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Council Proceedings

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OFFICJ IL.J .'nn Arbor, Mich„ Aug. 81, 1891. Special Meeting. Council ïr.ft and was called to order l .■■ presiden l . E&oll called; a quorum present. Absent, Aids. ilvrz. Ferguson "ï.vlor. ciii Pqr t in' special meeting wae rad and the lollowing business tranaacted: To tl e e. mmon Council, Y .'.!■■ ei mmittee on Btre ta 1 whom ..■is reierred the matter ( change o4 grade on east Catharine and C!ark si.-. amended bj I b ■ Board of Public . ■. resj ectlully report that they ave had the subject matter u Ideration, aad in a body have [site i the I and fully Inspecti d b.e same nnü ould respoctfully recom■ grade oí said strects mged and establishi d . .,-ry and si ati i 'reoi ot Prof. -I. i'.. DaviH, a copj oi which ia Uereto at(I made a part oi this report, re o uti ui pro Idlng tor su i ïixing oí the s:;jnr has bewn pro;. and la read A il oí which ia respectiully Bubmïtted, and your eommiti - o be i. cl : m the furthcr - uisid rar.n I Í iir BUl LQÜIS P. HALL, i HEI8T. iVIAETIN, A. H. FILLMOEE, ■ B. (i. MANX. Stre&t ( onniiii te r. By Aid. Martin, i;;r. the report ol be Btreel commUtee on iixiniï srade n : Catharine and Clark ets. be accepted ■in! adopted, which motion prevailcd by a yea anfl nay vote as follows: Yeaa Aids. Maan, Wines, Martin, AUmendimeer. Fiilmore. O'Hearn, mrg. Hall, Kitsuu and Pres. Cooley - 10. Nays - Neme. By Aid. O'Hearn, Whereas, In the opinión oí the commoii eouncil the icrade of a,si Catharlne k: .. between rwjeervatopy and 13th or Pitcher st. and of Clark st. between Catharine and Ann sts. ouiïht to lx' changed and fixed and ostablished to the end; th.n the nt-w hospital building may become accesslble with safety and convenienee, and the Board of Public Works, havinff advlsed the same. Therefore, Resolved, and it is hereby ordered that fte grade of cast Catharine st., between Observatory and 13th or Pitcher sts., and of Clark st., between Catharine and Ann sts., be chansed from their present rade, and fixt'il and cstab'.ishi'd, SO that the grade ol said streets, al and between th pointe atoresaid shall be as foluws; that is Tu say. elevations Sivsi. Ih'íü.'í above the official City latum, riz:- Catharlne street, Ei.eyatio.ns in Pekt: 8")6 - 10-1(10 ft. at the IntersectloD of E.Cather lne B b, eight liundred and üfrv-six and ten oue hundredth. 881- 10-100 feet at a point on i :atherine street, two hundred feet west of lust place. 876-10-100 feet at a lOint on Catherine streef lour hundred and öfty feet west of firsi place. s7;- 10-100 feet at a point on Catherine streef six hundred feet west of iirst place. 871-10-100 feet at a point on Catherine strutt. nlne hundred feet went of Brst place. 841-10-100 feet at a point on Catherine Street, nbout twelve hundred twenly feet weet of flrst place, or it the ntersection of Catheriue and 13th or 1'itcher strei ELEVATIOKS ON C'LAr.K STI'.r.KT: 876 - 10-100 feet at the intersectiou of Clark and Catherine si n 881-10-K) feet at the intersection of Clatk and Ann stn The saiil Ir ,-n ioas _ h.'inic on and ilang the eentr Uae ol eaid streets, and the grade line to consist of straighi linea b 1 b -■ m the several points stated. Wliicli reeoiution prevailed by a yea and nay vote as foiloAvs: Yeas- Aids. .Manu. Wines, Man ia, Alimendlnger, Filiinore, ö'Hearn, Eehburg, Hall, Kitson, and Pres. C ■ Nays- No mciU then adiounv!. TO. J. -MII.I.KH, ( kTk.


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Ann Arbor Courier