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J. D. Ryan spent Sunday with friends in Jackson. Rev. Wallace BadcllHe, of Detroit, was in the city yesterday. Mrs. Clora líenle has been in the city duriug the past week. Mrs. K. L. McKensie is now living in her new residence on S. 12th st. Ashar A. Terry m in Detroit, and contémplate reiaaining there permanently. Miss Gallagher, of Corunna, is visiting Mrs. C. L. Toumey, on Wasütena w ave. Col. B. M. Thompson was in Lansing yesterdaj', arranging an extradition case. Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Morton went to Cleveland last Saturilay, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ball, of the Dexter P. O., were in towu a day or two last week. Dr. 1'. W. Keeve, of Plnckney, was a pleasant caller apon friends in Ann Arbor Monday. David Henning was taken quite ill at the Cook house Saturday night, 'but is able to be out again. Coni. of Railroads Whitmau and family are movlng lnto their elegant new residence on E. Huron streel. .Mrs. J. 11. Miner, who lias been vislting (rienda in Ann Arbor left for her home in Chicago Monday. Miss Emma Stanger expecta to leave Ann Arbor the íirst oí next niontli to teaco at South liend, Ind. Mrs. Sed James has gone to Clevelaiul. taking her daughter (ussie, who will enter a boarding school there. Prol'. Brown, who takes Prof. Hinsdale's place for one year. lias moved into Mrs. ('ulver's house, No. -4 Maynard st. .7. H. Cutting and wife left lor their home in New Hampshire yesterday, after vlsitlng their sou. on Monroe st. Miss Marie K. lleard. of Xorth Bast, Pa., is expeeted back to Ann Arbor to-morrow eveninii to resume her college studies. Son. ('has. l., Wnltman attended the opening ofthe Grand Trunk H. B. tunnel at Port Huron Saturday, and epoke at the banquet followlng. Mr. and Mrs. 1Í. Darwin Giles, of Detroit, spent Sunday with the former's sisters Misses i.ou and Sarah, on their way nome (rom Chicago. Miss Grertrnde Sunderland lelt last week for Chicago to i'emain nntil February next. pursuing her study of music with l'rof. Cady at the conservatory. Yesterday Horace ( '.u-penter, of this city. who s 85 years of age, went to Kidü'eway t,t) visit a sister, who celebrated the 9Oth anniversary of her birth on tnat day.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier