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Mrs. Itoyer has retumed trom Mackinac. Mrs. H. S. Cli'rviT has returned toom Teeumseih. Mrs. Dr. Dunster lias returned from (Uil .Missiiin Beach. Proi. Atexander Lange is now visiting An:i Arboe friends. Clyde Drake, oï Negaunee, Midi., visiic.i Mrs. Gregg lasi week. A. 1!. .miih, oï the Milán Leader, b as in i iic city yeste-rday. President Angel) salle fram Liverpool t (i-morrow for home. Proi. i'rcii C. ci.irkc and bride have iviurned froan ihcir eastiTü trip. Mrs. Gilbert Blias has returned home . ;i visit with Detroit frlendg. Mrs. M. E. Oole and Miss Lucy : bave returned from Straigtit'8 Lake. Prof. Perry xiie:ts a visit from liis brother o. K. Perry, ol lowa, tó-day. Hon. Chas. li. Rlchmond lias reburned Irom the Sanltarium at Alma. Geriiard Josenhans wemi to Detroit Saturday ") visit friends for a lew ilays. Jliss Harmali Stanger, of this city, s vlsiting Detroit friends for a few weeks. Mis. Carrie Hort. of Mlnneapolis, Minn., vislted ai Mrs. Gregg'a last week, Hon. Ohas. K. AVliitmaii and iamily are cxpected home from ('haiievoix to-day. Mis. Alice Haven and dauliter are visitiug relatives and friends in Detroit. Mrs. A. W. Holmes, cif this city, has been visiting lier sister, Mrs. Haight, in Owosso. Fred C. Brown, of the Times, went to Niágara Paite Saturday, returnIng Monday. Joh E. Miner amd family break camp at Straight's Lake, and return home to-day. Rev. and Mts. Walter Campbell have returned to their home In Concord, Massachusetts. James O'Kane, of the P. O. force, is engaged in a two weelc's vacatiom just at present. Miss Maud Muma, of E. Huron et., has returned froni a visit of several weeks in Flint. Miss Nellie Islyer returned home from Hastings Monday, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. Southard and daughter Loe, have been visiting friends in Port Huron tdiis weck. Mrs. Rane and daughtei; Ann, of Whitmore Lake, wcre in the city day visiting friends. Miss Amelia Phillips, who has been visiting at Prof. Perry's has returned home to New York. UuiT.v Hall, of Albion, and of the l'. f M. Dental Dep't, visited friends in fctoe city last week. Thos. McCann, formerly aai Ann Arbcw typo, now of Detroit, is visiting liere tor a day or tiwo. B. L. Warren and family, of Volland pt.. expert to move to Detroii soos for porinaiK-iit residence. Miss Butih Hoppin, ol this city, will be an instructor at Grand Forks, N. Dakota, tbe coming year. Mr. James Swan, of Detroit, law '90, speni Sunday -itli Pred C. ciiiiorc, :í W. Huron et. irge W. Millón and wife, ol Detroit, have been ia the city gre oíd ïriouds during bhe wek. Mis. Batíénspergí - Main st., and daughter Grace are expected home trom Bufiaio, Y. this week. Cadet s. Y. Graham, oL Annapolis, M. I).. Is sn -inliii 5 a íew days at Rev. Mr. "tt'etmore's on W. Huron st. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wllüama oí Dexter, spent Sunday Avith their som H. A. WiUiams ;unl lamlly, oí E. Ann st. Miss Lucy SaacUD-tl went to CWcatgo yesterday to remain two or three ui'Oiitlis with her sister, Mrs. Beckler. Prol. C. B. Cady, formcrly oi the Ann Arbor School of Music, lias in the city gre ads during the Mrs. II. J. Brown and farnily have returned trom Old Mission Beach, -here they have been etaying ior the summcr. Miss Fannie Groves lelt Friday ior Manistique, in company with Miss Childs, Ol this city, and Miss Tin He oí Ypsilanti. Mr. and Mrs. B. P. B wer, i Cleveland, Ohio, were guests over Sunday, of lus mother Mrs. MargTet Bower mi N. Ingalls si. Mr. il. -. Sober, instructor in ancient languagea Ld the universlty, left Tuursilay kw a ïuonth's visit to liis home, in Moline, 11!. Lucius Knight arrived from Kansas City, Mo., m Tlnusday ni-ht last. He il spid some weeks with his 8t. Miss Nellie 1.. Ciiilds. daughter oí v. -:. ■ . -. h Te sh - la to i tor the coming year. v-av iron her future lióme, Detroit. Mrs. Helen ' a resideni i Vpsiianti. has rem to Ann Arbor. living at the corner of Wlllard and Cbüreh sts. Mi-s. R. G. Barney, of E. Washinj .., i,.,s i,,. .,, : .': Miss ' Norton, ói Lanslng, and Miss Kowley, lar Raplds, dnring ■■ AIhs Gertrude Beates, i Blooming■. N. V.. lias arrived at the ,,i her brother. 8. W. Bei wihere Bhe -vvill remain i'or the and attend sol I K. Pond. oJ Chicago, the orchitec1 ol the Michigan buUding tor Hip World'a fair, haa been visltlng lila parenta here during the week, returnIng Monday eveninff. Mrs. Dr. A. B. Palmer and her sister Miss Root, arrived home last Frlday bJ er a Bíteen montha travel In Europe. Thiey wem over ttoe entire fcrip wiiiimii an escori and eaiioyed it exceedingly. Mrs. Palmer was grantêd the rare favor ot vlsltlng the house ol English Lords, white ta eion. T. Normlngtor Biübie returned Bai nrday from a three year's Btay In BerHn where he'pursued musical Btudles undeT Sauret, the faanous Germán ,,'inis;. He expects bo remaln liore and in Detroit for the present, a1 'cast. On Wednesday aiternoon last, Alonso C. Bliss, of 8. División st.. was re moved by deatb, alter an extended B. Mr. i'.iiss v.-.-is a native of New Yürk state, was 60 years oí age, and carne bo bhis eity when bat three vcai-s oí age, having resided here ever Bince, xcepi Khe time speni down 9ou1 b as a me ■ Hhe L6tb Mich. Infantry. He leaves a wile and i:i!ii. Mr. Bliss was a memfoer of Fratemity Dodge, F. & A. M., under wbiisi' auspices the funeral services were held last Friday p. m. Sa ■ah. wtie of Thomas L. Hewitt, (lied on Wednesday aftenioon last. aged 68 years, and her remains were taken bo Detroit Friday for interrment, being escorted to "'i!' depot by Wc'.ch Post, G. A. R., ol w blch organiza i i 'H Mi1. it t Ie 8 Mrs. llcwitt was 1 1 i ï-ii in Passaic county. N. .1.. June 21, IS-1:!. About May, 1Ö43, she I ir busbond, Thomas L. Hewitt. and 1 3 a1 Pier[ron Works, In Rockland connty, N. Y. Tihey afterward lived In Slawtonbury. Paterson and Irvington, X. .1.. and New York city. In the year 1861 tSiey moved bo Ann Arbor remalntag here ever since. Two children. Charles H., of Dead Lake, and Cathiarine V., of Ann irb ir. v, itl) her husband sun Ive har.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier