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OPENING AND CLOSING OF THE MAILS OHFCK HOTJKS. LOCAL TIME. ,.„,.,,. , (7.80 A. M. to 6.00 P. M. General 6.50 P. m. to 7.30 P. M. Monev-Ordor and Kegistry bepartments 8.00 A. M. to 6.00 p. M. Carrier Windows r..;0 p, m. to 7.30 p. m. Sundays- General Dellverv, Stamp aud Carrier Windows 9.00 a. 10.00 a. m. Uatth Mails GOING EAST. Close Distributed. Expresa Ppuch to Detroit] 7.30 a. m Detroit & Grand Rapids R. P. 0 10.15 A. M. 11.00 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 5.15 p. M. 6.50 p. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. .00 p. M. 7.30 A. M. Express Pouch to Detroit 8.00 p. m GOING WEST. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. P.O. 'Paper Train,".. 7.30 A. M. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.35 A. M. 9.15 A. M. Detroit, Three Rivers & Chicago R. P. 0 9.35 a. m. 10.15 A. M. Expross Ponch from Detroit 3.00 P. M.. Detroit & Grand Rapids R. p. O ".r)0 P. M. 6.50 p. u. Detroit & Chicago R. P. O. 8.00 p. M. 7.30 a. m. GOING NORTH. Copemish & Toledo R. P.O. 7.30 A. m. 8.30 A. M. Express Pouch from Toledo.. . . 1.15 P.M. Express Pouch from Toledo 5.45 P. M. Express Pouch from Ura nia,Mich 5.45 p. m. GOING SOUTH. Express Ponch to Toledo' 7.20 A.M Express Pouch to Milau. . 7.20 A.M New York & Chicago R. P. O. Train 14 11.30 A. M Express Pouch to Toledoll.30 A Jí. Express Pouch to Urania11.30 A.M Express Pouch from I)urand & East Saginaw RM P.O 12.10 P.M. Copemish & Toledo R. P. O I 8.00. P.M. 7.30 A M. MESSENGER SERVICE: Mail leaves for Weinsburgh, Tuesdays and Saturdays 12.00 M. Mail arrivés froni Weinsburgh, Tuesdays and Snturdays 5.46 P. M. Mail arrivés from Dixboro and Geer, Tuesdays.TluirsdiiysaudSaturdays, 11.00 A.M. Mail leaves for DixbOTO and Geer, Tuesdays. Tlimxlays and Saturdays, 12.00 M. EUGENE E. UK AL, A nn Arbor, Mirh., Oetobt r, 1801, Postmastei The lecture of Rev. Camden M. Cobern, at the M. E. church last Sunday evening, calloil out a full houae, .nul was very entertaining. The Farmer's & Mechanic's Bank will be thO custodiaría of the eounty funds for the coming ycai', th" Bupervi-oi-s ha ving givrii tliem the contract on the lowcst bid. The Young People's Society oí the J'rt'sbytrrian chnrch, give a social ïifxt Frlday evening for the special benefit ol all oew studente of tlie university. The brother of I'vof. M. E. Cooley was olvcted as member of the drain comniissioih'rs in the eltectlon in Chicago ycsterdny. Tliis was after a bard fight had Ixhíii mtade iigatnst lidni in liis own party. Tlie fastcst run on record trom Chicago to Detrojt was made Sunday on the Michigan Central road, 246 milea belng made in hours lo minutes, Incïudlng i3í minutes consumed in stops. The i viTiiRe ra te was 68 malies an hour. George W. Sweet has purchaeed the fllour. feed and grain business of Rathfon it Davis, mt Pourth ave. and has already taken posession of the same. Mr. Sweet is a young man oí hustJing' procllvitiee and who is deserving of the patronage of the jublic , ( lyfl This moraiii'ngs papers contain the death of Dr. J. AV. Vaughaa, a veterinary surgeon, of Mt Ploasant, Mich. He feil out of his bugg-y yesterday, while riding with his wlfe, and cxpired iniinediately. He was a former Dextcr boy, and wolll-known in the county. Thf Ladies Union of the Unitariau chiuch i beglnmtng a seiies of "Home Travel -si iiclies in BiDle Lands," covening Palestine, Eïgypt, Sioal, Asia Minor, I'hO'.'iiii'ia , Assyiia and Rome. The Union meets every altérnate V.'ednesday afternoon from 2.80 to 4.80 o'clock. In. the equalieation ol this county, as adoptad by Wie supervisors, Aim Arbor city has been increased $204,O00; Ypstonti, lst district, $00,000; and iSyivan $15,000. The followiaig were decreased: Anu Arbor town $102,(10 . n ,u( r .1 l.ouo, $10,00 t, I ■':■. ■cdom $7,000, Lodl $13,000, l.yiulon $4,000, Man l. 24,000, NorthfteM $10,000, Salera $8,0( Sharon, $ , ,000, 8up ■ or ':: 000, ïpsfilanti city, 2d dïstrid , 000. The Teacher'a Associiatlon ior Washtenaw county wild meel at Ypsiil-uni, in the high school, on tli ni,ng oí Friday, L)ec. 4th, the program to be cciniiriueii on the next day. An addresH of welcome wlll be delivered by President Osband, of the school board, whicli wiU bc responded to by Oommifieloner M. J. CaVanangh. Addresses are also expected trom Prof. W. S. IVri-.v, Trof. WhLtncy, of Ypi-il.-i ni i. Chas. Woodrulf and Capt. E. 1'. Allen. The lady teachers attending the assoeiation wül bo entertained free provlded they noUi.y Prof. Whitney, of Ypsilain i, by Dec. lst. The circuit court stands adjourned until Nov. 23d. Ton persons were unilcil wlth the Pireabyterian church lost sumlay. The Wolverine Cycle club will glve o dance at the rrnk to-niorrow evening. Tlic la dies society of St. Andrew'a cHurch are to Rive a pancake social at HarrlB hall to-morrow oveniiif;, tio w,hich the public are invilcil. I!fv. J. M. (:ston will preach in A ma noxt Sunday morning, and in the eveming -will give an address dn "Credo" before the studente of Alma collesc. At the CathoUc fair Friday eva nlrig it was the chlldren's eVenlnj?, and thi'y gave severa] patrlotJc songs, and were presentad witli, an American flag by .Tunius E. Beal. Tin i-" waa .'i larse conre)iatton al the Second Baptisi ehnurch on last Suml.