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A Few Thats That

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That our BChoolfl ;::■(■ fuller thnn ever. That the trees whlch have been trlmmed op where they stand ko tliick look mucli better therefor. That the of cross walks needed in our city are aearly numberless. That the evening sinells arlslng in all parta of the city, teil how badly se ucis are needed In Aim Arbor. That our streets liave commenced io liven uj) in a eharmlng manner. That there are few peopl( in the world who know the advantage of keeping thelr troubles to themselves. That pcople who are alwaya cheerfnl .uid plcusant are tlie we .iluays like to meet. That a protective tarifl i.s not i tax, but that a tariff for revenue is a tax. That Ypeilantl enterprise is being feit, and the building up of that city is the result. That Ann Arbor can not atïord to stand stil] and allow her down the river sister to forge ahead of her. That the Inter-State Commerce Commlsslon, in parting v.-itli Judge Cooley, has niet wltb a serlous loss. That more houses to rent are needed iu Anu Arbor, but that smaller ones that will brtng trom $8 tu sl:_' per montli are in greater demand than larger ones. That indicationa polnt to about 3,000 studente this year at the U. of M. Thai marrlage would not be a f ; ilure so often as it is U there were a greater supply and better trained ivomen for housework. That a national dlvoree law, applylng to evefy state iu the union, ought to be enacted, and that at once. That it is easier to criticise a sermón than it is to remeraber and profit by its good points. That it paya a man to keep hls yard and lawu in excellent eondition, even thougli it may cost a little nioney or labor, for the pleasure it givee not only hlmsell but the pnblic in looking at il. Tliat a dollar lnveated for Bewers is five dollars saved in doctor' bilis. Thai thosu wlio want to have a nier time and sec 8 ome grand sights, sliould attend t eounty fair at Ann Arbor, Sept. 29, ■!(!. Oet. 1., 2. That it ís the low t;;xcs t lm t is boominu; Ann Arbor Just at present more than anything else. That the lea ves noiv aro haring their turn. That the maple leaf louso has injured many of our beautlful shade trees this summer. That this montli of September has brought lis many beautiful and perfee t days. That the price of coal appears to be higher in Ann Arbor this year than in other Michigan cities aloug the line of the Bi. C. That the best dressed people are those whose clothes are not conspicuons either for style or for color. That to be really intellectual you shonld wear glasses - not necessarily eye glasees. That the young men and boys who leave thelr Beats and so out between acts al the theatre are unmitigated nuisances. That Ann Albor people can nmv attend entertainment? at the Ypsilanti opear house and return on 11 o'cloek motor, and not be out much latei than they would ií the entertainmeni was in Aun Arbor. 'J'li.' t the greatest offer ever made tn a literary way is to be found upon the 2d page ol ihis paper. Etead it. TI). 11 Ann Arbor is behind her Bister cities in Michigan in one thlng only - seuers. That there are plenty of nirls in and about this city - judged by the applicatlona tor work in the ne-.v corBet factory - the Crescent Clasp Works. That Ann Arbor people are pleased to sec President Angelí upon the Btreets once more aíter hls snininer in Europe. That it makes a pleasant trip to take the chlldren and rtde down to Ypsilanti and back cm motor line. lt is popular, too. That there are more handsome plate ulass ironts or our buelnese streets than in any other city ol it s Kize in the state. That many people are wondering what has become of the annual Smiday school excursión. That the boys who Bteal meions, fruit, flowers, etc, are nu better than ordlnary thleves.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier