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A Litte Girls Expenenee in a Lighthouse. Mr. .■nul Mrs. Loren Trescott aré ra u!' Gkv. Lighthouse at Sand !h, Mich., and are bleseed -vith a daughter, lour yeara oíd. Laat April ethe wae tafeen down wth Measles, 1 iwc.l -wi : !i a dreadful Couffh and tnrnin,r luto a Fever. Itoctora ;n home and at Detroit treated her, but in vain, sin' Lrpv vronje vapidlv. unlü was a mere "haiilful oí bones." - TlK-n s1k triod Tv. King's New Dis■y ; i mi after t!i' n' f two and a liaif bottles, ivm completely cared. '!'h'v say Dr. King's New Dtacovery is worth lts welght in ffolil, Gud yrt yon may get a trial bottle free at ÍDberbach & So-n's.and Go. T. Haussler, of Mnncliester. FUteen milis aml elérators in tliis coimty reported 5'..:! 70 bushela of wheat marketed dim-ins September, aml 11-t.lüJ btushels slnce .Vug. lst, last. Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises. Sores. Uleers. Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions and positlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It Ís guaranteed to Rive perfect satisíaction, or money refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. For en'.e by Eberbach & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, of Manchester. The average yleld of oats per acre is given at 37.49 busiwls by the Oct. erop report, and barltey at 24.40. Oom GG bushels of aars per acre and potatoes 90 lmslicls per acre. Tlie yleld of winter applaa is glven al only 29 per cent. as compared wlth an average erop, while the late peach erop is placed at '. per cent. Strength and Health. If you are not feelinc; stronp; and bealthy, try Blectrte Bitters. If "La Grlppe" haa leit you weak and weary, use Electric Bitters. Thls.reinedy acts fldrectly on Llver, Stoín-aicli and Kidncys. gently aidlng tbose organa to perform tihelr functlons. If yon are fliflirted ■wlth Sick Headaehe, yon wlll find Bpeedy and permanent relief by tflkfng Ëteetrlc Bitters. One trial will convihee you that tWa 18 the remedy yon iieed. Ijarsje bottles only 50e, 'nt Eberbach & Son, and Geo. T. Haussler, oí Manchester. lied all over - Pricks. Hibbard's Rlieumatic Pilis. These Pilis are BClentlflcally coinpounded and uniform in action. No griping pain so eomnionly followiiii; the use of pills. Tiiey nre adapted to both adults and children wlth perfect safety. Wc guarantee they have no equaf in the cure of sick headaehe, constipation, dyspepsia, and billiousncss; and, as an appetiser, they excel any other peparation. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! Pears aml Grapes a Specialty All kind of Fruit, Ornamental Trees and Flowers, froxn Bllwanger and Barry, Order early by mail. Syrups, Medicinal Wlnes,Kaspberry Byrup, Boneset, DandellOE and other ■ ;i i ii ■ Wlnes, prepared especially ior lnvalldg. Pure Plymoutb RockEggs. EMIL BAUE, West Huron St., Ann Arbor. A SCEÖFOLOÜS BOY Running Sores Covered His Body and Head Bones Afíected. Cured by Cuticura Remedies. When slx montba oíd, the, left hand of our Hule grandchild began toswell, and badevery appeorance of a large buil; We poúll i but al] tci no parpóse. Aimut Bve monthsafter tbeeamea running BOre. Sood other sores jfm formed. Rethen had two .SPsiv of them on each hand, and Safeg&SSk i his IjIuiííI I.c. more íSSI"' 1jL and inore took T' KiH U'-s time t íh'ii lo break , í, r_ wH out. A sore carne on the BlW L8 &fc chin, beneath the nnder llp IU BgT'i whleh waa very otíensive. S ' 3y Híb head was onesoll' y y - dtacharging ;i grreat deal. . This waa his eondltion at ïv i-S tweuty-two months oíd. frjSItói lien I undertonk the can sPSfe ofhini.his mothei liiiviiiK " ft '?Sí died when he waa a little than ;t vear oíd, of