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At Nashville, Tenn. , Direct outpaced Hal Pointer in three straight heats in 2:09, 2:08, 2:08%, the fastest time ever made in a pacing race. Mübdeker Wiixia.mson, under sentence of death at öedalia, Mo., for killing bis wife, lias confe'ssed that in 1383 he butchered an entire family near Centralia, 111., and also killed an old Germán nam sd Koen. Thk fai of William Elliott near Bboals. hul., was destroyed by fire, and Mr. Elliott, who is 80 years old, and his wife, were probably fatally burned. An explosión in the building of the United States Mine Supply Company at Cleveland, O., caused the destroction of the building and Ihe deaths of three young men. The works of the Clifton Distilling Company at (.'incinnati aompletely destroyed by fire, tlie loss being 8150,000. Four men were killed aear Great Falls, Mont. , by the premature explosión of powder and five others were fatally injared. Ex-State Aokxt Wy.vx, of the Georgia Farmers' Alliance, has settled his $20,000 shortage witb the state alliance exehange. David Chapmax, an old resident of Oshkosh, Wis., died at the age of 68, and his wife expired wbile sitting at the side of her husband's body. A FLY-wiiKKi, burst in Kimberly's rolling mili at Greenville, Pa., injuring five men, two fatally. At Glenwood, Minn., O. E. Holmes, Fred Renn, Conrad Prince, lïrazil Lyle and John Coffin were killed in a collision on the "Soo" road and seven other persons were injured. Wili.iam L. Munson, assistant secre tary of the Fulton Building and Loan association in Cincinnati, was said to be short 814,000. The grand jury of the United States district court of the Boston district has indicted the. ofïicers of the Louisiana lottery for iüegally using the mails. Thirty houses were destroyed at Conneaut, O., 0y a cyclone. Xo lives were lost. The New York eourt of appeals has rendered a decisión against the validity of the will of Samuel J. Tilden. The estáte of 88,000,000 will be divlded among the seven legal heirs of the millionaire. Theodore Sthvenson, one of the largest real estáte and insurance men at Cortland, N. Y., has failed for 8150,000. The attempt of the Indiana tax commissioners to compel banks to show a list of their depesitors has failed. Fobbst fires near Evansville, Ind.. burne I ovi r a large tract of land, and many farmi ■■■ lost their houses and other property. A libbaby of 280,000 volumes has been secnred in Europe for the new university of Chica üniïAiin Kjpuno, the author, has come to America to prosecute several publishors who have been reprinting his stories in dfiariee of the new international cojiyriii' law. Herman López and Rafael Cave, two saeep-growers, were killed at llolbrook, Ark., in a saloon fijfht with cowboys. I' [vio hundbed kegs oí powder exploded in the glaze mili of the Ohio Powder Coinpany at Yonngstown, killing1 two men and wreoking the building. Ten head of horsas and several buildings were burned at Hamilton, Kan. JOSEPH Howell, a school-teacher of Brookfield, Mo. , was sentenced to be hanged for the murder of Mrs. Minnie Hall and her four cbildren -ïanuary 19, 18SP. An incendiary íire destroyed two cotton warehouses at Newman, Ga. , causing a loss of $200.09 ). Eighteen houses at North Muskegon, Mich., -.ver,' destroyed by fire. Thk oew I dí1 id States cruiser Detroit, official ly known as No. 10, was launched at Bal! iinore. Thk two .mail i-hildren of Jerrard Jensen, living1 near Austin, Minn., were torn to piceos by wolves. Jacob Dk-k. of Boston, pleaded gnilty and was fined H00 aTid costs for iuiporting six musieians from Bavaria. At a Farmers' AHiance mass meeting in Huekport, Ark., a riot oeeurred over politics and live men were killed and several others were injured. Many business houses at Rice Lake, Wis., were burned in a firc started by tramps. AV. H. Dii.l, president of the First national bank of Clearfield, Pa., was said to be a defaulter to the extent of 8100,000. An unguarded express car on the Central Branch at Leonora, Kan., was robbed of the safe. wbioh containcd a largp snra oí money. ürsiiMoi.i, & BtTSHNMX, real estáte dealers at St. Paul, Minn., made an assignment with liabilities of $450, 00C and assets the saine. There have been 11,000 applicationa for admission as students to the new Leiand Stanford, Ji, university in California. Coba Staffoiíd, a G-year-old colored girl at Lincoln, Neb., was said to be gradually vhite. The chance began with her left foot and half of the left leg was now white. Doctors won: puzzLed. The centennial celebration of St. Mary's seminary, the oldest relifrious institutiou in the country, took place in Baltimore. A i.akge portion of Blaine county, Neb., was swept by a prairie fire, thousands of acres beinjf burned over and much farm property dostroyed. !!■! the explosión ol dustina handle factorvin vi Louis two men were fatally bm A LABOK number of dwelling houses at Kcnton, ()., were burned, the loss beinj; The di8eovery of a valuable tin mine at Kerneville, CaL, was reported. Mabshes in the upper Kankakee valley in Illinois were burninsr, andhun of tons of hay hul been destroyed. Aixianck farmers in Loup City, Neb., hoisU-d the United States flfr. sUrs I [ down. A committee of citizens fbrced i the farmers to lower the flag and readjust it properly. Eev. M. T. Wadswobth, an aged minister residing at Vienna, Ore., was killed by the Ihnl) of a tree falling upon hirn. Eveby business house in the village of Loda, III.. was destroyed by fire. At i meeting of the ooal producing companies at New York it was decided I to allow an output of 4,000,000 bushels. This is practically unlimiied production. Wim.iam VVeiGEL, a show-case manufacturer at InJianapolis, failed foi 8125,000. l!i RGI.AK9 robbed Treasurer Ingram, rry (Jrove tovvnship, 111., oí $50ü school money. A NEGRO named Snowden was lynched by i mob at West -Monroe, La., for burning thO residence of Squirí Emery. Tiik director of the New York Pasteur instituto reporta that but one hydrophobia patiënt has died out of 865 treatéd at that institution. Sevkkal parsons were reported ta have been killed by a collision on tho Kansas City railroad at Taopi, Minn. Almost the entire business portion of the villaje of Lavalle, Wis., was consumad by fire. The steamer Oliver Byrne, a Mississippi excursión boat, was burned near Milliken's Bend, and twenty lives were lost. . Joirx T. IIkxdeuhox, 70 years old, of Twiggs county, Ga., was decoyed to his door and shot dead. The drought in Alabama was reported to be without a precedent for length and severity. The railroads were finding difficulty in getting water to run their trains. Prairie dogs were said to be multiplying so fast in some of the western states that there was danger that they would overrun the country. In the United States the business failures during the seven days endedon the 30th numbered 255, against 249 the preceding week and 218 for the corresponding week last year. Lee Hughes (colored) washanged at Brenham, Tex., for the murder of his wife. One hun'dred and fiftt convicts were released at Briceville, Tenn., by 3,000 miners, and an immense stockade was burned. Roy WlLKBS broke the pacing wagon record at Independence, la., going a mile in 2:13. James Beggs, a well-to-do farmer resid ing near Elizabethtown, Ind., was fatally beaten by John and Frank Newby, two colored toughs, and robbed of a sum of money. The United States warships Newark, Philadelphia and Atlanta have beenordered to sail for Chili under command of Admiral Gherardi. At Laredo, Tex., Deputy United States Marshal George Wise and his friend, C. Garcia, were killed by Francisco Flores, a Mexican smuggler. NlHBTBEH buildings were burned at Clinton, N. J.. causing a loss of 5100,000. The government has decided that all military colleges receiving arms and ammunition trom the national government for the purposes of instruction must display the national flag on, all occasions when, under army regulations. the use of a flag is called for. A fire which started in the Advance ele vator at Peoria, 111., caused a loss of 5100,000. Vibgil 3. MuGLEY, a lawyer of Milwaukee, was convicted of the murder of his wife. Praihih flres were bnrning buildings stocked with grain and fences in Gray and Ford counties. Kan. Prairie fires near Independenee, Mo. , destroyed sixty acres of corn and thirty tons of hay, besldes several sheds, board fences, etc. H. MtJELLEB & ('i).s malt warehouse at Cleveland, O., was burned, a loss of 8150,000. Newspapbb men from several southern states met at New York and org'anized the Southern Associated Press. The R. B. ('otter Company, wholesale lumber dealers at Louisville, Ky., assigned, with liabil;ties of S-OO.OOO. Continued iinprovement in business was reported from :11 parta of the country. The town of Newberry, in üreene county, Ind., wat. almost wholly destroyed by fire. Simonson & Weiss, eloak manufacturers of New ïork, failed, with liabilities estimai. ujoü. Mis. James üarhin, aged 80, was burned to death at Akron, O. Her clotïiing caught from a bonfire. