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Xf.ak Hyndsdale, Ind., white caps invaded houses aml flogged two men and three women Syith hickory switches, in tb.' bplief thiit the victima had been pilferjag frota farruers. Wbbraska i'nv, Nek. was tlooded with spurious SS gold jiicoes and silver dollars. DuBING Mie month of AugVist the United Btatea eported 8a8,8S8,510 worth of breadstufts and SnG0a,050 worth of beef aml hoj products. Pbaieib Bi-es have devastated large tracts in Texas and North Dakota. At l'.iv :iy. Mieh., Al.-.:inder Nevare, aged 86, shot and killed his wife, agcd 17, and then took his own life. Jealousy was the catise. The president and cashier of the j wrecked Ptílládfllphíá Spring Garden bank have been bentenced to ten years' i imprisomri'i.1. EoBBFBS went through two Pullman coaches near the Nevada line, securinpr over $3,500 from the passengere. A fike at the corner of Fnlton and Nassau streets in New York caused a loss of 8500, 000. The two Gilliland brothers, in jail at Somersi-t, Ky., on the charge of assassinating Sheriff McCargne, were lynched by a raob. The boys declared to the hist that they were innocent. Tuk post ofiice at riummerton, Tenn., was blown up with dynamite by unknown persons. A new three-story building in the course oL erection at Harborton, O., suddenlv collapsed, tliree men. At Meridian, Miss., the new Southern hotel, 8150,000 and just hearing couopletion, was ruined by fire, and two iiremen were killed. Tuk Morrell coal mines nearDunbar, Pa., caved in, and several men were killed. The Ohio tobáceo erop will fhis year be the largest ever raised in the state. The Tennessee legislature killed the bilí to abolish the eouvict lease system. An examir.ation of the books of Maj. J. S. OISrien, 61 Cháiídtídog'a, Tenn., embezzliiiL treasurer of tlie Catholic Kniííhts of America, de velops tlie íact that he is sliortS(i4,000. Tue nineteenth annual inter state industria] exposition openecl in Chicago on the lOth, and in all the departments the displays were the most complete f or ye;i ra Weatiikh reports f rom all parts of Minnesota and the Dakotas indicated that the 16th was the hottest September day in the history of the signal service, the thermometer reg-isterinff 100 degrees in the shade at some places. Harky Wiiitbeck, the 7-year-old son of millionatre Whitbeck, of Portland, Ore., was founri at Homesteart, Pa., by Government Detective V. C. Xegus, havinr beSn stolen from his parents when 14 months old. Fuif. destroyed the business portion of Camarero, III. It wis reported that Thomas L. Shields, seeivtary and treasurer of the Alleifheny Company at PittsburRh, l';i-, wis short over $100,000 in his accounts. At a depth of 250 feet at Eddy, N. M., a stratum of salt has been struck wbich is 40 feet thick. Sevkrai, BBöcks of earthquake were feit at Portland and other places in Oregon. W. F. Slingluff, treasurer of the Montgomery Trust ('ompaiiy of Nopristown, l'a. . was ehared vvith embezzlinfr 8180,000. Mits. ('üaki.fs BELLEN, of Kirminjy ham, Alu., gare birtii to four childreu, tbree sjirls and one boy. The mother is '20 yt-ars (ild. Robbkiss held up a train on the Missoiiri, Kansas & Texas road near iluskogee, 1. T. , and secured 82,560 from the express car. Agents of the coal producinfr companies met at New York and ordered prices advaneed 10 to 25 cents per ton October 1. A census office bulletin says the increase in the consumption of malt liquors whieh require hops in their manufacture in the l'nited titates was from 844,00.".. 