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PBIcffli THE WORLD The world is principally devoted to trade, and as prices rule tradei they may be said to move the earth. This, at least, is the theory on which SHADFORD c& CORSON conduct their business at 10 East Washington street. SPECIAL SALE ÓF Advanced Styles in New Fal! Dress Goods AND Trimmings ïn-Btack, Golorsand Fancies THEFIRSÏTNÏHEFIELD With New Fall Goods. Our Dress Goods stock shows Novelties not seen in other stores. Such as Camel's Hair Chevoits, Snowflakes, India Suitings, Bedford Cords,Tveeds, Broadcloths, Cable Twills, Frehch and English Novelties, and other Rough Effects which are so stylish this fall. Rich European Dresses, eaoh and every one a beauty to look at. As a Special Bargain, and to give our Dress Goods Department a Big Boom, we offer 75 Stylish Dress ; Patterns at $3.97, a Suit worth $5.00. 48 Pieces New Fall Dress Goods in Rough Effects at 50c a yard. One Case 36 in. Fancy Serges at i5c a yard. 65 Pieces New Black Goods at 50c and 75c a yard. 500 yrds All Silk Surah in Black and Golors at 25c yd. 15c PiecesCoin Dot Curtain Scrim at 5 a yard. 35 Pieces Dark 10c Outing Klannel at 6c a yard. 25 Pieces White Shaker Flannel at 5c a yard. 100 yards of Spool Silk at 5c a spool. Best Quality Knitting Slik at 35c aball. One Case Dark Prints 3c a yard. 50 Pieces wide Twill Toweling at 4c a yard. Yard wide Bleached Cfttton at 5c a yd. Big lot Lace Curtains at 59c a pair. All of xohich we invite inspection. SCH AIREE, & MILLEN Leaders of Low Pricea and ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. OFFICESJJENT! A fine suite of offices over the Farmers & Mechanic's Bank, Main st,, Ann Arbor. Enquire at Courier office. BÜBTp An elegant suite of rooms, steamheatetl, over the Post Office, with all modern conveniences. Hot and cold water, closets, sewers etc. Enquire at Courier office. REPOST OF THE CONDITION OF THE MECHANICS' tt II 11 II AT ANN ARBOR, MICH. At the close of business, July 9, 1891EESOURCE9. Loansand discounts ?24fi,458 07 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 75,08,1 07 Overdrafts 8,565 08 Due from tianks in reserve cities 82,811 10 Diie from Washtenaw County 22,338 46 Bills In transit 4,647 07 Furniture and fixtures 3,000 00 Current expenses and taxes paid 20 00 Interest pald 380 68 Chfcks and cash items 2,699 51 Nickels and pennies 39 44 Gold 7,59000 Silver 1,9156 10 U. S. and National Bank Notes 12,889 00 Total $413,486 18 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in f 50,000 00 Surplus f und 10,000 00 rinlivided profits . 7. Dividends unpaid 1 .500 00 Commercial deposits $2!K.949 35 Savings 58,818 08 344,262 38 Total $413,486 18 STATE OF MICHIGAN. I . County of Washtenaw. j I, F. H. BKLSEK, Cashier, of the above named Bank, do solemny sweiir thnt the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSEE, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 17th luv of Julv,1891. WILLIAM G. DOTY, Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Reuben Eempf, Junius E. Seal, Chas. E. Greene, Directors. WALL PAPER WALL PAPER Of all the Tyflteet Design?. DPIRIOES tía.e niiO-WIEST. AT OSCAR O. SORG, Tlie X5ecorator. 70 S. MAI ST., A ARBOB. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY. GROCERY, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We kees coustantly ou hand BREAD, CRACK ERS, CAKES, 'etc. for Wholesale and retail trade. We shall also keep a supply of SW1FT & DEUBEIS HEST White Wheat Flour! OSBORX'S GOLD DUST FLOUR. BUCKWHEAT FLOTR, C'ORX MEAL, FEED. oto., at wholesale and retail. A general stock of 6B0CÏBIE8 and PKOVÏSIÜNS Constantly on hand, whlch wil] be sold on as reasonable terms as at anv other house in the eitv. Cash paid for BÜTTER, EGGS, and CO'UXTRY PRODUCE generally. Goods delivered to any part of the city without extra charge. RINSEY fc SEABOLT. MAKING A BEAUTIFUL HOME IS not a quextion of motie. Taste, experience and skill have much to do with it. If you latend to bulld, t wlll be a mlstake not to send for our boofcs of SkxsiBLB Low-cost HousEs, now arranged fn threê volumes. In them you will flnd perspectiva views, floor plans descriptions, and estlmatee of costa for 103 tasteful, neto design for hOU968'. Thry :ilso give our firices for complete orklng Plans. Details, and S peeficatlons, whfch enable you to tmlKl without lelata, or quarreis witb vour tmilder, and whïcli any onecan undérstand. Good butlders reccomend these plans. Testiniunials f rom all purts of the country, vol. I contains 86 cqpyiignted designs of houses costlng betweeo óuo and isui). Vol. II contains 36 copyrighted designs. sisaiO tül)i. Vol. III cuntalns SS copyriRlired deelfrófl, 9300)1 to íHXH). Prlce, by mail, 1.00 oca, ortü.Hjüfortheset. 90 puhiish COLONIAL HOUSES," a volume showlng Perspectíves and Floor I'lttns of houses arranRed in the inimitable Btyle of the Colonial Architecture, and having all modern arrangements for comfort. Price$2.0U PICTÜBS8QDE HOÜSES FOU FOIÏEST AND SIIOKE:- Thls shows Perspectives and Floor Plans of new designs for Suinna-r Uotiüg-f-. whlch are romantic, convenient, and cheap. Price ïi.00 by mail. Address NATION&L ARGH1TEGTS' UNION, 130 S. Ssvcnlh Phlladelphla, St., P.


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Ann Arbor Courier