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The Cbautauqua Literaxy and Scien tifie clrcle bas been organized at Chelsea. The Vpsilanti p ple u UI eled t i tras. elr school district in x; Mdiulay. in place ol Don C. BatehelS , wlmsi' i expire. Arthur Hopkins, ol Mllan, was bad.:l by a kick in Che face trom a colt reeently. His nose was brok: ad bis Ief1 eye serlonsly hurt. s. me enterprising person should Btari a matrimonial bureau in this TVith the ñames oí over sixty wldows and sevral malden ladies on their ïioaks, a person with a little energy could inake a fortune, as the eupply is in excess ol the demand in tuis place. - Chesea Standard. At the Store Ol O. C. Warner may be Been a curioslty. In trbie froni show window is built a coop eontaining a bantam hen and a brood ol 12 young quails, hatched under the hen. Xhe flock wlll be exhiblted at tlu1 fair. and donbtless wiH attrad a greal amount ol attenüim. - Dundee Beporter. The Chelsea Standard stands sponBOT tor tliis renu'dy: "For a cold in the head, what is called a head bath Is uselul. Filia waf basin with bdllng water and add oai' ounce of flour ol inustard. 'rilen hold the head. covered wit ; i a cloth to jirevent tlic escape of tile stcam. ovrr The basin as loog as any steam arises.'" Miss Emma Barr, ivho for over 11' yearg has been a teacher in the Ypsilaiiti liigh school building, has accept - od a similar pexsition in ttie public ils oí Manlstee, at nn advanced sa'.ary. During hor work here, she has met with the best of success, and hiis given entire satisfactiom, both to parents and pupils. As a hint at her faithfulness the record says she was absent inly two days and never tardy during; the whole twelve years that she was connected with the school. She has also been an efficiënt worker in the Presbyterian church, aa well as tiie leading soprano of tlie church elidir. Her many friends hcre join in wishing Miss Barr the same imqualified succcst in her in'v field of labor that has attended her here.- Ypsilanti Commercial. A gentleman is expectefl here irom t.lic east in a few days to investígate the muidle water pond site in this vlllage with a view of purchasing it. Tf he finds it suitable for his needs he will start a manufactory aere. New. people, it' he shonld come and find everytftlng satisfactory, don't go and ralee the prlce of yonr property so it wlll be "out of siïht" if he wishes to buy a home, but sell to liim, or anyome etee, at the prlce you are iiow oifering it at. One of the obstacles in the way of building up the toivn at the time the railroad carne here was that every property owner doublod on the price of his place and outsiders could not afford to come here. One of the great indueements to prospeetive purchasers should be eheap homes and low taxes. Give the stranger a chance.- Manchester Enterprise. Dave Peterson may be a good officer, but he is not wide a wake enough for some ililan folks. He carne down from Aran Arbor. Monday armed with a warrant for the arrest of D. B. Seoley. on a charge of embezzlement, forgrery or somethinp; of the kind, preferred ly the Allmendinger Piano & Ors'an Co., of Ann Arbor, in whoee employ he has been for the past two years. The officer found Mr. Seeley all riprht enough, but allowed Urn to fooi aronnd untll they Avere too late for the train. Tlioy then talked of pettiiig a livery vio; and drlTtag I i Ann Arbor, but that plan was doned, and the offlcer concluded to accept the hospitality of Mr. Beeley's homo for tihe nicht and go to Ann Arbor with his prlsoner on the early train in the morolng. During the nicht, bowover. Mr. Seeley qnietly evacuated the premises and the town, uid no mam knoweth whither he tnrryeth unto this day.- Milnn Leader. At the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Sunday school, the following officers were elected: Superintendent - A. IS. Smifh; assistant superintendent- Dr. A. G. Mesic; secretary- Miss Mabel Gauntlett; treagurer- F. G. AViison; librarían- Miss Lucile Ward; organist-Miss Ida Allen. Money pald out for supplies during the year, ?■".'!.- 30; for other purposes, $15.77. - Mi:an Ieader. Mrs. Alonzo Sherman, of Wayne, Mich.. wldow of the late Alonzo 8herman, received a check frora the Great Camp of the Knights of the Maccabees for $2,000 on Monday the amount of emlowmcnt held l her íesband in that Order. Iast Februiry. Mr. ftherman tlioufjlit he Avould ike some insurance om his life, and in talkinfr the matter over amonpc his friends he was Induced t-o join the Maccaliees. His application was presentod and favorably acted npon in a short time and he was notified. He experlenced quite a little difficnity it tJiat time in being able tO iiiii'! wil h :he order here to recelve thee obllsration, he beinp; a jury man in a larxe ■ailroad snit then in prOrB8 in the courts in Detroit. After some three or iour meetings of the local Tent had apsed, and upon his petltlom lxinp; .