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Gouiiiv Fair- al Ana Arbor, Bept. l".i. 80, Oct. 1, 2. Farmer's Club, of Saline - at the residence oí Joseph Klyte, Sept. 4th. Eastern Pair- at Ypsilanti, Sept. 15-18. District Fair- at Dundee, Sept. 8 -11. State Pair- at Lansing, Sept. 7-11. riyiuouth Fair- at Plymouth, Bept. 22-25. Livingston Co. Fair- at Ho-well, , 22-25. Reunión 20th Micb. Inf't.- at l.ansIng, Sept. 8. Southern Waahtenaw Farmer's ('lil. - at reaidence oí M. 15. Wallace, Sept. 4t-h. Western Midi. Agricultural and Industrial Fair- at Grand Eapids, Scj)t. 14-18. Stockbridge Union Ag. Fair- at Stockbridg, Oct. 6-8. Brig-hton Mnrket Fair- at Drigliton, Sept, 2, Oct. 2. Teacher 's Examinntion - at Ypsi'.anti, on Friday. Sept. 'Schools WÜ1 open next Monday and the average loy is making the most of these days. The trunks are begimning to arrive again, and where there are trunks there are propte. E. F. Mills & Co. are to put in an elevator also. We wlll be a metropoli tan city eoon. The Detroit M. E. conference meets on tihe 16th inst., la Detroit. Bishop Newman wlll preside. The case oí Kate L. Moore vs Wilifred 1!. Thompson, has been appealed to the supremo court. Kev. Dr. Kust wlH preetíh his fareAvell sermón in the M. E. church one ■week from Sunday next. Prof. Perry says there is every indication of a largor attendaaice upon the high school than ever before. The Michigan Conference of the Ohio Lutheran Synod commence day In Zion's church ï;i this city. Rev. .T. M. GelSton wlll open anpther year'a services at the Predbyter ian church next Sunday mornlng. The King's daughters are all rlght, oi course, but wliat i.s the matter wlth the Qucen's 8;ins ? Why dom't they materalize V The alarm of flre las! Wedsesday evening was cauaed by the burnlng ol a window curtatn at the residence ■of August DeFrles, cor. of F,. Wllltam and l'ourth sis. Our hlgbly esteemed frjend Horaee Carpenter, now away up in the eiglxt11 appears, lias gone back to liis eecond child'hood and started ou1 wlth an attack of the wlwoping cough. Rev. Bradshaw wlll hold conimunion in the Oomgregatlonal church next Sunday mornlng and preach at unlon Bervlce moeting in the evening at tbe Baptist church. The rallroads iiavc lust money this year by compelllng people to buy a ticke ■ exposition. Had they made t he tickets to Detroit aimply half fare fehey -wou UI have bad em have paid lor running jpecial trains. Tí the county would put down a gTavel drive leadlng trom th, -west side ol the court house lawn to the {miler and fuel rooms, it would well and be far better i'.ian the tempoiry corduroy pontoon, bha1 is pul down every fall and spring. It is quite evident thïit tliore are ■ owners "f cows In thla eltj wlm aUow their bovines bo be quite lawJiany people are complaining and fl nR their shrubbery. Where is the city po'und? On Fridey next Prof. V. 8. Perry, superintenden "Is, w il b hls room in the cetttral buildin examine all resident cahïdidates and pils whc may present: themadmission to llie linh Sa i iirii.iy will be devoted to the c&ssifleatiön of non-reí h dente-. is i aai singular bhat men ii our business :: Insisi upon erecttog only good fortune i;iai lias saved Arbo-r severa! Berious tires beI Elips, and luiw thai 1 s againsl I build tlicin it ild seetn as bh owners ought t: have suftlcieni regard for l'neir mwii interests to obey tlu la w. Yeeterday, a1 I o'clock p. m., occmred a vry pleasant wedding at resldence oí A. D. Seyler, No. 40 E. Liberty si. Upoo this occassion the Uves oí Miss Edith P. Seyler and Mr. Win. i'nu ter, i ■ united in marriage, Rev. .r. Mills Oelsion performing the ceremoTiy. The hi'idesmaiil was a Bister OÍ the bride, Miss Berna C. Seyter, and bhe beert man was George F. Sniitii. of Detroit. There wnv about fifty guests preseni , i bis city and Detroit . wedding supper "as served nïter the cereininiv. and i 'i.' ciiipir lett Iot Del rol1 on the 5.25 train, where a larg receptgioo was glven at the home o Mr. Foiwler's parents, No. 583 Cass ave. Tile presenta were nol numerous bul rery expenslve ones After a bridal tour i se-veral weeki the couple ivill R'o to housekeeping at No. 408 4th ave., Detroit. The special trains Detroit the ast week were nut heavil.v loaded vit. li Ann Arbor people. Tlie houso of I). (ïii r, on 10. Huron st.. is having a line veranda built iround t bie front and sides. The foUowing gentlemen are erectng a club house nt Portage lake: A. J. Muninu'ry, J. II. and T. 1!. NlcKSl8, A. J. Kitson. S. I'.ullock and Jollín tonin. Wayne Review: ■'!). Zimmerman aoved liis famlly tu Ann Arbor on Cuesday and Dr. Nelson, ol Ann Arbor moved Into Mr. 1). Zimmerman's lousc hero." H. ]'.. Dewi'V. ui OWOSBO, lit. '90, n;,vn bo mamy Ann Arbor iolks, i.