488-gl(Uon8 in 1879 to 7T9,897,420 gallons in 1SS1. During the first sixteen days of September the United States paid $5,555,001) to old soldiere for pensions. Ax application for :i reeeiver for the James Vick Company, dealers in seeds at Rochester, X. Y.. was made. The liabilities were suiil to be between 5175,000 and f ■200.01)0. At U'xh11:i:h1. C';iL, ,T. W. Mont'omery killed Miss May A4:uns beeause she refused to inarry tina and then took his own 1 i ti'. J. Kküsciixkb, of Toledo, O., has been elected supretne treasurer of the Catholic Knights of America. At UasÜngs, Miiai. , two elevatora and the electric light vvorks were burned. Loss, $H00,00ü. The Western association baseball pennant has been awarded to the Sionx City (Ia.) club. Ar Big Eapids, Mich., 3,u00,000 feet of lumber belonging to the Hodney Lumber Company were burned. Fiue destroyed the buildings and stocks in C. Baker .fc C'o.'s Lumber yard in Worcester, Mass. Loss, 8100,000. A cave-in oecurred at the Alta mine at Virginia City, Xev., and five men were killed. ÖEN. V. S. RoBBOBANS was eleoted president of the Army of the Cumberland society at the Columbus (Ü. ) reunion. Boston on the 17th celebrated its 261st anniversary as a town ;nul 'VU li anniversary as a eity. Thfi city's population is about 450, U00, the legral voiri-s number 90,00(1 and the vuhintiou is over 8800,000,000. Em Tate and Everett Mooré, rival editors, foughi a streel duel at Milphur SprinjjB, 'i. x and both were killed. Jn the l'nit, 1 States the business failures durinjï the seven days endedon the 18th numbered 889. againat 214 the preceding week and 190 for tha coiresponding week last year. iNaflreon SedgwiekBtreetirí Chicago John Schalk and his ayiIc hihI three childres were suffocated in their beds, and. another child of Schalk's was fatallv ininred. the barn oí James Kear ncar Joliet, 111., was burned, and eight horses aad a large amount of praiii were destroyed. Mbs. Robert Kennedy and her son and daughter, of Dulutb, Minn., are alleged to have f;illen beirs to an English ralued al $0,900,000. 1:; a laflrend collision on the New York ( Vi,!r:il at PortByron two tramps wbo vfcre stealing a ride were fatally injured. The Unitéif States has boúgtit 182,000 acres oí land in the Indian territory of the Indiana for thirty-five eents an acre. _ The Leitzman Borghum Manufactura ing Company have put in operation the largest plant in the world at MooresTÜle, Ind. It has a capacity of 1,000 gallons daily. At Meriden, Conn., two aeronauta were falaily injurcd. They were making a balloon ascensión at the state fair. There are an even dozen states in the union that have a million acres or more in corn thisyear. Missouri stands third in the list with an acreage of 6,728,000. FOBEST fires were doing immense dainage in North Dakota. In a saloon quarrel at Hay Port, Mich., thrcc Indians - John, Dan and liill SquaBes- wero killed by Charles Athcrton and a man named Bradshaw. At the West Michigan races in Grand Rápida the stalllon Xelson not only brolse his own record but proved himself the puerof Allerton by trotting a mile in 2:10. In severa) northwestern states the thermometer registered from 100 to 10Ö in the shade on the lSth. G. B. I5i,anchard's stallion Dom Pedro, valued at 10,000, died at Marshall, Mo. Charles Milleb, of Louisville, Ky., was charged with embezzling $25,000 from the Uaptist Book Concern, by which he was employed. E. H. Duncan was hanged at Eagle Pass, Tex., for the murder of the Williamson family (four in number) in Sansaba county, Tex., in February, 18S9, and Albert Morea, a negro wife murderer, was executed at Savannah, Ga. IIamu-to, O., celebrated its lOOth birthday. James E. Ostbander, treasurer of the Ulster county savings' institution at Kingston, N. Y., was said to be a defaulter to the amount of S00,000. Amos Chapmax, an Indian scout, quarreled with two cattle-herders named Sharp and Mason on the Cherokee strip at Keystone and killed both men. JJy an explosión in Van Sandt's jelly factory at Monteville, O., three men were killed and two little girls were fatally injured. Pkesidknt Harrisok has sig-ned the proclamation opening to settlement and homestead entry the newly ceded Indian lands in the eastern part of Üklahoma. