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" My Daughter's Life. Was sa ved by Hnod's Barsaparilla," 8 iys Mr. B. li. Jones, of Alna, Malne. "She had seven running sores In diftVr. in places tul lier body. but on gtvlng lier Hood's bhere was marked lmprovemeni and now she is well ;in;l healthy." Hood's Pilis cure Comstlpatlon by i'isl oring the prcistalic nction of the ailmcntary canal. 'I licy are the besi family cathai-l Ie. Wlint fireater loss th.-ui that of a truc (Tiend ? Is not equanlmlty lh' brst of Kiipporta under dlffleuU e .' IIow himiv hoiirs ol vexatiOD Avill pay even a smal! clebt ? Are nol sbori cnts in business oitrn hazardoua to honesty ? Io not aituatlons if hazard beal prove the siucerity of friends ? Is tlioro not such i tliiiií; as belng too prudeni even to taH in love ? Is precipltanc in action any more dangêrous than excesslre caution? WouM not soinr; people have "a great footlng in the worW" U th' sizi' of their footgear determined thelr rank and guccese in Hfe ? The laborable impreseión produced 0:1 til'.' flret appearanoe of tfie agreeiiiiiL liquld fruit remedy Syrup o4 I'ius e few yeara tigo lias been more than confirmed by tibie ptoaaanrt experience al all wiin lüivi' oaed ir. nul the gucc 's. o4 the proprletora and manufacturera oí California Viz Syrup Company. I Am an Oíd Man. sh;iil ir.' Til ycars of age ii'Lt June, and for the last ni; years have suífered troon general debllity and oíd age. At times I enuld not get out of bed without lwlp. I commenced to take 8ullilmr Bitters. In a week I feit Btranger and rot a mighty ïine appetite. I still continuad their us-, and to-day 1 walki'd over tliri'f miles without Peeling tired, so-mcthiiiii I haven't done in Hve years before. Sulplnir Bittere is a rlglit smart incdieine. - (' Brown, Keokuk, Iowai Mrs. Blew- Wlierp is Robert ? llajor Grepn- Hp went into the dark room with Etliel to dcvelop a negatlve. .Mrs. Blew- By the timp they've been fronp I fancy thcy ai-e developinjr an (ifiirniativ ■. Tlic eombinatioii of ingredienta round In Ayer'fl Pilis renders them tonic and cni'ativc as well as oathartlc. l'or iiiis reason they are the Kst medicine lor people of Kostlve habit, a.s taey restore the natural action of bowels, -witliout debllitating. How niiiny people who boast of the high standing of their ancestry are as careful as thcy mlght always be to sustaln the character ot their bouse aiüi hand it down nnimpalred to thi'ii dvs-cndants ?- Boston Journa.l. _ Now Try This. It wi'.l cot yon nothing and will Min-Iy do jou good, il you havr a Cougïi, ('old, or uiy trouble -vitli 'Dru.ii, ri],-,t or tixmga. Dr. Iving's Xcw Discovery for Comsumption, Conshs and Colds js g'uarantood to Sri ve relief, or money wlll be paid back. Sul 'rere irom LaGrippe found it just the thing and onder 1ts use had a speedy finid perfect recovery. Try a sample bottle at our expense and learn for yonraell just liow good a thing it is. Trial bottlea free at Eberbach & Son, nul c.eo. T. Hauss'.CT, of Manchester. Jarge size 50c. and $1.00. -4Ak A'.l liav,e their jjood points - Needies. A case of spoons - "Romeo and Julet." Spreads iteelf - Syrnp. A eoin-ed word- Franc, reu-ces ;i licad - The goat. Sleepy tilinga - Opiates'. Take to th.o woods- Wild beasts. Go together- Tit. bat, Imv. Lives a doií's life - Th.e mastiff. Not wortli the moncy (uinc.i lii'ns. Looks you square in the eyes - The cculiat. In tO'ueli "vitli inusdciniiK- 'l'iif gular. Alv;iys on top- Transoms. A glgantlc fraud - Cardill ;iint. No embargo on it - Thr American In the mlddle of hailtwit- I. "A Roaring Farce," ís i lie term we often hear applied to the modern trlal-by-Jury. The trial of Dr. Pierce's Favorito Preecription, by a Jury of thousanda of women atfllcted with "íemale complaints," has been no farce, for it lias establlshed the fact that this remedy is a speclfic for all ehronic "weakneeses peculiar to the sex. T!u' nniy medicine for wonnen, sold by druggists, under a positivo uarantee, trom the manufacturers, that it will glve satisfaction in every case, or money wil] be refunded. ïhis guara,ntee has boon printert on the bottle-wrappor, and faitlifully carrled out for many yoars. "lion all is done human Ilíe is at the Breate1 and best, but, like a forward cbild, it must br played with mil h-umored a llttle to keep it qulet till it falls asleep, and then all is ci,t.- sir w. Temsle. Tü'e is made np iiofc of great sacrl. but ol liltie things, in whlch siniles and kindnese and small obllgations sivra habitnally are wha1 win and preserve the heart and secure comfort.- Sir II. D;ira.


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Ann Arbor Courier