-is gome tu Tacoma, Washington iccepi iiie prlnclpalrtilp oí the sehools ihcre, at a salarj oi íl.OüO. Smail boys are studylng (jhe balloon sion posters tl.-i are beiiag placed about the city and county, the Washten.-iw county fair, to 1h' held ui Aii'ii Arbor, Bept. 30, Oct. 1-2. The mere ment ion ol sewers will make eome of the "frienda" o: aewex!.X)k i t + + t + Trof Perry says the outlook for tliis year'a attendance upon the public schools Is yery brlght indeed. The inilicatiiins are Tliat there will be more students in attendance than ever before. Gecwge WaBr announces that he wlll Slve away 1,000 Webster's dictionarH- at hls store on Monday next, one to every purcïiaser of a 6Chool book. That wlll I1 a clu'ü.p way to secure i dictionary. Jicinarkcd by the Ypsilantian: "Tliat's ris'ht, noifchbw Oourier, boom your city, but don't forget when you uniiH'.all the uicest tJiiags in the world to add that Ypeilanti always keeps them in stock." Ypsilanti oponed up the Cross st. extensión at a cost of $6,115. That is what minht bc termed enterprise. Our twin down the river has got a ]ioap ol push just the same. Ann lias got to look wU to her laurels. The old wooden building which has stood lor so many years at the corner oï E. Ann st, and N. Fourth ave., has been torn down and the debris taken away. It is to lx; hoped that a handsomc ïifw bkick wlll eoon take its place. Tliis evcning there will be an inspection of Ann Arbor Ligtot Infantry, in full uniform. The g'allery oí the armory will be open for spectators. Capt. Hiscock would bu pleased to see as many ladies present a.s would cari' to come. Ann Arbor is to have a new corset Eactory. Respectfully referred to llrs. Jenness Miller. - Ypsilantian. Mrs. Miller isu't In it, at presont. But she will be in it. that is Bhe wiïl be in ome of the new corsets as soon as she cain get ome, tor all the ladies wlll have them and take uo other. W. E. l'.i'.vck'n, ol Delhi Mills and Hom. ffm. Ball, of Hamburg, are to herid a Joint sale of .Merino Bheep o the farm of Mr. Ball, on Thursdiay, )c[. L5tb. There wlll be oífered for ale 100 yearling and 2-yeaï old ewes, and 80 young rams. Catalogues will med. The Board of Directors of the Wash-.-. Mutual Flre Ins. Co. mei Monlay and ordered an assessment of $1..'i on the $1,000 lcvied for this year. V few weeks ago it lookod as ii ,ii,i svould lf only aboul .". :eats, but tliroe big firea came on bo swell the amount of losscs. i rear (die assessment was $3.90. The rüanl adjusted the loss ol Sinion "Winstyw, f Ldma, at $9S0 for barn and contents struck by ligiitning and deKlroycd. Mayor Dotj wisiics ii understood iir te nol opposed to the aci Ion li ilic J i ort cultural Society in rrf.rince to vhe stamping out of tin1 discasc among icacli trees knowu as the 'yellows." The act under which eomare appotnted applies xhislvely n townships and there is no uitiioriiy under it lor cities to procoed. Should he appoint commissionand become reeponsible for their salary, and i'.u-y sUould go to work and dcstroy trees, wlhich are the-property oï citizcns of tlic city, and there be no authority under the law for -uc'i a prjDceeding', bhe city would become Hable fór dama; - and much ensuej : is In Tiill sympathy w i t i i the wbrk oï iissÍ!)iiO!És and v. Ottld be glad a ere it in hls power to do so. On Saturday l'asi the SOtli inniversar I ■ marriagè of Rol Oampbell and wile was celebrated, at tbeir handsome resideace on Packard st. Mrs. Campbell ivas tormerly Mis?, i . . i ■ ! ,■ ! Ohilds, daujrtiter oJ Aa a, a ivpII known ,;'au e: .:■ were just ". guests preseni a1 ■ ing, and i Dd 8 n re indulged In by .i srs. William, Andrew . x.. 15. M. and Alma Ohilds, each i lie tnarriage 30 years ago. Some verj p'.easant remarks wer made also by y.mwr ui the srconci geoeratioj] present , among a liom was B ter W. Campbell, I Concord, Mass. The young tolks also furnisliod music. A beautlful silver water Bervice and ces ï silver were presented ín the eouple. The wife ol Rev. Walter Campibell, who is a bride of a fc-. miinilis. came from Providence, Rhode isiami. She Is an accomplished nnisician and added very mncli to tlio pleasure ot Khe happy gathering In .■i musical b ay. 15he preseni a were made by ilvs. Wm. Lambie, of Ypellanti, on behalf of the Campbells. and by Miss Alma Cliüds. of Wliittakc-, on behalf u' thé Childs, pach one Hnding pleaerng words and phrases to pxpres8 iiipir Öiouifhts. Rrgrets were received .'11111 read trom Prof. ■■ Campbell, of Dartmouth Collexe, N. II., nnd froni Col. .T. W. Cliilds. of Washington, D. C.


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