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Dr. Edwabd Eggleston, the noted author, was married at Madison, Ind., to Miss Fannie Goode, of that city. Barbaka Matthews, aped 103 years, died at the Shakespeire almshouse in New Orleans. The marriage of SamueJ Ball, 80 years, and Mrs. Lucinda Caplin, a widow of 70 years, took place at Tiosa, Ind. President HaKRISON and family have returned to Washington. (;)V. Fi.ti.MtN, of Florida, has appointfd eX-Conffrefesman Davidson to be United States sem.tor as successor of Williamson Cal!. The íew York demócrata in convention at Saratoga Bprings nominated Koswell P. Flower for governor. The platform reaffirras the democratie doctrines as set forth in the platforms of 1884 and 1883; opposes the free coinage of silver dollars not of the intrinsic value of any other dollar of the United States; denounces the Sherman silver bill, the MeKinley tarift' and the Blaine reciprocity treaties, and indorses the administration of Gov. 1 1 ï In convention at lioston the repnblicans of }lasLK-liuetts nominated Charles 11. Allen, of Unvell, for governor. The platform eulogizes President Harrison's administration; calis for the enforcement of civil and political rights in evory qaarrer and punty of elections; opposes unlimited coinage of silver; declares tliat the McKinley bill and reciprocity have done enormous good to the country; favort legislation restricting the evils of the liquor traffic; also all proper leg station in the interests of the laborinff classes. Tuk poople's party of Pennsylvánia was organized at Greeasburff, and the platform adopteil u imands the abolition of national banks: condemns alien ownership of land; deniands free and unlimited s'Jver coioaffe; government control of railroads. an;l a direct vote of the p'eople for president, vice president and United States senators. Gen. Fuanklin Fosteu Fr.ixT, a veteraj] of over forty years' service in the regular army of the United States, died suddenly at his home in Highland Park, 111., of apoplexy. ajfed Tl years. Loken. BbenTako, a memher of the Forty-fifth congress, died at his home in Chicago, aged TS years. Phesidknt IIakkiskx has appointed Senator Fruncís Hendricks collector of the port of New York, to succeed J. Sloat Fassctt, resig-ncd. At the farmers' A'lliance headquarters in Washington it was claiiued that fifty-flve meinbers of the lower house of the ncxt congresB wotilil vote for all the measures of the alliance, and at least fonr in the Benate. The Nebraska democrats in convention at Grand Island nominated Judge J. H. Broody for member of the state suprerae court and F. A. lirojran and S. F. Heneker for regenta of -the state nniversitv. ''[IE wifo of a contracter at ïsioux Falls, S. 1)., named Nepvosich, who had beconic crazed on account of her husband's business reverses, threiv her two children into the rivor and then jumped in lu-i-s, If. All were drowned. The Cleveland hotel and ten busi nesshon ■ ield, Al ■ . . t ere destroyed by fire, tl e Loss being 8110,000 At Reno, Nev., Louis Ortiz, a wellknown desperate character, va.s Jyncned by a mob for fatally shootin;} Office r Nash j{(-', ■ ü '■ hm seat in the i if y-secoñd -'.