Little Did The Business-world Dream
tlia t .such a great surprise was In store for ie aa dlsmlssal oí the pi- siiiciii dl the Adama Express Co., John Hoey, umi the reslgnatloñ of Clapp Spooner, it vice-presldent. We are at present living In the age of inveetigatlöns and recent evente seem to teil ub, tliat the first duty of au officer, hobeSty, is no longer self-evident. The tiro men were engaged with a few others, forinerly director of the company, in purchaalng three New Emiiand Express Oompanies fbr the Ailiims Company. 'l'hcy bought the companios as Individuáis for about $150,000 and then boughi them of themselvcs as representatives ot Adams for $50,000. The men, fou:in number, thcn quarreled over the eioi"is and a suit followed whlch brought the facts to light. Hoey iusists that he is still a nu'inlH'r of the board of managers and refuses to resign this positiou, liis tei"m expirlDjg in l'ebuary. The suits against hlm and Spooner are to 1: préssed and the booka will be examinéis. Mr. Harvey Sanford süccéeda Hocy and Frederick Lovejoy, Spooner. Hoey yáa bom in Ireland 66 years ago. HU father was a poof peasant and the boy wiia sent out into the world tú earn. his own living. He turned bis steps toward Dublin and a year later, when hé wa,s eleven years ild, obtained a berth as boy on a vessel for New York. Here lie sold papera for three years, when he sought the more lucrative positiou as expresboy. Afterwards he found eniployment with the Adams Express Co. and forced hls way ahead until in May 1888 he, was elected iresident of tJie concern. His wiic is the former actress, Mibs Josephine Shaw.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier