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All Aboard For Fair Grounds

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The follawlng paper, aigned iy many business iii-nis in Ann Arbor, shows plalnly how the people ol the elty feel respecting our county fair, and sufflciently explalns ltseK without nny extra worde: We the underslgned business men of the City of Ann Arbor hereby agree tO close OUT respective places OÍ business on Friday the second day of October uext, at 12 o'cloek noon and keep tliem cloaed until four o'cloek, i p. ni. of that day for the purpose of ivinií oursolvcs and employés an opportunlty to attend the Washtenaw Agricultura 1 Society's Animal Fair. Dean & Co. John (ioutz. .Ir. Edward Duffy Anton Teiifel, Mack & Sehinid Hutzel & Co. (Joodyear & St. James W. F. Stimson SchatrerA Killen . A. Maynard K. F. Mills & Co. Henrv Murphv Biu'h. Ahel & Co. D. K. Barney ' J. T. Jacobs & Co., Warner & Sou A. L. Noble .1. V. Maynard Wadham, Kennedy & Wn H. Mclntyre Reule S. t J.BauniRartner Wiuruer & Co. .1. D.Stiniiison A Sons .1. M. Stafford Fred ('. Stimpson The Tho Sums. L. Blitz lirown & Cady V. ;. Burclifield Schuh & Mne'hlip Voorheis & Dietas rossman & Sehlinker George L. Moore }i. F. Sehmnacher George Wahr J. E. Harfcins Sheenan & (o. I,. Gruner Chas. Speller & Co. Adam I. Sevler R. i:. .lollv it Co. Beal A Pond F. stofflut ( asper Rinsc-v F. .1 Bchleede .1. s. Mann Manu Dros. WilIIam Seyler Eberbaoh & Son Rinsey & Seabolt John Moore W. D. Adama H. J. Brown Balie; & Dow J. .1. Goodyear, itli Michael Staebler ezceptlonof Wanner & BiermanD tion clerk Ko-h & Henne E. JB. Calkins.with Martin Huiler ceptioD of v G. Dleterle tion clark Goodspeed & Sons Ann Arbor C'ourier .1. C KbtTbaeh E. Beul F. (.. Schleieher itCo. Ann Arbor Í] .1. Henne & CO. i. A. Moran Walker & Co. Louis Liesemer John Pfisterer I'. e. Llnsenmann J. . Marshall Kiiiiiia E. BoiviT Samuel Krause lirs. Mabel Pond Fred Gause D.J. Mallory FredTheurer Doty et Feiner M. Blgalke John W. Bisele J. Huik-r Ivérbeck & Staebler Steffev 4 Servias hmd' John Finoegan Wm. Hiinli.i.d: êct o. Wnrster Kim Wm. Arnold J R. Bowdlsh ,: ( o. J. i . & V. W. Watts William Allaby ASon John Bur; Steffey A Servias I', o. News iiepot. C. K. McGee, for Crescent Clasp Works. As nearly cvitv business hous" Id the city vil be elosed on Friday afternoon, let the uierchants and citizimis generally of Ann Arbor exert themeelvea to nttend tlie fair and show the peoplo of this count.v thai the Btatemeni that Aun Arbor folks are not themselvea lnterested In the pxlübiíion is a falso one. there is littlc or no excuse nove, for no business wil] be done in the city anyw.iy Let every man. woiuan and ehlld in town turn out and glve a iVw honra to help along coanty fair. It is n worthy enterprlse.


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Ann Arbor Courier