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A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to eveiy other known. Used ir. Millions of Homes - 40 YesTS the Standard. Delicious Cnke and Pastry, Light Plaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable # and Whülesome. No other baking powder does such work CARTER ■ PILIS. '' "''"'MKek üendacho and roliovo all tho tronbleg lnotlent to a büious etato of tho yetom, sucli aa Dizzincso, Nausea, Drowsincss, Dlstroas nfter catiui!. l'aiu ia the Si.lo, kc. Whilo thcirmo3t Teruarkable euccoss baö boen Bhowii iu curiDf IWlV Heaa.aclie, yet Carter'H Littlo Livcr Pilis aro -cqually valTiabloinConstipation. cnringaiulpcoTantiug tbiñannoyiiiRcoinplaiut.wliilo thcyalso correct of U:o!itom;M-li,stiraulato tho üver aud rogiilato the bowola. Even iL they only Ache thoy would be nlmost pricelcsa to lboso who uiTor fromthiadistrr.iïsiujiconii'lïiiiit; biflfortuSiatoly tluiryoodnessdoce iiotcndhcre.aiidthoso Tvhocncetry tlicm will ünd theoc littlcpillsvalubleinpomany ways that ihoy will not bo wiïling to do without thein. Eut aftor alleick head ACHE Is tkc baua of ::o mnny Hvoa that here Is whore vo tato our (reat beast. Our pillH cure it whilo ethers do not. Carter's Uttlo Livcr Pilla aro very small and Ycry easy to tai;e. üno or two pil8 malioa doso. Thcy are Btriclly vegetable and do not gvipo or pur-ro. butby tlicir gentío action piense all who nsethom. Invialaat 25 cents; ñve forti. Sold by druggista evorywh"ro, or sent by maiL CARTER ryitïDICiNE CO., New Vork. SMALLPILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRIfiE 'JThfí "S5eit Ren&ecly ín tliia world., say f. 1 irr, of 8yi ïï. Y., is Pastor i v my son, who wae pai - rhree yearH ago and attaoked by Öts, htw uot had auy symytomn oí inoii sino ' h-.1 oook onu botule oí ilie rexoedy. I most heartily thank ror it. Tehrk Hauib, In.x, oct. IV. is:tü. Bom Qstxoke so afifected my nenes tïiar. at tínica tlit:y wera beyond control ; ■eyes were dnll and without e . an t ?i twitoljiugof tii - oí ibo face und a coiitiimai 'nuvüuiont í thu hai ■ I ns, eá peolsUy tüe lef 1 sirio. There tras Impedí ■ ■ ia feo be xmauloto Btand. Hei Pastor KoeDig'B Nerve Touic; tried one and 'i nou eau t-tiy wat I aiu enuylng per) t : loat outirly bcíore Uciii yonr m.-Ji :- ■. mFT1- A Valuable ook en Nei-vous g IJL Ud Diseases sent free to any adilres, f Kr f and pooi' inticnts can also obtain LS- this medicino íiee of charco. This reraedy has beeu pvepared bythe Reverend Pastor iCoeniff, of Fort W ayne, Ind.f sinoO 18ÏÖ, aud íbuow prepared uuderhis direction by tho KOENIC MED. CO,, Chicago, 111. Sold by Draggista at 'SI ier Bottle. 6 lor S5. lArco Sie, 81.75. ö Bottle í'or 59. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Peare and Grapes a Speciaity All kinds i.f Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, froro Ellwanger and Barry. Order early by mail. 8yrups,Medicinal Wines. Raspberry Syrup, Boneset, Dandelion and otner noin'esiir liraiic Wines, prepared eapeciallyfor invalida. Pure Plymouth Bock Eggs. EMIL BAUR. West Huron St., Ann Arbor. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. PERFECT IN FORM -MATCHLESS IN WAR! So uuxioui wcro the ancien ts fur stalwart men that i'ftl puoy bojsal birth were pul lodeath. ')fJ-_ ñ Every MAN can be STR0N3 XvAjVVSI nd VIO0E0ÜS in 11 reipecta. ñjHjJr YOUNQ MEN OR OLB, ]-- (y 11 erlng from HERV0Ü8 DB7 S'a BILITT, toit or Failing MauHrVVVf hood, Phyuical Eicenei, Mental J' sjfli l) Worry, Btunted Development, or ÍTp_Vy any PERSONAL WEAKBESS. can bt I I l r reitored to PERFECT HEALTH and 1 1 th0 NOBLE VITALITY of BTR0H8 II 1 MEN, th Pride and Power of Nationi J l I V l e claim by years of practice by f 1 1 our exclusive methods a unifurm i l l "MONOPOLY OF 8UCCEB8" in treatP? "os In? all Dlieaiei. Weakneeiaud X Afflictioni of Men. Testimoníala "t ' from 50 States and Territoriea nilD UtUf nnnif H'iífi:scní?-fp,8ealed,post UUK NtW SUUK paid. fora iimitcil time. Oei ltwhlle yoa caa. Full Esplanatlont forHOME TREAT MENT. Yon can be F OLLY RESTORED as Thousandl llave been by uí. Read our teetlmonlalf . Addret s at onet ERIE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, N.Y.


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