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Manchester is to have a new morctoant tailor shop. The mustang men ilid not fiiul a good Hterket ia Manchester. Fred O, Martty is putting in a nero stock of drugs at Manchester. Michael o. Staplsh, oí Lyodön, dled on Su.nday, Oct. 25th, aged 0! yeais. Noxt year the Cheteea fair amhorities WÍ3 hold their anntril cxhibition dinMng i lio sccond wüek of October. E. B. Tyler, of Dexter, Ml and broke liis collar bone one day last week. Wayno lias nore chieken fanclere to the squaiv yard tlian any other town in Michigan. One of the Ypellanti merchan-ts is exblbiting as Egyptian mummy in his show window, as acuriosity! Micbael Stierle, of Saline, who carné to thite co:i,nty in 1853, died at liis home itn that placo. Tm-sday Oct. 27. Mrs. Delevan Doano, who has been visitini; relat i ves in Dexter, has returned to her home in El Paso, Texas. Day laborers are wanted at Birkett. lf any one deelres to move Thero lic eau wrlte to Thos. Blrkett an.l imiuire alout it. SiimiiH'i' ïislu rui' n wUfl be iiitcrcstod ed in kiiowiiiR that the road between Cavananh and Crooked ' Lakea has been Improved tliis fa 11. The young ladtea of ïpsilantl have leen marrying yonng gentlemen from abroad recently. Whet'a the matter wlth the Ypsi. boys ? Horace P. Hammond, who died Saturday, Oct. 10, at his home in Augusta, came t-o that town in 18Í0. and bad lived there ever since. A boy in Wlidte Oak was arrested and fined $15 for shootinsi quail out of sea son. He doesn't think inuch of the slang plurase "shoot it." Geoi-ge J. Nisly, the Saline poultryman, is au auxllary world'a fair commissiouer on cockoodooledos. Saline now justly feels that she rules the roo6t. - Adrián Prees. The Livingston county poor farm kept on an average, 21 persons last year, -whole number, 26. Outside 30 persons were given relief. The total expenditures of the year were $0 386.02. George Wood, of Lodi, has gone to Australia, taking with him a drove of registered merino mms. He goos via. Xew York City to London, thence to Australia. The Plnckney Dlspatch rei)roduces an okl teap year party invitation for 1852, that will bring up pleasast recollections to some of the old pioaiwrs of that place. The shcriíí .-it Masón has leon instructed to purchase iive saw-bucks and five buck-saws for the benefit of tramps who may stop with hiña this 1 -winter. Twenty-ftve cords of wood are waitinu'. Mr. and Mrs. Perry F. Powers, of Cadillac, formerly of Ypeilanti, have ■welcomed to their home recently, boy No. 2. Herc's liopmg this boy may equal his father in good common sense and good cltizenehip. The balance of nature has surely 1p-ii somehow dlsturbed. It takes 800 expeneive roses to make a teaBpooaiful of perfume, white a pennyworth of cooked onions will scent a ivholc neishliorhood.- Ex. According to the Standard, the Woman's R?ll?if Corps, of Clielsea, are engaged in the praisewortJiy underdertaktng if vaLsing a fund for a eoldior's monument at that place, to be erocted iu Oak Groe cemetery. M. J. Noyes raised corn this year that yiehted 139 bushels per aere. Amasa Gtjberi bmeked the corn, and is autbority for the statement. - ('hclsea Herald. Tbose who have raised fruit the past few seasons ha-e made such ndee profits that others have been induced tu cnuaiíe in the business. Mr. Raiischenbei-Rcr has determined to set out ;in additional amount of peach trees and grape vines next Kpriiifí and has sold to Henry Riishton, south of town, 1,100 and to George Hebber, west of town, 1,000 peach trees to be set next Bpring.- Manchester Enterprise. For the beraefLt of the Lapham's chureh at Salem, the Ladl'e's Aid 80cietywill hold a lalr Dec. 3d, 1891, at the reefdence of H. C. Packard, Salem, coinnicncins at 1 O'Clock p. m. There wül be a. grea.t variety oi lx?autiful tliings f rom wbleh to select your Christmas gifts. Come one, come all. Ianch eerved .- 1. 1 . al] hóurs. Frank and Dan üoaiin.iu undertook to whjjp th" conductor :i.nd run the motor tlicinsclvrs, last Bunxlay nlght, si." ïiü.' each and costa, amounting to $53, in Jn.stice Bogardus's court, for their fnn.- "We have it 011 authority of the saline Observcr that some Normal students succoeded in inveigleing one of their ïiumber o-ut 011 a tsnipo hnnt. It was night. They toM him to hokl a lantern in front of an open lg, while they BCared np the sni]c, ■iiicli wonW at once, attracted by tlie Ugh-t, fly infco the bajg. 80 they stool hdm in tlie Bwamp and went lióme. The Normal dupe arrived some hours later, very cold and dejected and will employ a surgeon to treepan his skull, and put in the braine 61 a snipe. - Adrián Press. A singular affalr occurrod tho ot'.ier da.y, two or threc milos west of the city. AY. II. Horton was out wlth egg wagon, when he met with a rusitc (armer who was driving :iluncompfefcently smoking his pipe whilc the Irasgy top was burning away ii-om over his head, the flames risistK three or four ieet high. Some ííood scrambHng av.