consumpttoB (scrofula, of eourse). He could walk a little, but could aot get up if he fell down, and could not move when in bed, havlng no use of his banda. I Immedlately c-oinmencedwltb the Cuticbba Kkmediib, uslng all freely, Oue sore after another liealed. a bony iimtter fonniitíí Ín eali one of tliese five deeö ones jnt be f ore beallng, whlch would finallv grow loóse and taken out; then tbey wonld heal rapldly. Oue of these Ugly lione foi-inatloiis I jireserved. After taking a dozen and a hall bottlea he was completely cured, and is now, at the ape of six years. a strong and heal thy child. MB8. E.8.DEIGG8. May , 1-s.só. 614E. Clay st.,Hloomington,Ill. My grandson remalna ]erfectly well. No signs of sLTofnlaand no sores. Mbs. E. s. DRIGGS, Fkb. 7. 1890. lllooinington. 111. Oia.ticu.ra Resolvent The new Blood Purifier. internnllv (toeleanse tbe iilood of all Imporltiee and polson elementsand tbua remove the cause.) and dtiCURA.the great Skin (Ure. and ('t'TieiKA SOAP, ao exqulslte skin beautifier, externally toclear the kin nul sc;i!i and restore tbe huir, cure every disease of the skin and blood, from pimples to serofula. Sold everywhere. Price, OuTICURA, 50c; Soap, 25c. ; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared bythe Pottkk Deug and hkmical Corporation, Boston. ttjb-.scin1 for " How to ('ure Skin Dlseases." tl4 page8i50 lllustrations and 100 testimoniáis. piDV'C Ski" ■""' Scalp ),urifled and beautlDADI ö fied by Cuticdra 8oap. Absolutely pure. %s RHEUMATjG P ffft In one minute the Cn i' C%A Pain Plaster relieves rheiimatio, J BClatica, hip, kldney, ches t, and tnus cular palns and weakneeses. Price twenty-five cents. QOLD KSDAL, PAEIS, 1878. ÏJaker&Co.'s bRroülffof I flDflQ from which the excess of oil has been removed, is Absolutely JPure and it is Soluble. No Chemicals are used ia its preparation. It has more (han tkree times the strength of Cocoa mixed with Starch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is therefore far more economical, costing leL3 than one cent a cuj). It is delicious, nourishing, Btrengthening, easily digested, and admirably adaptod for invalids as veil as for persons in liealth. Sold by Crocers everywhere. W. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mass. 25 HEADACHES fok 2&c. CURED { SOIÜ QY DRUGiTjt# ' 3 #&& EBERBACH & SOX, ANX ARBOR. TRUCK and STORAGE Now we are ready with a new Brick Storehcmse for the storage of Household Goods, Piauos, Books, Stoves, etc. PIANOS A X 11 HOUSEHOLD -:- GOODS Carefally lLcved. All kinds of heavy and lijtlit Draying. FREIGHT WORK C. E. GODFREY, 'Phoue 82. Res. and Oltico -LC N. Fourth Ave. ia: a eo; 1 1, t o m s INSURANCE, REAL ESTÁTE and LOAN AGENCY No. 2 Hamílton Biock. Life, Fire und Accident Pollcles written in First Clase Companie Ratos Low. Losses liberally adjusted nnd promptly paid. One hundred Lots in Hamilton Park Adciition for sale on easy terms. Office Hoirs: Trom 8 a. m. to 12 m. and 2 to 5 p1 m. A. W.IHAMILTON. For twenty-five til of raffliong of Bnfierere, old and yotnitr, ;jiai ■ aad l' malo, have gratefully eudovsed tlie m. neg of Tfeis riiaraacenticai P&rstlox of the Aga A vitaüsing stimuloat vithout al eoboL A n9rve sedativa without narcotica. A blood pnriñer without poisons. A liver clsanser. Apure!- vegetable tissue-maker, pre3ricti":; digestión, nutrition, yecretion, eacretioa and respiration. A Jiíe-givins tonie, pure end simple, without tho disastrous reactions cf tiie deadly eompouncT3 of rum and alcohol uoually sold as bitters. Was nevar kaown befcw In the World. lts discovery HTnnnr íbe medicinal fruits, rooto and herbs of California WAS A MITÏACtE, and tbeir combination iuto a Ffinomenal lifegiving tonic A TRIÜJfPH of tJie GRsnCAL ART. The only change znaAe in tl formula during ■ivo yeirs has been to prefcvnt it in two COüiuiiialioiis. Th" ohl nritrhtnl remain ïiPf}iaDfjed, but boin fiirongcr, ruorelaxative and better. A new form more ajii-eeable to tlis taste and better adapted to deüc ■-."i tcompn anl -?i ilt i-rn, but eomprislng ' tiie eame tonio properiies, ia cow jjiaiio and the , gfifttrt of the 'U'orUl is hali itytU to produce tut eq;ïul of tkis TRÜLY b ONLYTESWERENCE BITTEES KSOWN orto v'plabloVitter? or medicine of any kind, whose actiou 33 at cnc .: tjü Bule, so ccrtain and comprehensivo as the CALITOEMA VINE6AR TITTEns, or anv compounfl whfch ffora its varied action uyou tlie vit:d lunctiona is equ;ii to the CÜHE OF 80 MANY DISEASES. Tbeir nfinie 13 Ictnon - Kbeumaíiym, Neuralgia, 1 Catarr'i, JauBdice, Kidney iJiscase. i-i-rofula. Skin aiyl lïoils. Consumptinn, Piles aud all diarr;si:i(i trom inditrestion, inipure blood ■ ■ -■ me prratration, and dil ipidated coustitution from any cause give vnj to it iike miet before thö sui!. wli'lc if b eiiip ular power over THE DEADLY HICEOHE ASD OMÏÜPRESENT BACTEErA indicates its Fiiperiorify in all discases of malarial origia, and reuders it the BEST "EESIIFTTGE KNOTTS. No famüy can afford to do without a bottle of OLD AXD NEW STYLE V1NEGAR BITTER3 in the house, as eipreRBed by thousands of teitimoniala. Send for beautiful book. Address, R.H. McDO.VALU DRUG CO., New Yoi F&rgo1s SiiO6S Famtly r? FARCO'S YS ("Box Tip" Schoof Shoes ISvA. icr Bys aild iÖ5%o. Heeled or Wed9e HeeL I SvsLL Sizes-StolO'j 81.25 &OYíbT? Htol354 i-so %fr ''Ja ito3 .■ iT FARGO'S 5MV $2.50 Calf Shoe rflvv for Gentlemen, LwjQlib-j . t'niualed by any shoe ViS r BtJrtlT"!!11 America at the same ■KiTTii.c. wHUc Wprice. Ín Contfre, Itut■feu,-3 "ttfaw, ï& ion and Lace. Meu'saiid Boy 's sizes. r-cO FARGO'S M ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT f KÍV V Dongola or Goat, Button, ]vb Opera, or Common Sense. f Cnfts i. Tackless anl Flexible, E.oUl a!íLí V'urranted the most DÜR NAME 18 ON THE BOTTOW OF EVERY EHOR. Askyour dealer for Pareo's Sh x-. If ho da keip ttmn wnd to lis and we v. ill f urniuh you a i ;ur v:l receipt of pru-e. Rynd X)3tu] lorütscriptivü list. C. H. FABGO & CO., CMca&o, IU. DOTY & FEIWER, AGENTS. - AN.V ARBOR. WRTING TABLEJS. The Handsomeat, Most Económica}, and BEST method of imttiiiR up Wrlting Papers for home and oftice ase. Gel tliom froin your statiouer, or send direct to the Manufacturera, HASBROUCK & SINCLAIR, 536 c 538 PEARL ST., NEW YORK. N. B.- A Handüome Tablet suitable for Polite Correspondeuce miiiled for Twenty-Pive Cent". Hutzel's Water Back ! A very important invention rhich ' will be hailed with delight by everybody using a stove or range for hot water circulation. After years of experience we have succeeded in pro ducing a simple and perfect WATER BACK. It overcomes all the present troubles of extracting lime and other sediments which acrumulate in water backs, often making them useless and in great many instances becoraing dangerous. The outlay of dollars is reduced to dimes. No household using a range can afford to be without it. No more trouble by using city water for hot water circulation. Can be used in any stove. Ask j your stove riealer for Hutzel's Water Bark Mason & Davis Co's. ranges for sale at C. Kberbach aic provided with onr irnprovement. Everybodj '-all and examine this usefn) inventior HUTZEL & CO., Piimbtm imd StestmfitUrs. ANN AKI'V. MICH 4fe g% Jb eb A. THAK ! I undertake to brieflT t ■11 Hl Illcachanyfaiilyiiilellijretitpcrsonofeither Tk 't 5 l!