aud eighteen persons were killed in the coast tovvns alone, and many lives were also lost in the interior villages. LATER NEWS. se oí two bricii buildi .;,:" p. Park place, 2ev York, over res ivere lust and over seventy ons ere missing'. An explosión caused the accident. A cj ei at Pottsville, Pa., flooded iiiiiny buildings, causing a loss of ove) ota monument in memory oi the v trim massacre by the Bioux in 1802, by which 1,000 people ■ ■ir lives, was dedicated. A lERltLBi.E battle was raging near Valparaíso. Chili, on the 32d between Pie Balmaceda's forces and the ïnteurgents, and over 3,000 soldiers had lain. lies of misery received from Russia are almost ineredible. In Bessarabia peasants were selling their children in order t Imy food. iI.'.'iïiüns a desperado, was lyWhed by a mob at Shelbyvüle, Ind., for fatally shooting Dan liruce, tlie city mashal, Charles Ciño was discharged from the insane asylum at Columbus, O., and wi'iit bo bis bome in Cireleville and killed hls mother. Tino Kansas !-';i miers' Alliance has perfected a se heme to establish a system of cooperativo stores in every county in the sta ie. James Goiuian, a bachelor, who lived with his sister near Middleton, Wis., was attacked by an unknown man. who robbed the couple of 820,000, the savings i a lifetime. Albkb'j M i'f:s. the well-known Columbia college athlete, w;.s drowned in the Burf ut Fire Island, N. Y., while bathing. A FKAiDUi.KNT cooperative company collapsed at Wheeling, W. Va., af ter svvindling 14.000 persons out of over 8300,000. Foub men in search of gold in Manitoba were drowned in passing through Great Death eanyon by the upsetting of their canoe. ■ Ray Poktek (colored) was lynched by a mob near Clanton, Ala., for the murder of Henry Parr, a young white man. In the National league the percentages of the baseball clubs for the week ended on the 'tid were: Chicago, .014; Boston, .588; New York, .577; Philadelphia, .5'0; Brooklyn, .479; Cleveland, .4.")t!; Cino.innati, .890. Pittsburgh, ,884; The percentages in clubs of the American association were: Boston, .(i!)-.!; St. Louis, .IW5; ]{altittiore, .5.')0; Athletic, .514; Columbus, .400; Milwaukeè, .441; Louisville, 34Ö; Washington, .846.


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Ann Arbor Courier