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The motors of the A. A. & Y. road run about 200 miles a day. Rev. Ryan, the new preslding rider ol thls dtetrid ii;is purchaeed a house In Adrián. It took $194.66 of tho county's borrowed momey to pay eparrow orders láet moni h. The Tuesday Club will meet informally on Tuesday October 18, a1 " o'clock p. m. James 8. Sehoonhaven has boen granted a decree of dlvorce from Mlnnie Sc'hoonhavcn. The onrollmcnt :it the high school Jor the first month is 750, Bome 40 in excss of last year. The new yard maater for the T. & A. A. B. B. for thta city is Geoie Doust, formerly of Sagtnaw, e. s. The ladie's society, of Zion's church. wül meet wlth Mrs. Geo. Oruner, on E. Madison st., to-morrow. The Business Meri's Quartette will sing next Sunday at the Disciple'8 church, at the dedientory services. Sewerage has a hard time in the council. It waa knocked out again by lacking ono vote Monday nlght. The Oetober trm of court opened Tosterday Judge Kinne presidlng. But lilttle was done but to cali the calendar. On Monday morning Grant B. Duning was fined $1 and $2.70 costs for riding on the eidewalk with bis bieycle. The stone crosatng at the M. C. R. R. Station has boon elevated so that in wet weather passengen will have dryer walking. The high school junior class capturcd a rush game of foot ball froin tho soniors last Baturday, taking two out of three goals. The nimual meeting of the Ladle'e Aid Society will bo held in the parlors of the M. É. church on Thursday afternoon at four o'clock. Tlie Ann Arbor Art Club lias chospn H. Randall president, Mrs. "W. S. Perry vier president. Miss Fisher treaeurer, Mrs. Lulu H. Walker secretary. On Priday, Oct. 30th there will be a special examination of teachers at Manchestor. The new board of school o.xarainers will be in charge of affaire there. Miss M. S. Brown, superintendent of the sewing school, announces that the school will re-open on Satnrday of this week, at the accustomed place, Custer hall. It ie stated that Chicago beef is bought here for 3 1-2 to 4 1-2 cents per lb. from the cars, and retailed at from 14 to 16 cents per Ib. Quite a handsome profit. The lecture of Hon. Daniel Dougherty, the great orator, of New York, takes place at the grand opera house to-morrow eveniing. Do not forget to remember it. The Woman's Christian Temperanee Union meet at Harris Hall Thursday afternoon, Oct. 8th, at 3 o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all intereeted in our work. Friends of Mrs. P. B. Albro, to the irambor of about 25, garre her a pleasant surprise, on the evening of the 28th uit. in rememberance of her birthday. The occasion was a pleasant one, with music, etc., and a number of nice presents were received by Mrs. Albro. President Brnun tells us that the receipts lor the fair were $2,817.80, oí which $219.42 were. for boot lis. It is altogethcr probable that the irunrantee fund wül not be needed. Everyone rejoices that after so many ycars of patiënt waiting the county fair haa at last had one successful oxhiljition. Tlie price of board has advanced in nearly all good boarding houscs. The advance beoame necessary because of the high price ruling for all vegetables, and farm products; but nore especially in tlie line of butcher's supplies. Hat af all kimde is very high in Ann Arbor. More so than at any other place in the whole state. The stopping of a hoavüy loaded clectric car on Hill st., by Frank Kapp, motor man, last Thursday, within a distance of 50 leet, and thus gavtng the life of a little child wlio was Biti'inK on hc track, was a good dofd,' and the $10 btll reward givon by the lathor was a ía'mt appreciation of liis feelings. At about 3 o'Clock Saturday morning the flre dcpai-tiiicnt was ealled out to extiesnisli a Ure whlch had galn ed conelderable headway in the new dwelUaig houae of Uva. O. R. Hall's, on Waehtenaw ave, at Is intersectlon witli Geddos ave. The building was hoi ye1 eompleted, the carpentera ha-v ing the inslde woodwork, wlndows, etc., to ftaish. There being nO base boards on, the ftre got between the Biding and th plaBterlBg, and did a i i! al ol damage. Tho loss win si. ooo. A. (i. Hamltn, of Sailm, is wiib th' Two Sama. Tlie etroet cara have been rtolng a metropolita n business during the past weck. The hlgh nciiool Júniora had b rery pleasant social a1 the home of Miss Maud Mima, on E. Hui-on ut., Ias1 l'riday evenlng. The iinv Church of cin-ist cosí $17.000, Lncludlng lot, furniahing, etc., of which over $10,000 was glven by the Inte Mre. 8. II. Scott, of Detroiti I si!l sc,H (00. There is great complalnt of the fi-uii dropping off of tlie trees belore being ripened. The liot aivd lry weather lias nol been a good thtog tor fruit, thougb il boe for corn. Mr. and