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Fassett And Flower

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The Argus statea that .1. Sloat Fasett, the republican aomlnee for govcriior cif New Vork, and RosweU 1'. Flower, the democratie nominee for the same place are both millionaircs. the dliterence being tha1 Kasseit marïied his moncy. w.hite Flower made hls with his i -ii hands. The Ar.ü'tis does nut state the truth. Mr. Fa.ssett is nut a millionaire. He has a fortune oí Borne $50,000 or $60,000 ih.-u !■ made by his own eftorts, and his witv lias perhaps twlce that ainoiint l.t't híer by inheritance, cach being kept separate. Mr. Flower never earneö the niilliims possesses. He made his fortune liy viitue of being the executor of the esta le oí a brothertn-law, Mr. Ket pr. who died leaviiiji' over $1,500,01 0. Flower has a record ol loslng $50,000 .is a broker iu Wall st., within thret' nionths, once. AA'hy is it m i is easy to state these tbVnga eorreetly as falsely ? It mlghi no1 be out of place to add Hst here that Mr. Flower lias apon hi-i cnrrlages an aristocratie erest !■ eoat oí arma that he designe d 'or hiinself, or had some one design for htm, thus apelng aíter forelgn snobs. Mr. Flower i.s known to the four nindrod of New York City as "The Right Honorable Lord Flower, Earl )í Ashbrook." A pretty title for an Uncrican! The title given Mr. Flower by the lorde oí Tammany hall (whose eatspaw he is i is "Lord Roswell l'etiioiie Flower. K. ('. I!." (Knlght ('us1 odian oí the liarrel.) The Michigan League oí republican liibs is in the Held lor next year'a ampalgn, the vital bnportance of which wlll lx1 conceded by all. The state belng under the power of the demócrata it givee them a prestige which wili make it harder to di8odge them. Nothing run do that more el rectually than by organislng eluba to meet the flerce attacka of the onemy, and to help on au aggresslve campaign for truc doctrteeB. (iood literatare must be distributed to meet the Immense amount o( stuff emanating trom freo trade eluba of the cast and tree eilver clubs from the west. Such work will count more for votes now than in the heat of elections and the change tn methods of voting, by doüig away wlth personal work at the. polls will make a change in methods of work. The campaigns of the future are to be more and more campaigns of education. The Austraiian booth and ticket eystem, wlth no tickets allowed outeide, will iliscourage the ward hooiers and bring more men to vote from conviction. Henee the first clubs in the field will reap the benefit of thelr labors. The League of Michigan is well officered by the able John Patton, Jr., of Grand Kapids, as president and C. E. Baxter, of Charlotte, secretary. Republicana throughout the state ghould co-operate with them in forming these clubs for the winters work. It is far better to put good literature in the hands of young voters, teaching: them something -vhich they wlD remember for a life time, and inculcating sound doctrines and principies, rather than throw away so much on brass bands, torch light procesnions and cheap display. The tonner effect laste while the latter iades away. We hope to see good clubs &oon organized all through this c.ounty and di-strict. There was great hope for the republicana in New York this fall, but the resul is not so promising just now, from the fact that Geo. Wm. Curtís and nis mugwump friends have dclared for it. They have the reputation of Hoodoo's. Ex-President Cleveland is now the father of a little eight pound daughter. The po-ople will tender their conBTatulations regardless of political affiliations, sex, or previous condition. Grover will never enter a Btate of innoeuous destuetude now. Yesterday the McKinley bill was a vear oíd. What a lively and well grown chap he is already, and what a lot of good he is doing for America! He is as generous as the impartial sun, whieh shines upon the just and unjust alike, for he is helping the Democrats wlio reviled and fought him as mueh as he helps his constant Republican friends. Time will make some men ashamed of how they talked a-gainst the McKinley bill. Gen. Boulanger is dead. He died a fsuicide, ending his lite as he had lived it, fictitiously. He went to the grave of his mistress, not his wife. and there ehot himself. At one time xhí of a large portion of his countrymen, liad he possessed courage and brains, he would have been emperor. But he had neither, and preferred to run away in time of danger, rather than face it like a brave man. In his sensational death France has lost nothing. Tlie tate made $4,000 this year. The Saline F.-mner's Club is to meet Friday, Oet. 9th, with Mr. and Mra X. A. Wood. The ladies oí the Salem Congre gati-onal ehurch announce a "lnisk iiiK bee," to take placo soon. The N. Y. Club, appears in Ypsilantí on Wedneeday, Oet. 14tli. the auspices of the Y. M. C. A. The Presbyterlan Bysod of Michigan wiii -o]i rile in its annual sessloi at Pontlac on Tueeday, October 18th, at 6.80 p. m. Ii vrtll remain Ín session i hree da A club of young ladies has beei formed :it Ypsilanti. having for its object the ralsing oí money, for beauti[ytng .vinl improvlng East Side park, (.the oíd cemetery.)


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