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Horticultural Society

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Hou. .1. Austin Scott presided over the November meeting. Mr. J. I!. ('onrad, cliainnan oí the COmmltfee on traneportation, recommended the bilis, presented by Mr. J. C. Schenk at the last meeting, bo be pald. He de■liiH-d, liowcvcr. bo collect the money ■dr payment of these bilis, as he had notiilng to do wltn the eontroctlpn jf the same. He had returned erates tor t ii ghlppers at the cheap rate ot ■i penny aplece, whlch is by far the beapeet way, and dld nol succeed In mlleetlng these dues and would rathe,r pay them out of hla own pocket. If hls time was worth anythlng, the apease wo-uld be considerable. Mr. Schenk st.ated that he had lost elght incluis of peaches In Detroit and very likcly inany others. He was in favor of an agent at Detroit who would s,., to the dlstrlbutlon of the fruit trom the Ann Arbor fruit car. Without, suc-li an agency anybody could help hlmselt to fruit from onr car. A reeolution was paased to collect om cont pee bushei o( berries shlpped by the Aun Arbor fruit car, and Mr. L. Ci-uncr, 8 S. Main st., was unanimousl.v requeeted t" receive these dues by the Bhlppers, who are respectfully requested to attfemd to the payment of this email tax at once, at Mr. Gruner's Bhoe Btore. Our best inarkct for fruit was dlscussed. For berries Detroit was mentioned as good enongh, with the exccption of the return of berry boxee. Detroit coiinnis.sion men should instruct customers to return the crates with the boxes not neeted. Mr. .1. i'arslitill and Wra. McCl ry priocfpal peach and oppte growere, did better by Bhipptng fruit to northetn eities. The Detroit market was eonsidered the pooresi lor peaches and pears. The employmemi of an agent tor the sale oí Aun ATbor fruli had as many advweates as opponents. Mr. Crozier was in favor oí an advi'snry agent. Mr. S. Mills, the vieran fruit grower, Btated that he dld better by Bhipping berries to Saginaw and Bay city. Every basket was prompt ly returned, whíle from Detroit he hardly got any baskets returned. Those returned from there „.,,, msic.i wlii'ii wet, and qucnUy woi tliless. Detroit was the Dteanest place tO return baskets. The ijuesUton p! markets was reterred to ihc commïfctee mi transportation, to report ai nexi meetïng. A reeees ol ten minutes was taken to examine the large exhiblt of fruita 'nul flower. The qucKtion: "Is fruit and vegetable growi'ng oreréoaè In ttols county," was eonetderably dlseussed. No vegetable growcrs betng present, the fruit growcrs generally were of the opinión tliat the growing of ehoice fruit ffaa not OTerdone. Som e very intellïgen.1 strangere of striking physlognomies #ere preaenit. We only could learn ö name ol Mr. Clough, of Superior, who, if he Bhoold cboose our city as hls place of residence, would be mont, weieome by tuis society. A vote of tlKinks was tendered to Florist Toins, whO exhibitetl 10 varleties ol Chrysantli-unims. He has at liis gfeeahonse, 7 varieties of this lavorlte flower of the Mlkado. Mr. .1. Austin Scott liad the ttnesi exhibit ol apples: Jonathan, Baltlw in GrecniiiR, Kinu,', Austin, Spafford Russ.t. swar. BeUflower, Belmout, Ladie's suwtius, Ben Davis, Talman SwfOting, Hubbardston, Vivar and White Dogeune pears. The Austin appte was prononnced the finest of the scason. It is a sub-aeid, late fall and early winter variety of the finest flavor. Mr. Scott, tlie originator of tlüs apple, which is also perfect in torm and color, is worthy of the name oía benefactor. The apple -was nam..,1 a ft er Min by the president ol the American Pomoloiiiial Society, Marshall P. Wilder. Mr. W. P. Bird had the larg8t and finrst ezhlblt of i-rapvs: the Niágara, Brlghton, Concord, Agawam, Lindley, Amber Queém, Müls, Merrimac, Ulster. nine varieties of pears, and one of apples. E. Baur had nine va rieties of pêars, six ol apples and two Ol quinces. The exhibli was one of the fines of this season. It is especially usefu as an educator for young pomologist-s and tor the fruit consumer in general EMIL BAUR, Oor. Sec'y. Several memben of the Toledo Cycl Club expect to tline ab the Germania Sujwlay, wlK'eling over from Adriai They wlll retui-n via the T., A. A. i N. M. R. R.


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