-i.v eveijlng to haar Mie flrei oi the s'i-ics oí sermone by tíie pastor, on, "The lis( Wnnls of Chrlat White on the Oose." Those who heard Leiand T. Powers Ias1 year wlll certainly desire to hear ïiim thta seasiwi. IIü is ome of the best Impersonators in the world today. He amusee his audience and instructs thom nlso. On Satorday tiio passenger train No. 2, nortliw.'i rd bouml, was dl'tched iu?nr Lcland, on the Ann Arbor road. by tlie spreadiug of the rails. No one was iiijwred, as the train was Roing slowly at the time of the accident. Hov. Dr. A. F. Rruske, president of Atana Ooilege, wil! deltver the animal addresfl of the Young People's Society of the Presbyterian church, ncxt Sunday evening, and will also occupy the pulpit in the morning. Horsemen. horsp broeders, and all who wish to secure first class dralt and roadster hornea and colts fit auetion prieos, should attend the McPheroon auctlon salo at Howell on Tueeday, November lOth next. See advertisemont in nnothor column. On Fridny m-ornlng last, death removed one of our oíd residente, Mr. Francis A. Randall, of the 3rd ward, at his home on Spring st. Funeral services were held Stuulay p. m.. frnm the family resiöence, Rev. A. S. ('arman officiatlng. One son and one daughter survive him. Mrs. Babrlna Tioe, wife of John Tice, died on Friday the 8Oth inst.. of paralysis, at their home on Hiscnck et., aged 78 years. She was nn old rosdtlent of hte place, havlng vostded fop many years in the city. She lieaves a husband, four sons and a daughter to mourn her loss. Mrs. John Sweet recedved a check for $5,000 from the M. C. R. R. authoritiee last Saturday. together with ome accumulated interest, that befng the amount awarded by the jury fn the Circuit court and nffirmed by the suprom" court, for the death of her husbani], some tmi or three years sim-". There wi:l be a Chrys&nthemum Exh.iblt on Saturday. Nov. 7th. In connectioti wlfeh the Hortlcultural Soclety, in ih" pomológica! room of the coairt house. Jas. Tome fclves a free invitatinn to all lovers of flowers, all the week followlng, to see a fatgreater display, of lus Chrysanthemunis at liis greenhouse, cor. of Miller ave. and Chapín sts. The folio wing is the program to be gÜTen iK'fore the Uni'ty Chib on Monday evening next. A paper on Ejïypt, partlcolarly the pyramids and anciont tombe, wlth visits to Alexandria and Cairo, by Mrs. L. H. Stone, of Kalamezoo. Alo a paper by Mr. Philip Whltman, entit'ed "Three Years out of the World," being remiiniscences of three years in Mexico. There will be gome musie, tlie subject matter of wli'.ch is not yet announced. Died on Sunday October 25th, of tumor of the braln, af ter an extended lllmess, Mrs. Emma M. "West, wife of John J. West, of t-his city, aged 45 years, 10 months and 25 days. The deceased leavej a husband and eisht ohlldren. .Funeral services were held at th" 2nl Baptist church, on Tuesday. Oet. 27th. Mrs. West was a Bister ol Jerome A. Preeman, Mrs. L. H. Beal, Mrs. V. J. l'.lackburn, of Ann Arbor, and George G. Freeman, of Gohen, In.d. She was a native of New York, but had leen a resident of Ann Arbor since 1857. Blind Boore, o second "Blind Torn," wi'.l be In Ann Arbor next Monday plght, Nov. 9th, in the audlenoe room of the Congregatlonal church. The mswspaper reporta of concerté lie has i; i In Canada and many poluta in tlie United Si ai 's are ery commendatory. Il iil certalnly. be a matter of Interest t hear a man render instlnctlvely select ons bha.1 our besi planista labor over so long and so p:i tieni :y. lïuring the evenim;' lie has promisod to veprat any instrumental piece that may be glven by a resident pianist. Mere is something new in the way oí a musical treat. Most of the praaka of Hallowe'en e h-nnn e tter order w.-'.s' maimiained, wlth liss noise, thun for many year -. ' ■ pleasing ■enadins- party of 3 nd laia bly surprised a num! th It tri md i Mi a. very pleas: amt serenade Tlais is a new but most assiwedlj ■ w ay bo pass the evening. Hut few insbances ol overi acts are reported. A youog tree i-n fi'oüt ol the residence of Mrs. Rpy er, on N. División hl., was broken down that cvenin. bnt it hardly seema as though any one wouM be vandal enough to break down a bree. lfc lunst have b !' by the wind. The carrying off oí gatea is DOW ." dk'iieul l". tlnnn' In Anu Arbor, umi the cemenrt walka have made the oíd ía miliar Hallowe'en walk ralslng a Ihi'nu' Of thie ]iast.


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