_WQRTHAJSUINEA A BOX."!! pefSSN W3LL CURE ■ Scurvy and Scorbutic Affect ons, ! I pies and Botches on the Skin, Bad Legs, Uícers, Wounds, etc. X Tha cause of all these complaints is $ 5 inir in the biood a long lime bcíore they % break out on the body. f This class of distases requires tliat the j . 5 blood bc powerfully and preservingly actcd % V upon, iu order to cleanse it from all th -: o % morbid numors. ït is of no use to heal the i ( sorc by outward applications. % I Beecüan's Pilis willCcre tbese Afflictious. f Oí 11 drusfgists. Pricc 25 cents a box. f S New Vurk Depot, 365 Canal St. a X
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