-. '" " r"d " iitr,a.d wlio, ff B 5 1 ir.T mimi-h. lion.nMI nurl; mluilriouiir, VWWW i. rn Hm ItaaM Bollar. . Teariiitheir -wn i. hlii ie-. h.r. ver Ihey live. I will alsofumish the situatioaoreiupti vine ui,! u ki.h youran cení thatamount. No nioiiey fur hm unica Mlcrrmftll af aboT. F.a-ilvanJ qtiicklr learnil. I dt-tro but one orkt-r Itum each dislrici orcounty. I have already iujrht an.t provldad witli MnplQrmenta lareO number. rhu re making ttrtr j?::"H; feareach. It'a XKU uil SOI.ll. Fall parclculam FKEE. Adürm at once, E. C, ALI.EX. ÏL.x 4t, Aiif-tii, Aluiue. jïoojïi's Cottoia Boot ë&Sm compouno H ÏRiromposed of Cotton Ro i. and V --3 Hennyruyal- a receni uieovary by au Cjl'i physician. ƒ.■ mt tñll, uncd montlüy- Safe, Effectual. Price ?1, by mail, eealed. Ladies, ask your d;u.u-i.' for Cook'a Cotton Root Compound and taüu no .-ubstuuie, or inolose 2 stamps for sealed parUcuian Address POXD 1.1LY COMMXY. No. 8 Fiüher Block, 131 Woodward ave., Detroit. Mli j. "Woocl's !P:fcï.os:pfcLOcLaa_O. THE GRKAT KXGLISH RLMEDÏ. Used for 35 yeorsi _rrfc_ m. of Vouthful folly by thousamlssuc-' Jfc wTT nud the excesses uessfully. fS'Oam-%V ■ later yearn. antead to eurr all StUSm aS O'ii-cs tmmerfiole formsof Kervous VcKtANJ strength andvigWeatness, AlkMaL t. Askdruirelsts slons, ï'''"' for Wood's Phoand aU the effeots Photo from Ufe. 'titiiU One package, $1; six, $5, by mail, Wrtte for pamphlet. Address TbeAVood Chemical Co., 131 Woodward ave., Detroit, Mích. EBERBACH & SONS, ANN ARBOR, SELL BELOW PILLS. J-lii-jLXiliO KIODICAL" PILLS from Paris. Frarice. Establlstted in Etfrope 18S9, Cunada iu 1878. For Suppresslons, Irreguliirities, und Mouthly Deraugenu'üt-!. A reliable monthly medicino. Thoy always relieve. A.ny drugRist, Í2. Ainei'icau 'Pili Co., Proprietiir-:. Spencer, lowa. Robert Siephensou & Co.. Wholesale agenta, and all other dni-rists in Ann Arbor. These iilU ure wurrjinted to bring ou the"chauge. CET -1 HE E1EST FIRE INSURANCE $29.000.000 Security held for tlie protectlon of the poliey holdere. CHRISTIAK iáCK Represents the followlng flrat-class companles, of wiiii'h one, the .l'iim, lm ftlone paid $65)00, UOü fire lodses in slxty-flve years : .Ktna. Of Hartford $9.1H2.644 Frunkliu of Phlladelphla 8318,718 Germania, N. Y -.7UO.7:.V Germán, American, N. Y -i. London Assnrance. London 1416,788 Michigan V. s II., Detroit 28708 N. Y. l'n Ui-w rltcrs. N. Y 2fiXfiK National. Hartford 1.774.505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3.759,036 Loases Uberally adJuRted and promptly paid. Pollciefi Issued :t the losest rates of prenuum. lMltf I B I j KI !■ W 3ibrJi?youg'ot oft, i..i'i'i' ili.'ir í 'S' ' IVt I I ' ■■ ■ A"-v lIEWIlh I one can o nurk. l.usy to lam. W furuish cverylhinp. We atan you. No rihk. Yt.u can ck-vo: Li ui.iiiems. or all your tlm to tlMwork. Ihi.ian emirely ticwleal.and brinp onderful succes!') i vprv rorkar. Bccinners re ean.ii.g from f'i to f Í0 por week anü upv.d, and more after a litllo exi)erience. We can furnish you ihc rinnlovment and teach vou HÍKK. No spaceto explnin herc. Vuil 'iifo.-m.lion FIIKK. ÏEIE Si CO., AISUSIA, MAISK. fi.UvL.!i1íll&KfW 1 r.n ar vt'tiT, spice whon in Chicago, will find ií on i:lc at 45 1 49 PHlo:ph St ... AgR thoA.i■ - ■Wk. C6000.00 a ycar is bi-inp made by John R. ■H. Goodwin,Troy,X.Y.,Rt work for u's. .leader, B5Tgk yu nia.v not uiitkc as imich. but we cn lBteach youquickly how ticam triTi f ó tu Hbéi JÜvWltlO a ciny at tlie slart, and more a you po ttBw PL'll) szes, all ages. In nny part of IK fR America, you can conmuncp at home, rifJL flwi"tr all yuur tinic.or spare luoments otilvio A KWthewurk. All is new. tlreat pay r aL Bffm every wurker. We start yon, furnishint l J evtVvtliinp. KASILY. 8PEKD1LY Icamed. TBÊÊWV PAKI'ICIXAKS FliEI-:. Addreas at once, k.UHA.s'lJ'' tO., I'OKTLAMi, JUK.K.


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