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Levi I). Wlnee and wife drove tx Howell to spend Sunday. Sec'y J. H. Wade went to Chicago Thursdny, on a business trip. James M. Stafford is at the Hot Sprlngs, Ark., for a short time. Evart H. Scott and family and Mrs B. Day have returned from Oíd MUsion Beach. Rev. Fr. Kelley, oí St. Thomas chureh, lias gone to New York for a week' s stay. C. E. Worden, of Delta, Ohio, lias been the guesl ol Aid A. P. Ferguson, during tlio weck. Rev. Dr. Tatlock left the city Thurs-day tor a tw-o week's outing in the nort hem resorts. Arthur Tagge, of thi.s city, wü] teach in the Monroe high school the coming yi'iiï. Oaahierr F. H. Belscr, of the F. & M. Bank, accoanpanied by hls family, are in camp at Cavanaugh Lake. Mrs. E. B. Thompson and family have moved to Ann Arbor from Kalamnzoo, for educational purposes. Chas. W. Wagner returned liomei from the north yesterday. BUs family will not return for a few weeks. W. J. Booth, of William st.. was elected last Monday as delégate to the Detroit Methodist Conference. H. A. 'Williams and family returned from a two week's vacation al Dexter and Portage Lake Monday. Mrs. GHlett, widow of the late Rev. D. D. Gillett, of Elkhart, Indiana, is Tteltlng her siater Mrs. J. J. Bobison. Dr. and Mrs. P. B. Rose left home on Tuesday tor Jiis brother's, in Ohio wttere there is to be a re-union of the family. Miss Luey C'hapin, of the secretary's office at the university, ha.s gone to Old Mission to remain during hor vaca t roo. Wirt Doty, of Detroit, spent Sunday and Monday wlth hls parents Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Doty, on E. Ann street. Tliaddeus Bailey, of Manchester, ac c.ompanied by Mrs. Bailey, are guests of Ann Arbor relativos and friendo for a time. Wm. F. McOee has removed from JacksoD to this city, with liis family and ha.s taken up liis resideaioe on S. l'niversity ave. Mrs. Gr, T. Jen"kins, wno, with her daughter Grace, lias Ih'i'h visiting her sister Mrs. I!. F. Watts, has returned home to Fünt. Mrs. M. L. Cooley, of Las Vegas, X. M.. with her son and daughter, will le residente oí Ana Arbor for the coming sehool year. Mac ('. I.elïonu, of Detroit, has been in the city a few days during the week getfcing acquainted with his old lririids nee more. Editor P. G. Suekey, of the rreund, left Monday evening for a business trip of six ivwks or more in Sicily, Germany, Italy, Austria, etc. Master Arthur Helm, of Sagina v, e. s., who has been visiting his aunt. Mis. Eugene K. Freuauff, oí E. Washington st., returned home Saturday evening. Prof. Emanuel Schmid, who has been visiting' M sister Miss öophia Schmid. at the olti homestead, on s. Main st., returned home to Columbus, Ohio, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Rlnehart, who have been visiting relativos and friends In this city tor several weeks, left yesterday tor their home at Seattle, Washington. Blmer E. Beal, of the P. O. force, left yesterday a. m., for Chicago to spend a bwo week's vacatkjn. White tliei-e he will act a.s best man for a tonner college duim. Mr. and Mrs. Travis, of Cooper, drove tlirough froni Kalamazoo. arriving here Saturday. To-day they i Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beal tor Alpena, for a short stay. Pro!. I'erry has returned from liis eastern trip, mueh Improved in health, and -will be ready wlth renewed eaergy to conunence his arduous duties of school year on next Monday, Sept. 7t h. Mayor Doty received a letter from Mra. Doty Mouday, stating that she was at present at Glen Wood Springs, near Leadville, and liaving a plcasant time. She will start for home on or a bont Sept. 3rd. A postal card from Dr. J. N. Martin, dated Aug. 8, etates tliai their addresa aow la "Berlín, (ermany. Poste Eestante," and that both he and Mrs. Martin are well and enjoying the summer. L. C. McLouth, of Brookins, 8. 0akota, but wlio has been at Davenport, Lowa, for aome time, as manager of tlic electrical works. is visiting lus nncle A. M. Doty, of this city, and friends in Ypsilanti.


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