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To New Subscribers Of The Courier

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GREATEST OFFER EVER MADE! A GOOD LIBRARY FGR A MERE TRIFLE. READ AND PROFÏT THEREBY. "'■"''I s7 S:P: S:lg& 1 1 1! ;::;, ..,:'. :g; Hjo. && Saê fe Jo: I: 1? ifll 11 11 gSg ll po. Ki gsá í ■;;: jíí iilg: I! I 1 i II i ! i -■"b::: gasa pi 1 11 n JI8 ;:-i: gig lig f-so i2l-so -s-7; I ! I fe38: 8$ iffg; ilig: gS8 EU ÊM i Él i l. 5 -:: fel! Í lili ' S& tíití líp "'T,-,; , ■". '-'a : m„, : ; „„ s% hSfr ' - ■ ErS ; S "■t "■""'■'S,::'-:;;. ""■ GEN. GRAN'i'S MEMOIRS- ORIGINAL ST.OO.ESÏïIün NTS. GEN. SHERMAN'S MEMOIRS- ORIGINAL EDIÏION FOR 30 CÏS. Xo bode, exceptiig Wie Biblfe, bas over had snch a siv in the Daited Staties as General Grant'a MnnoirB. ■ix hundred and Mty thousaina copies tave already gxne Into the homes ol bhe lira, hui in,' !;ulH!-n;tiiui priee of Y.iKi has placed il aimvc the reach ol people in moderate circurnstances. ]f 50(i.ii. ■( i Bopl haye b ep wiljlng fco pay .-íT.'io tor (ii-ani's M.-ninh-s, tíeré musí ble .i couple ol ihiUion peoplé in tlK' United Suites who want them, and il Jump ai the ópportunity to bu.v iliviii ai the tow figure here olfered. We .wi.l k 'inl van General GraaiFfl Mcmi'i.-s. pubilSliei-'s ('ilitimi, b. 'SI pa:,'r. i-i!'.;, green and gold binding, hltherto a ld by sabscription at $7.00, (or ". ' cení ! I ir :i' cent s! -abeolute:. 30 CCl?ts! : 1 ! n 1 :i: s iliitcly ;1 [roposition sucli as lias never beein made In tho hlatory oi book pubUshing. The iwn )lendid volumes ol Graat's MemolfB, oí bticïi 6öP,Q0Q copi liave been aiready soW- nb1 a cheap oilition, but best 80 cents; pjrovided vmi send your subscriptioo 10 tibe Aun Arbor Cónrler tor eme ycai', and atoo a snbaeriptlon uí $3.00 for the CosiiDpoütian Magazine, the bright■st and cheapè8i oí tlie great illustrated mont'.iües. itself equal to tlie best $4.00 magazine. The Coemopolltaa is enabled to make this because of the párchase of 000,000 volumes at i price which oven puWishers would deem iunpossiblc. and with tlic Mea oí running ap is clrcnlatkm bo hall ;i niillion copies. By coiiir;iM wlth the Gosmopolitau we are enabJed 10 offer uur readers a siiaro in tlic low prlce obtalned tflrrough i he torgest pnrchase of booka ever made In the history of tlie world. If, lioKfuT. you have Grant'a books, the Cosmopolitan's wlll permit you to 1ake inster.d. Gen. Sherman's Memolrs, '2 vols., sold ïi.v subscription (or '-■■■. Gen. Sheridán's Memoirs, - vols.. Bold by Btibscription tor $6.K), Gen. MeClellan Memoi s, sold by ButoHcriptiou tor $3.75. . All of these are bound In eloth, (?r :en andgpld in anif irm stvle ; 'ii-.-ui' 's Memoirs. i ii" Cosmopolita! is sent postage prepaid, but the postage on thr books, .i I t hc rate of 1-2 cent per ounce, must be remitted v, itu order: Gen. ci-.-iin'.s Mémoirs, &ö oz.- 48 cejits; Gen. Bneridan's Memolrs, '■- oz.- 46 cents; 'n. SJierman's Memoirs, si oz.- 41' cents; Gn. McClellan'e Memoirs, 48 oz. - 24 cents. Si-nd us ,u once $3.00 for the year's aubacrlption to the Cosmopolitan, $1.00 for oiic year'a snibscrlptlon to the A un ArlKir Oourler, and 30 cents for a set oí Mi'iniii-.-K- $4.30 In all- to whieh add postage on the particular .set oï Memoirs selected. JUNIÜS E. BEAL, Editor ('ouricr. ; 3 .,,. g 1 1 i i i 8 fei: Ëfei 1 1 1 1 I i fes ■ Í#J SE ::::? i" t.o"'. „ 'vv" rn"1 . iSs: ui 1 1 1 1 1 i Slè $$■ ■ gilt:!? ,.., .sg: :io: Kj lt:i: - sIb-Sc , : -sss r a NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TH IS GREAT OFFER. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL IT IS TOO LATE.


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