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A F'ire Creara of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Miliions cf Homes- 40 Years the Standard. Delickr.s C--ike aad Par-try, Light Flaky Biscnlt, Grlddle Cr.kes, Palatable and Vi L 1I1 soine. No other baking powd.:r does such work. CARTER'Sl. ü pïsi ■ at&aH CURE 81ck rieadacho and relieve all the tronbles incident to a bilioíia Btato of tho syBtora, such aa Dizziness, Nausea, Di-owsluess, Distrons aftor eating. Pair. ia the Side, &o. Whilo tuoir most remarkable success bus boen Bhown in curing SICK Heaflaohe, yet Cnrter'a Littlo Llver PIUo ara cquaily valuable in Constipation, curing and pre■ventiug thisannoyiü(?complaint,wlnlo tüey alao correct all disordera of the 8tomach,stimulate the Jiver and regúlate tlio bowols. Evon iL tkey pnly HEAD Achethoy woxtldbealmo8tpdcelcsstotIiQBewliO 6uLfer f rom thia diBtressing complaint; brft f ortuBatoly thcirgoodnesa doos iiotend here.and thosa vho once try them will find tlieso littlo pilla valtifibleinsomany waysthat they will not bo willlng to do without them, But af ter all sick heal ACHE Isthebaneof so mnny liveg that hereiswhera we make our great boact. Our pilla cure it whila otherB do not. Cartor's Litt'.e Liver Tllls are very small and vcry easy to talie. Ono or two pills make a doeo. Thcy are etrictly vegetablo and do uot gripo or purqo butby tlieir gentío action plo.awe all who úsoUiom. Invial3at25cent8; fivofor$l. Sold by druggists everywbore, or Boot by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. MALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SMALL PRIGE In this world., saye J. Hoffherr, oí SyniciiHe, N. Y., is Faatoi Koenlg's Nerve Tonio, bccause my son, wbo was paríially paral yzad throo years ago and tittackod by Ha. bis nat ha Byniptoma of th.t-m sinc. ÍlolooU Que loLLlri ol thereuiedy. I niObt heiii tily tUuak lor it. 'Ierre ik, Ind., Oct. 17, 1890. Some time ayo a eutistroKe ao atïect-ed my nerven tba., at tiinus ihey woxe beyond control eyea were dnil and itiiout expreeöion, and a of the muBclea ot tbe face i.ruï almost contiuual movemoutof tbe hamis aud aruiB, eupecially the left ei3e. Tliere wan iiniadmitmt of Hpeecb, and at times woulri be bo overoojne JvJth dl,iiijhs au to Im' onable to etand. üi.ard, oí Pastor Kooiiis Nferve Toulc; iricd 071e JMiirli', and noticed a great ohane; i ried anoMiur, ju:d now caii tay Lbat I ain eJojoyixig perfect h steady nérvea and a qqqA appetëèe, whicb I had loat eutirtily bofore usiiig yotir m.-üieiue. '!■ EtANK L. (iliACE. rñrrA Valuable Kook en Nervous 4 IJ Ij td Diseuses sent freo to any iiddretss, 1 Hl 1 -'ili(i ioi" patlentp oan álso obtuin lliMM this medicine treo of charge. Tïiis remedybas been prepared bytbe Reverend Pastor Koenig, of Fort SVayno, Ind., siuce 13T0, and isuowprepiireduuderhis directiou bytbe KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. Sold by Drngglsti at SI per Bottlo. G for 85. Iarjre Size, 91.76. C Uottles lor 9. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears and (irapes a Speciaity All kinds of Fniit. Ornamental Trees and Floweiv. fröm EHwanger and Barry. Order early bs mail. Syrups, Medicinal Wines, Knsiberry Syrnp, Boneet, Dandellon and other Domestii' Grape Wines, prepared espeelallj for iorallds. Pure Plymoufh Rock Eg EMIL BAUR, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. VIGOR OF MEN Easily, Qutckly, Permanently Restored. M'eiikiuHN, NerTontnesNi Deblllty. and all the train of evils froiu early erroraor later exceaaes, the resulta of ovorwork, sicknesa, worry, etc. Full etrength, developmeut, and Uno giveo to every organ nnd portinn of tho body. Bimplo, nntural methods. lmmedlate improvement seen. Kailure impoBsible. 2,000 referonces. Book, explauatlona jnd DrtMrs mniled (setilod) f ree. Address ER1E MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. D&gL DIEFFENBACH'S I yíSrfcs PROTAGON CAPSULES, vj&'mt?of lire Cure for Wenk Men, aa K& %$& P?oved by roportsof lead ing phy wM-S State age in ordering. Im Wfci-g ftm il'rico.1. CittiilOKiie Fret-. rwJ# Ok óút% (0 A Amiïe oud speedy 1 ■! - liMW ■■ 111 ífl ure for Oleet, IJBO 3 U Vi VI Htrloture niid all 'NHBDu' onníituraldiechai'Ktís. Price)$9. . WW fREE!(SPEC!F!C8d nlona 9ore lOdSyphllItlc Afleetion, with' out mercury. Prlce, Order í n. m THE PERÚ DBU8 & CHEMICAL GO. L&1 189 Witcontin Street, MIX.WAUKEE, WIS.


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