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Rev. Dr. Tatlock has retnrned from Petoskey, etc. Miss Rebecoa Henriquea lias returnd home to remaln. Mr. and Mrs. I. Rinsèy returned Saturday trom tonia. Mrs. Moses Séaboli returned 8atnrday trom Marshall. T. W. Mingay, of the Evenlng Times, speni yesterday in Detroit. MaJ. Soule returned Baturday trom i trip to Miiiii';'icilis. Mlnn. Michael Brenner has returned from hi-i summer's Btay In Minnesota. Miss s.iiii;i Schnelder lias be m vlsltIng Irlends lm DetroH during the week. Artiiur Ball, of Thompson st.,wen1 tn Petoekey last werk to visit frienda. Mrs. Dr. Mrl.aclilan lias rel unii-il trom a rist! wiiii relativea in Bolly. Jlrs. Got1 and daughter Clara are In the city for o Btay of a íew weeks. Miss tda Alexander haa been visitIng nicnils in Ypsilantl during the weck. oscar Schmld, of Joüet, Hl., is visitInts hls parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Schmld. Mrs. II. ELrapl and sou Willlam are visiting (rienda In New Vork City, for II linie. Mrs. Bev. .1. W. Bradshaw Iiih returnad home trom Weuetonsing with lier (amlly. James M. stafford and daughter Reseie returned trom Hot Bprings, Ark., Mo.nday. Prof. J. (i. Pattenglll and fainily returned home trom their summer's stay in Maine. F. E. Brimtxlecom, jf Oaklaad cc, has U'-n visltlng frlends In the city daring the week. Miss Zada Bhodes, of the ."ti ward, has returned home trom a visit wlth frlends in Detroit. Miases Ada and Beesle Stevens roturned yesterday trom a vinit witii relat i WK in Ypsilanti. Mr. Masera and ïainily have returncd to Ann Arbor trom a stay of Beveral weeks in Gladstone. ('lias. Dunn, 2nd ass't mailing clerk of die post ofilce is taking In the state Fair in Lanslng tliis week. Miss Etta Saunders, o! E. Catharine st., has returned home (rom a visi; witli (rienda in üapeer co.. Mr. Lilley, oi New ïork City, is ai the Iiome of John M. Wneeler, on W. Huron st., visitlng hls daughter Chrisi [ne. A number ol the trlends of Mrs. Bishop E. O. Haven mei witli lier last evenlng at her daughter's, Mrs. Dr. Haven. Tí. E. Coatello, wlio lias beeu vlsitnn' bis incithcr Mrs. A. Kearney, pn N. State st., lias returned lióme to Chicago. A note from Di-. .1. X. Martin, d.iied a1 Berlín, Aun. -7. siatcs thai he expêirta to return to Aun Arbor about Oct. lst. Miss Nellie Carr lias returned to her dutles as stenographer in A. .T. Bawyer's office, trono her home at Qnion Bprings X. Y. Mrs. Catharlne McManu, of X. I'niv.Tsiiy ave. returned home Saturday from a vÍ8Ít in her Bon Mrs. Dr. Sullivan, in Chic-airo. Miss Mariao Gray, wlm lias been visiting aunt, Mrs. Eugeno E. Beal, cm E. Madison st., fop a time returned to Alpena last Saturday. Miss Carrle Benedict, of.Dotroit, who returned trom convent Ufe at st. Mary'a, 1 ml. . on accouni of iil health, is visiiiim' her eousiii Alice O'Keefe. Miss Ilunl, the drawing teacher, is detained east at her home because of the Bevere lllness of her fat her, so her classes wil! not be laken up íor a few weeks. Wm, Brooks, of Corpus Chrlstle, Texas. ith Ilis (ainily. are here visiMnu; lus urandfather I). 1!. ürown. on S. Main st. He owns a 14,000 acre ranch. Mrs. T. W. Mlngay and daughter Nellie, of E. Washington st., returned home last evening from thelr summer's outlng on the shores oí Lake Ontario, ('anaila. Mrs. üeevi's. of Tliompson Kt., went in Detroit Thursday, accompanied by Miss Grace Spafford, of Manitou Beach, who had been her guesi tor severa] days. S. Freeland Dlbble Ief1 Monday fór Mlneapolls, Mimi., where he wlll enter tlie employ of the electrie Ballway Co., oí ihat city. Mr. Dlbble is a young man of exceptionally good liabits and altainments. and has the gobd uill of niany frlends here in Ann ArbOr. Upon the inside pages of this paper will be found the report of the sewer committee and the report of Prof. Green upon a sewer system for this city. Wc commend loth to the careful attentimi oí mr leaders who pay taxes in this city. The city cowicil s to !■ oonratulatt'M upon its t'ainiess in placing thein before tlie people bo that thêy inay have an opportnoity to read and judge for themselves of the nierits oí the eae.


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Ann Arbor Courier