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-w Hibbard's Rheumatie Piils. ge Pilla ar i ll.v eompoundcd and uniform in icticm. No gripiag pain so commonly folio-? the use oí pilis. They are adapted to botli adulta and chlldren wlth perfect saiety. We guarantee they have no equal in the cure oí slck headache, conBtipatlon, dyspepsia, and billiousi and, a.s an appetiser, they excel other peparatfon. r S' - preveiiti and irci mía prep■ "I In ' i Iïair Vigor for som : for dip. I ( rufl and was rap ■ econiiu baki; bul sinc head h pcri .as ceased coming ont. and I now 1 ,-r. ■ yomig woman. i can i - one fiufferiug i I liair f) ii ■■ ' 'a Ha r :■ or a ■. F.yiüa O. Muody, i "Some time apro my wiXe'a liaïr segan to ■ me uut quite freely. Ayer's Hair Vigor not only prevented my wife from becoming: I, luit it also caused au entlrely new growtli ofhair. I ain ready tooertlfy to this. unent before a Justice f the pcacc-."- i!. Hulsebus, Lewisburgh, lowa, "8ome y. ara aeo, after asevere attack of brain fever, my liair all came ut. l , such preparatlona forrestoring i' as my hylans ordered, but faücú to produce a. vtli of l:air. I tliei! trled, Buccessively ral artlcles recommended by d and all alike feil sliort of accompli dcsind result. The last rernedy I applied was Ayera Halr TIgor, whicli brought a. growth oí halr In a (ew weeks, l tliink i used eij-'lit bottlea In tv.o years; more than was necessary as a restorative, but I llked ii as a dressing, and have eonttnued to use it for that purpose. I believe Ayer's Hair Vigor possesees virtues far above tliose of any similar preparatíon now on the market." -Vincent Jones, Kichmond, Ind. Ayer's Hair Vigor PREPARKD BY QR. .1. C. AYER & CO,, Lowelf, Mass. Bold by Druggistftand Perfumera. Estáte of Andrew J. SüthbblánI. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Washtenaw, ss. At a session of the Probate Court for the Countv of Washtenaw. holden at the Probati Office in the City of Ann Axbor, on Saturday the elghth day of August in the yei thousand elght hundreo and Dlnety-one Present, .1. Willard Babbltt, Judg'e of Probate. 1 11 the matter of the estáte of Andri v. J. - enand deceased. im readlngand fllingthe pet! t on. duly verifled.of Elizabeth T. siitlicrland praylng Hint admlnistratlon of said estáte majbe granted to herself or some other euitabli person. Thereupon it is prdered, that Mbnday, the seventb day of September nert, at ten o clock in the foreuoon, be assigned for the hearii sald petltion and timt beirs at law of deceased, and all other persons interestsald estáte, are requlred to arpear at a si oi said Court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor and - cause, ifanytherebe.why theprayerof thepeti-lionld not be granted : Anditlsfi r ordered, that said petitloner give notice to ■-"ris i rested In said estáte, of the luMidfiu-y of said ].-cit ion. and tin tbereof, by causlng a copy of thls order to btpublished lu the Aun Arbor Courier, a i paper printed and clrculating in aald County, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. [A truecopy.] J. willard BABBITT, W.G.DOTV, Probate Hc.P.;t"'r'K""f COMMISSIONERS NOTICE. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waslite:mw. The underelgned having been appointed by the Probate C'ourt for said County, CommisBioners to recelve, examine and a claims and demande of iill persons agaiust the estáte of Andrew .1. Sutherland, late of said county deceased, hereby glve notice thnt six mouthsfrom date are order of said Probate Court, for creditor.s to present their claims agaiust the estáte of said deeeased, and that thcy will meet at the office of Wm. W. Whedon, in the city of Ann Arbor, in sald county, on Monday, the seventh daj of December, and on Monday. the Beventh day of March lu-xt. ut ten o'elock a. m. of each of said days to recelve, examine and adjtut said cla Ims. Dated, .September 7th, 1891. WILLIAM W. WHEDON, CHAS. II. WORDEN, ('ommissioners.


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Ann Arbor Courier