■nnrably acted upon. he managed i" meet the Order and was duiy lnstalled i member. He was a member in good standing about two mout lis. when he met with his deatli by belng thrown from his wagon while enteavoring to stop his team from runïing away. His wirïow was left with three little children to support, belng ïerself in delicate health. and with a ew hundred dollars' worth of pereonal property. This was the way life would have presented ltself, but for the act of Divine rrovidence inducng her husband to provide her with nsurance.- Wayne (Mldh.) Review, Al i.i-i !iv!!c the village iax"s are .'i:-', ,000 valuation. Burglars broke Inbo Uve stores ii me day last week. St. Uary's church ly made $50 by a Nisely's evaporator works at Sa Une imeucecl operation, ain applea ere coming In U i The Leader saya bhat the : Bros., ol Webster, i xpeci to harves 1,000 bushels oí a.pplea rliis year. e K. O. T. M's ai Gergory bav a membership oí over 80, and ai-, ■. a building for theli o n use. Bhe Dexter 'boys deleated the stock bi-idge boys 22 I -. in a. game o ball rcccnil.v and tai' South Lyoms i; to i. There are 40 volumes missing írom the Ypsilanti lli-li School Ubrarj w!;icii are waated at once by the superintendent. The congregational people oí Dcxter are imiidin.Lí .-! parsonage for Lheli r. n is to bc ready tor occupancy Decemiber lst. Tho apple dryer atarted up on Thurs day last. And quite a .nood many apples have already been brought in - Pinckney Dispatcii. There Ís to !.■ a unión Sunday -i píenle oí bhe Gregory, Nortl Lake and other Sunday Sehools, at .n-th Lake, Sept. -Mh. How does it come to pasa tibe man who was ncvcr knowm tO take a coiinT.v paper, ahvays knnws ■vhon ;v:i articlc ís puUlished in them COnCerning hdmself.- Cbelaea llera ld. The two young lüds who imagine themselvea uno-bserved in the eontinuol practico of pilfcring monoy dravers deeks. fi-uits and otlier things they have n-o right to, -vill soon strike a anag, and ma.y not be surprised to find themaelvea in a tight corner.- Saline Observer. One of the most disgust ing sightb in the country, saya ain exchange, is to drive along tlie side of a country road on oaeh side of wlÜCh are we'.l kept farms Uut the front oi -vvhich is given ui to fue growth of noxious iweedfi and hus'ses. Enouffh v, are going to seed ycarly to completeTy every acre for miles around. Komeli )dy wake up. - Herald. The SOÜ removed froni the Methodist church excavation is spread over il.e whole surfaee of the Presbyteiïnn personage lot", raising the lot considerahly. It may be interesting to obeerve wiat sort of a erop wlll germinate from sueh a mixture. Quite possibly, thls grafting ol 'Iree grace" apon a sturdy Calvinistie stock may produce something that we shall all am. -Ypsilnntian. South LyoD lias its petty thievea nnd t!ie oificers who can ferret them out wlll do a good service. Mr& Frank Bay baa a place Avhere she oceaMoiiaily leave.s her pitchrr for lile milk man öo fill In case of 'her atisemce. S'lie placed a very nice pitcher, one t'hat was a wedding Kift, out Monday evening, but on remming home it was iound that the pitcher and contente had dlaappeared. - Sa. Lyon Picket. A movement is on foot among some of our studiously inclined young people to organizo a class for the gtudy oí history during tlie coming ïall and winter. It is probable that a course in English history will be selected. Everyone iuterested in Bucb i course will be invited to foto. Anything calculated to increase educational develópinent of our people is to be commended, and we wish the proftioters of tlic BCheme success.- Dundce Reporter. J. II. Bioaie, our official nlgbt operator a1 depot, had a very aarrow escape fnom death on Hunday morning. Aa it was. he was quite badly hurt, but is rejoicing that it was noi oi-sc. About 4 o'clock he was running along side of a movimg train to _:'! Uu' report from the conductor, ■u lien he Btepped off the depot platform, falling against the caboose. He only gaved himself from being run over by catching hold of the slippery rod whicli lot him down onder the step. In t.his position he was draggcd ( .or 8 irods. wltb lus lega over tinrail, just in front of the wheels a part of the time, until the conductor of the moving train suceeeded in extricating him. His right knee was badly bruisod. He is on duty but wlll ne'd a cañe for a wtolle.- So. Lyon Picket. He came awful near baing a broken Bone. The School and the State- "Whatever you would Jwtve appear in the liie of a nntion." sald au eminent man, "you must first put into the schools." Yice, crime, idleuess, poverty, and social discontent are the legitímate resulta and aceompanlmeate of illiteracy. '"Enere is 110 slavery so oplri'SMive as that of Ignorance." In a country like ours where suffrage is universal, lntpllijsence should lx' universal, and COmpulBOry education is a blessing. Daniel Webster onci; said ■'If I 'had as many sons as old I'iiam 1 would send them all to the public school."' How can any iiiaui of a family dn more lor liis country tlian to give his children tne advontages of a tborongh home and gehool Training, brlnging thcm up to be honcst, ïiK'Higent and industrious citizcus '.' low can a man do a worse tihlmg oí' hls country than to let his childreu gi'ow Uip in ignorance ? AU the more is he gullty When the state lias )i'ovided tlie means oí education. - Wayni' Keview.


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