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mrs. Julia Bknson, familiarly known as "Grandma Benson, " died at Hridgeport, Conn., aged 100 years. Ths forthcominy wedding1 was announced at Atlanta, (ia., oi llirara Lester, 12.4 years old, and -Mrs. Wesly, 74 years of age. A MEETING of the national prohibition committee will be held in Chicago December 17. Ei.liott Kixg. after Solon Chase the most noted leader in the greenback movement in Maine, was found deadat his home in Portland of beart disease. Judge B. A. DKBOLT, a ineinber of the Forty-füurtli congress, died at Trent-on, Mo, Ex-Gov. Da víi) Meeriwethbk, bom the day Washington died. member ol the Kentucky legislature fifty-nine years ago and successor of llenry Clay in the senate of the United States, celebrated his 98d birthday at Liouisville. FOREIGN. Thomas Baii.kv and John Little, of Listowel, Ont., were killed by a fall from a scaffold. Nineteen livcs wen' lost by a colusión oí two British vessels in the English channeL Pabnei. lites and McCarthyites had a fight with clubs and stones in ie streets of Cork and many persons wera badly wounded. The Teutonic, of the White Star line, arrH'ed at Queenstown from New York in five days, two hoirs and three minutes, breaking all previous records. Je WI8H riots were reported f rom Eussia. Fifty were killed and hundreds wounded in one city, and Ihousands had fled to the forests, where they were dyjng of starvg IT was stated iliat 1n f persons in Mexico srerè on the verge of Btarvation owingtotbe failureof erops. Babon Hirsh bas paid $1.000,000 ior 1,000 square miles of territory in the I Argentine ropublic for the establishment of a Jt'wish settlement. Advices trom Ban that the Chilian government had refused to be responsïble for the recent outrages on American sailors of the steamer Uaitimore. and would allow no American sailors o.i shore. Minister Egan, Commander Schley and Consul MeCreery were consultmg together and it was thought thiit decisive action would be taken Boon. Jonx DlLLOW was stoned wh i Ie passing through the streets of Cork and one man struck him a heavy blow on the leg with a stiek, badly in j uring him. A high wall in Tunis feil and crushed an Arab house in which were two wedding parties and thirty person wera killed. A fhík at Virden, Manitoba, destroyed about a dozen houses and twenty imported horses. An earthqiiake at Osaka, in Japan, destroyed a large amount of property and killed 300 persons. Contractor C'oxxei.i.v, of Ottawa, Ont. , was arrested on the charge of having swindled the Canadian government out of about 81,000,000. Parahuay, through its congress, ha decided to take part in the Columbian exposition. More severe fiirhting between the two Irish faetions occurred in the streets of Cork. liach side was several thousand strong and the easualties were numerons. The anti-1'arnellites were finally victorious. Tuk potatoeropin northern Hungary has been a complete failure and feurs were entertuined that a fainine would result. Tuk McCarthyite candidate was elected to parliament to sucyïïeed Sir John Pope Hennessy. In a conflict near Milopotaraos between Turkifth troops and an armed band ander command of Chiefs Zaulus and Mauris thh-ty were killed, including the two chiefs. Vaquí Indiana descended on the village of Santa Rosa, near Guaymas, Mex., and massacred several of the inhabitants. In the recent earthquake at Osaki and other cities in Japan 3, 000 persons lost their lives and ranch property was destroyed. The coi.ments of the London papers on the Chilian incident were generally nnfriendly to this country. Majunga, an important seaport of Madagascar, was almost entirely destroyed by fire. The loss was $200,000. It was reported that a plot had been discovered in Cork to assassinate AVilliam O'Urien, the McCarthyite candidate. N ativk bandits attacked and killed a French medical officer and three soldiers of his escort as he was descending the Betsiboka river in Madpasoar. The Fench sánate has fl ed a duty of twenty-five francs on American salt pork imjjorted into that country. This actiou removes the prohibition. LATER NEWS. Tl ik Maveriek national bank of Boston has suspended with liabilities of 810. OÜU.OOO. Thomas Wii.ijamson was hanged at Sedalia, Mc, for the murder of Jefferson and Thomas Jloore in that city in May, 1890. Flames at Beverly, Mass., caused a loss of S'200,000. The secret ary of war has reduced from :!.") to o() years.the maximum age at which recruita will be accepted for the army. It was estimated that over twenty settlei-s had lost all their possessions by the recent prairie fires in Oliver county. N. D. ÖEOBOE KeBN'S barn at Frankfort, Ind., vas bnrned, and seven valuable horses perished in the flames. The Blair county almshouse at Hollidaysburg, l'a.. was destroyed byfire, and the sixty inmate.i narrowly escaped with their lives. The state bank at Ilo'ner, Neb , was robbed of 81,600 by two masked men. H. A. I'. Carter, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary from llawnii to the United Mates, died in New York, aged 54 years. A FIRE at North Baltimore, 0., destroyed fifty-eig-ht business houses and dwellings with their contents. Total loss, SwüO.OOU. Goi.n was founri on the banks of the Missouri rivor at Ilansas City, Mo., at a depth of 117 feet, A Wkixs-Fargo express {.ackasre containing $3,000 the Planters' national bank of Iloncy (rove, 'i'i-x.. v;:s spirited away between the depot and express office.


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