- - - ■ trom the 'i . fcriet of Nfii Vork. Col.. VWDXWX A. Cu.nkunci, brother of !!;■ li ■ lioscpe QonlfUpg, died at Wa hii.ii in X.'w Vorkof eauuBr of th Btpmach, a rd 75 years. Gen. [8aac VV. Quinbt, who was Clas&mate of Geu. Grant at West Point. and who ser ed rith distinction in thu army. died 'a ' ■■ N. V.,acd7l years. FOREIGN. Rkfel, a village in Switzerland, was deslm.yed by fire. The iinvs comes from Paria that Henry M. Stánley i preparing for au-, other expedition to the headwaters ol the Congo. Tin írora a laek of food in the Volga province of Eusaia was reported to be widespread and intense. Advicks fvoin Jiddab Bay the death rate from' cholera the pilgrims to Mecca was unprecedented. The authorities estixnated that 11,000 pilgrims had died during the season. The schooner .Morris Wilson was wrecked on the Nova Seotia coast and the crew of twelve men and two boya perished. The report that England liad seized the island of Mitvlene, near the mouth of the Dardanelles, was denied from London, París and Berlín. The report arose from üritish naval ofïieers landing oft' ';i'"' Sigfri i'or a picnic. A Greek and an Italian steamer collided ín the 1 ay of Gibraltar and sixtytivo lives werelost. ■j'ih; damage caused bv the flood at Consuegra, Spain, was cstimated at P2,500,00(). Bodies of tlu; victima duEaped !'.■ scores in cuu. non Great djstiress prevailed among the su.-vivors. Owi.vo tb the there is an alarming pre a ■ od other crimes in southern Eusaia. At Elizahetpi surprised tv-o houses an I murdëred twenty-two persons. Tuk scli ■ nía was wrecked near the Sabdrw i teand the crew of seven and I .. ' and three cbiUlivn gnél istóyefiftl missionaries lost thcir liv,'. town, iv.;!u-ii;i. 'ii'1and uprooiini tr.HiS, M;c:. persions were repórted to have Vefa i:ijnrfd. Ex-I'üK.iüUNT Kai.m.u'kiia. of Chili, was alleged lo nave lán'ded ;il Mendoza, capital of ti." Árgéú'íihe province by the same name. The steamer Fnorst Bismarck arrived at Soutlianiptoii in G days, 18 hours and 58 minutos froin Xew York. This lowered the best previous record. It was cstMuated that 5,000,000 would be reqwíred to repair damages caused by the recent iloods in the province oí Almería, in Spain. A SETTi.K1: naméd 'esterlund, oí New Stockholm. Man., ehopped off the head of his ■'■ yi-ar-old daugrhter with a broadax. Ile w;im Insane at the time. A tunnel in course of construction for a privati' railway at Trieste eaved in, buryinfr liity-tuo workmen. Twenty dead bodies l.ud beea taken out of the ruins. StabVijtg Eus$;ian peasants at Penza were said to be eatin the flesh of human bein-s that hud died. The steamer Mondege, loaded with cattle. was wrecked off the Xewfoundland eoast and was a total loss. Her crew eseapi d. The boat and cargo were wortb ï-oo.OOO. The Canadian g-overnment has issued a proclamation which provides for the exclusión of destitute immigrants. It was rcported that President Borran, of HoniUiras. had been ; ated by the Barillas party. LATER NEWS. A FKfcioili trj .1 '■. ls .vreclcea neai Glenwood ■■ ' ol-, and three met and thirtv-üvt; h. ad oí c-;atie were killed. The reinairre of auotber flood victim were found in Johnstown, Pa., being unearthed by workmeu. The Mexican iwolutionists and government troops had a battle near Nier, Mex., in whieh seyeral on both sides were killed and wounded. At IndependencM-. la.. A Horton made a mile in Hnv. -ring all previous stallion records tï)ree-iua,rters of a secón d. The business portion of the town ol Needies, Cal., syas totally destroyed by firo. lx the National leag-ue the percentages of the baseball clubs for the week ended on the lütii were: Chicago, .612; liofton, .698; New Vork, '.505; PhiladelpMa, .524; Cleveland, .440; Brooklyn. .488; Pittsburtfh, .485; Cincinnati, .'■ 9& The percentages in clubs of the American association were: Boston, .891; 8t Louis, .687; Baltimore, .54b; Athletic, .511; Columbus, .458; MüwaUkee, .444; Louisville, 377; Washinprton, .333.


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Ann Arbor Courier