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MA80NIC DIREI TOEY. Akx Areor Commjnheuv, No. 18, meeta flrst Tnesday en' each month, 1(. F. Watts, E.C. ; John R. Miner, Recorder. Wasiitksa-.v Chapteb, No. 0. R. A.M.- Meets flrst Monctay each month. L. C, Goodrich, H. I'. : N. D. Gates, Becretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MODISTE, Makes fine CostumeB, Tailor Suits, also Miases' and Children's' Suits. Ladies' Wraps a Specialty. 11! NORTH FIFTH STREET, AHN ARBOR. 83 Chas. -T. Voel, Dealer in all kinds of Fresh and. Salt Meats. 'j 'tr;, Lardi te, EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O E. Ann St., -n Arbob. W. W, KICHOLS, DENTIST. Rooms over Ann Arbor Savlngs Banks, Opp Court House Square. VITALIZED AIR. Aiministered. It is agreeable and easy to take, mul no iirostrating efTects follow, wblle teeti are extraoted without pain. WILLIAM HERZ. House, 8ign, Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperintr, Glazln'gi Gilding, and Calcimining, and work of evory descriptlon done in the best style.iuul warranted to glve Batlsfiaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St„ Ann Arbot. nPJÍL DIEFFENBACH'S Iöa5. PROTAGON CAPSULES: & jgjr 7a Sure Cure for "Wealt Ufen, as a# aCV provedby reportsof leadingphyaJJBdS??! eician. State age in ordering. R RSlta fia M'riee.SI. í'iitnloKiie Free. KIE P C? í% O Ül a safe and speedy I MHH j 11 I IV cure fí-r Glect, IHHHHH ƒ W VI M Slrlcture and all vQ ■T.-S.' unnatural discharges. PriceS. i ftREEKSPECIFÍCSííS'ia Blöo nnd SUïn nifienses. Scrotnlon Sores BDÚSyphlIltlc A ffeetloQn, without meicui y, Priíre, ÍKS. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICALCO. L5. __189_Wiscoosn Street, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Hk ■ ■ m a "1RAKESI8 " pivo? instnnt ■ i N Plrclief and s an infnllible L Curefor I'iles. Pricegl. Iiy ■ " kDruirtristsor mail. Samples ■ B f ree Addre88"AI(AKKSI8," ■ I Bn ■■ %? j;ix 2U6, New York City. University - Tenders Wanted. Proposals will be recelved by tl!'' Board ol Regents of the University of Michigan ui to and Including August lst tor the erectionand completion of an addition to the Law building, and an addition to the Engineering building, both uu the riiivn-sity grounds at Ann Arbor. Plans and speciflcatlons can beseen at tl' office of the Secretary of the (Jniversity, or at the ollice of the Architect, E. W. Arnold, 57 Buhl Bloek, Detroit. Propasáis must be sealed and iudorsed "ProDO8aÍ8 for CJnlverslty Buildings' and addressed to James H. Wade, Secretary of the Board of Regente, Ann Axbor, Mioh. Separate proposalt wlü be reqnlred [or each building. imd the work must lie comiileted by the flrst day of January 1883. Each tender must be acoompanied by an apSroved boud. or oertifled check of nve hunred dollars ($600) as Buretythat partieswlll enter into a contract ahould their proposalB be accepted. Blnnk schedules will be avrpplled by the Secretary on appllcation. The Board fesel fee the right to refect any or all bids. AUG. 31 TB SEPT. 6 LIMuN uLuU TABLE DAMASKS BLEACHED, ÜN3LEA6HEB kM COLOREO NAPKINS All Sizes and Prices, LINEN AND COTTON FRINGED TABLE COVERS. BB 1 ■ IB ■! HA6K&HH1IB Commissioner's Noties. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Washte nuw. ïlie nndersigned baving been appolnted by the Probate Cuurtof saldcounty, CommisBioners to receive, examine aud adjust all claims and demanda of uil persons against the estáte of Francia Woodbridge, late ol -nil oounty, deceased, hereby glve aotlce Unit six months from date are allowed, by order of snid Probate Court, for creditors to present their claims against the otate ol sald deceased, and tbat tbey wlll meet at the First National üank. In the city of Ann Arhor. In said county, on Tuesday the 2ith day oí September, and on Tueeday, the29th day of December, next, at lOo'clock. a. m., of each of saui days,to receive, examine ' and adjust silid claims. Dated. Juue'29th,lS!)l. ('HAS. B. DaVISOX, Í . . HM, K. Peicï. ! Commissioneis. Absoiuteiy Pure. A ircamof tartur baking powd&r, Ilighest of all ín leavlng strengtb. - IÁ ■ Govt rnnu ut Food ■' TO KEEP THINGS MAT7THFP VI II V 11 iT MARKED DOWN TO Roet Bolla Frites ! j, i mun PURE DRUGS kM M11C1NES. Prescriptions a Specialty ! We desire your patronage and will give you satisfaetion. SCHIFFMANN'S ASTHMA CURE Inattntlj relieves th most violent attack ami lnnr comfcrtable sleep. No WAITING for RBSCLTS. Bein? ased bj inhalaiion, iisactioa Is immediate, direct and CEKTÁIÍI, and & cure Is the resu!t in all enrabie casei. A tingla trial eonvincee the most sleept leal Price fiOc. and $ 1, of Druettists or by malt. "fciarniiles FRËE for stamp. j)R. R. BOHIFFMAEry, St.Paul, Minn. NOTICE TO UKEDITOKS. ST VVV. OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Wi 7, as. Notlce Is hereby given, that by an order of the Probate Court tor theCountyof Washtenaw, mach' on the twentiethday of June A. I'. L891, six months from that date were allowed for oredltors to present thelr claims aeainst the estáte of Mary Ann io))Ij1us. (Feebles), late of said connty, depeased, and tluit all creditors of said deceased are required to present theii claims to Bald Probate (Jourt. at the Probate Oflöee In The city of Ann Arbor, l'or examinatlon and allowance.on or before the twenty-flrst da y of December next, and tlmt such claims wil] lc heard betore sald court.on Monday, the twenty-flrst day of September and on 'Monday the twenty fust day of Decembernext,at ten o'clock in the forcnoou of i-ach of aaid days. Dated.Anu Arbor. June 2Qth. A. D. 1891. J.WILLAKDBA.BB1TT. Jndge of Probate


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Ann Arbor Courier