-is done and the iire extlngulahBCl. Ir had uudoubtedly caught from the pip;1. The farmer imagimed it was a. warm day, and (aid he thought ii ■ heard a noise, lut supposed it w.-is ;i team coming up belKiid liini.- Hi'.isdal" Democrat. L. D. Watklna dtellveeed 3,803 lbs. of clover seed to Wm. Burtlees, of Manchester, one day las.1 werk, in one load. Abram Gorsline, of Superior, a well kiuiwn farmer, was eeverely rnjured by his team running away, recently. A llittle three year old chlld feil (rom a bridge In Ypei. a distance of 30 feet, anti was nol injured to any extent, a lew days since. Those are the Bort of chffldren to have. Qextef would be pelased to have electric lights, water works, and a motor lime to Ann Axbor, and IVxter ought to have them all, and wfll have them. It is only a question of Eleven prominent farmers a bout Cheteea have signed a paper lorbldding shooting or trespassing npon theli farms, and publ'ish a no tice to that effeet in the Chelsea papers. Riglit tliey aiv. Webster Gillette, a lormer Ypsllantl boy, now of New York, is galning natioual celebrity as an electrical inventor. He has lately perfected a magnetic bell without a battery, whlch is supersoding all other bells and the only long-distance telephone dot controlled by the Bell connorant. - Ypsiiaiitlan. The many frlends of Dr. AVatling will be glad to know that he is 80 f. ir recovered from his tojury In Dakota as to ba able to be returned homo. Ho arrived here Tiiesday nlght Bomewhet lmproved luit etitl nuich crippled and weak. He is uuder the care of Dr. Hivston who thinks his recovery wlU be rapld amid home surroundings. - Ypsilantian. J. R. lirown, of Superior, Washtenaw county, had the largest load of wool brought to South Lyon this sc.i son, 250 fleeces, and welghing -.- 4fi8 pounds. One of the best loads waa purchased of H. Johnson, of Northvillo. G. Ix'nox, of this township, had the heaviest- average fleece of waslied wool was 13 1-2 pounds. - So.. Lyon Picket. Two fat steers belongtng to C. A. Brown, spent Tuesday nlght in the Bewer trcnch, at a pollit 17 feet deep. When removed AVednesday mornrng tlut'y depnrted at a jrait whlch Bliowed plailnly that they had all the sewer they cared for. It was nimorcd about town that it was some "cast sider's (s)tears" that were iln the Bewea-, but of course this was a. ioke. - Ypsilanti Commercial. The little party of thrèe, of Whlch .T. II. Bortel was one of that nuniber, made a grand record in the Xorth. They captured and took into camp IS deer, besldes a good supply of fish and small game. Anyone Interested in this line of sport eau spend an hour pleaeantly by calling around at tho store where John will gladly relate many ezclttlng in i.lcnts whlch happened durjng his st:iy thore.- Saline ObSBTver. The GSarier-Strong Oü Stove Co. have purchased the Hots corner Main and Rallroad st reets, and will ereel a largo engine house, putting in a 60-hoiwe power boller and engine, and when completed, they will employ about twonty-five more men, making elghity-five In all. The company bas withdrawn its proposition for Ughting the vilbige with electricity, and will put in a 150 light dynamo, whk-h will be used for Ughtlng their lactory.- CSuelsea llera ld. Etev. LeRoy Warren was greeted with a crowded house at the Congregational ehurch Sunday evening. Among the Btatletlca glven, he said that Wa8htenaw county has T-'i ehurch sittings to each 100 inhabitant-s and that in Menominee county there are only 11 sittings to each 100 inhabitants. In southern Michigan many of the villages have more ehurch accommodations than are needf-ul while large tracts of country territory are de6titute.- Dexter Leader. The latest way of raising money for chuii-ch and charitable purposes ia to give a mum party, and there is an abuiödance of fun in it. On entering the parlar the guest can bow or liake hands, but is not allowed to speak without an indulgence which is puirchased from a committee pointeil to sell the indulgences of teu, twenty and ihirty minutes duration for sniall suons which vary according to tlie langtb of th lnduJgence. A ribbon badge, wlth the word lndulgence and time specified i.f furnlshed. AU who talk without au indulifence must pay a fine of ïivc - for each offence. Tliose who take Induügencee deliglit in talklng to tliose without, and much lun 1b


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Ann Arbor Courier