Mis. Gteorge Olp were surprlsed by a number ol frienda viaitImg them iipon the occasion of thelr 2' t!i marriage annlversary, last MoniIm.v evenlng, a1 thelr borne on Thayer si i-i'i I . At Sharon yeaterday two horsea rere shot and Ulied by order ol Dr. Woodman, stat; veterlnary aurgeon. One was a valuable trieb horse, the property uf McMahon liros., of that place. The Cntholic fair, to bc held in the Rink Oct. 20, will be a fliu affafr, and extenalve preparatlona aré belng made tor it. Save your nickles, your (linies and your dollars, for there will be mnny thlnga on aale you will want. Frank MeGuire, of Saline, and Julius I'.Imcss, ol Lodi, vrere both somewhat injnred by the eleetric cars Thursday, but not sorionsly so. The care had thelr capacity overtaxed, and it is a onder more accidenta (lid not happen. i.asi Prlday morning wnlle Tony SchiappacagBe was cleaning the gutter in iront of his store, somc sneak thiei alipped In and relleved the till of aboul $K0 in cash. Two traraps wore arreeted at Chelsea Saturday on suspicion. On Tuesday evoning last, Mr. Frank Minnis and Miss Jennie Quinlan. of this city, were united in marriage, ReT. Fr. Kelly officiatins. Mr. Minute has rooms nicely fitted up and furniehed in the P. O. btock, and they are as cozy and happy as a couple can be. They have mnny wcll wishers. Next Sunday aftcrnoon at 2.30, the Church of Christ, on S. University ave, will be dedicated. The ministers oí several of the other churches will take part, Dr. Angelí will give some words of welcome, and Rev. B. B. Ta y lor. of New York, deliverg the dedicatory address. The anxillary county committecs for the World's Fair were appointed by the state commission yesterday. For this county It is composed as follows: Henry S. Dean, Ann Arbor, chairman; Fredrlek Schmid, Wm. Aprill nnd S. W. BeakB, nll of Ann Arbor; Henry Kompf, of Chelsea, and H. D. Platt, of Pittsfield. The annual election of direetors ol t lx Anu Arbor & Ypsilanti Street Knihvay Co. wns held Monday at Ypsilanti. electins the {ollowlng direelors: H. P. Glover, .1. T. Jacobs, C. E. Hiscoek, D. L. Quirk, .T. A. Watltag, Wm. H. Deubel and J. E. Beal. The direetors met and re-elected the same ofíicers as last year. On Thureday, Oct. 15, with no postponement on account of the weather, there -svill be sold a list of 13G thoroushbred registered American merino sheop, the property of Wm. Hall. W. E. Boyden and others. The Rale is to take place on the farm of Wm. Bn.ll, one mile west of Hamburg villeige, and commence at 1 o'clock p. m. Herbert Prescott and Miss Ednah Henion, were married on Tuesday last, at the resklence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Heniion, of S. Main st., Rev. J. M. Gelston performln# the ceremony. The young couple have hosts of frionds and well wishers. Mr. Prescott has taken a situation a draughtsman for a Ivalamazoo flrm, and they have gone there to reside. Mr. John C. Chalmers, who some vcars ago bought the Tozer farm, near this oity and moved thereon, was sued for slaaider it seems by the editor of the Amsterdam, N. Y., Mornlng Sentinel, but the editor failed to prove his case, it is judged by the followlDg item taken from the Sentinel of Sept. 27: '-Ir. John C. Chalmers can return to his home near Aun Arbor, Michigan, a very happy man becausc of his legal victory yesterday." On Súnday morning last, after an illness of some ten days, Mr. George J. Kuebler, oí E. Hurón st., died of peritonitis, aged 36 years. Mr. Kuebler was born in Ann Arbor, and had always lived here. He was a bright, active, go-ahead busimess man, and one in whom everybody reposed confidence. In partnership with Mr. Geo. Gruner he had built up quito an extensive furniture factory in the southeen part of the city, and was prosperáis nicely. In 1884 he was marriod to Miss Eugenia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Rettfch, Br., and two children have been born to them, to whom he was a kind and lovini; fathrr. At tho time of hie dontli he was president of the Aim Arbor Turn A'erein, a momber of Gcrmania lodge D. O. H., and an honorary member of Arbor tent K. O. T. M. Funeral services were held yesterday p. m.. al 2 o'clock, from the famil.v recldence No. Cl B. Huron st. A receñí New York paper has thia bit ol' uews: "A telegram trom Ho-well, Michigan, says, milllons of army worms are at wofk upon lbo forest brees o! thls county. and thousands ol aprea have bron devastated. They leave mammoth oaks Btanding Uke lealtees skeletons." That representa the idea of a good inany eaetern people v.lio have never been outside (iwn county. They (hink tha1 Michigan stili remalns all woods. They ehould come out here and get their eye-teeth cut.


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Ann Arbor Courier