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Dr. X;i iinvcle went to Grand Rapta Tueeday. Princcton hos been presented with $2,000 spectroscope. The D. K. E's Inltiated six now membors last Saturday night. The Phi Delta. Plu rooms are being arpeted by B. F. Mills & Co. Next Saturday the II. of M. bal] ickers will kick in Chicago. Eight lumdred studente are caterd to nt Memorial hall, Harvard. At Princeton four fine college lmildngs are in the procees of erection. At the University of Heldleberg, Gernwmy, foot ball has been prolübitcd. Prof. Taft is cwie of the judges at he flower show now in progresa at )etroit. On the evening of Nov. 29, the S. . A. will be addressed by Prof. J. B. Steere. A new scientific hall, costing $50,00 Is being erected at the University f Colorado. Tlie ccveds have gene into the liazng business at Lake Forest university. Rad girls ! Mrs. President Angelí is one of the atronesees of the coming great charty ball in Detroit. Several dates have already been aranged by Manager Smith for the Glee and Banjo Clubs. The foot ball team are probably ble to put up a botter game now han ever before in their history. Tickets for tlie Cornoll-U. of M. game at Detroit will cowt $1.25, which ïcludos admission to the grounds. About 100 couple atteaided the first eception of the season given by the lobart guild at Harria hall last Frilay niglit. An oíd Germán libr;vry, of 40,000 volumies, has been purchased by some Chicago gentleman for the University of Chicago. On Saturday evening there is to be a "tropical social" given to the Student's Chrlstian Association, at the Baptist church, to which all are cordially invitad. Harvard claims to have registered tliis year 2,(113 students. If as innny reffUrter in the U. of M. as did after thls date last year, she will have upwards of 2,750. Prof. Bumham, of Colgate üniverStiy, will give a series of lectures and Bible readinge on Isaiah, in Newberry hall, under the auspices of the Student'e Christian Association, on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 21 and 22 There will be two games of foot ball witli the Cornell team this year, öhe at Chicago and one at Detroit. The Detroit game will be witnessed jy n huge crowd of wearers of the yellow and bluo. Our boys hope for jettèr resulta than last year. A. lady wrltlng to the Michigan Moderator, from Lakeport, Cal., says: 'T am pLeased to learn in what favor the Michigan University is held here. It Is -onsideivd equ&l to or botter than Harvard. A yonng lady of the vlcinlty bas been In attendanee it Aan Arlor for two years, and re:nrns again." The Denver RepubUcan papera are üghly praisinff Earl B. Coe, chalrnian of the city commlttee for the oasterly way in which he arganlzed victory. Mr. Coe is a gradúate oí the university In '82 and Is coniins vipidly to the front in Colorado. Mrs. James MuiTay has been enterialning her brother Thos. Walker, iikI wife, of Detroit, duxing the week. Had Mr. Powers stopped witli David iarriik, last Sa t.urday eveninsí, he would have lelt a much better impreseion upon a majority, at least, nf hls audienci'. He is not a success m delineatlng Irish character, tiiat is to say, lie did nob make a suceess of it that nlght. In portraying English character, he Is bhe peer of any me apon the platform. Ha should cling to that. The startln o!l o! the Student's Lecture Assoclation eourse last Batnrday eveolng, was a magnificeni bucc ss. There were ao vacani seats in üniverBity hall, and I 1 :n.l T. l'ciwre -ut. rtained the audlenee In B nu si saiisfaetoiy manner. UniverBity hall is uot larnv enouffh to accommodate the people who deslre to attend. It will have to be enlarged, 11 thls thiog teepe on. The eleven seeins to be haviiiíí remarkabiy bad luek, in regard to inJuries. Pearson. has been troubled with a painful ear. but is improvlng and will booo be practielng agaln. Wieks lias a foot whieh has been KiviiiK him more or trouble. Mtiwiry lias been weartog a niask dttring the week; hla nose is in (juite bad eondiiion. Wirlght, the sprinter, is weariug a piaster cast on his ankle; that member was badly wrenched and will not allow practice for some timo to come. Sherman has a strainel shoulder, and Haya a troublesome leg. The latter seems to be snrapwhat over-trained. - Yellow and Blue. Paul Suauble sold $1,000 worth of the Michigan Furniture Co'b goods, in three days last week. Mr. Dewoy wül read a paper bcfore the Ann Arbor Art Club, at the ïvsidence of Ure. W. S. Perry, this eveniiiR. Friday, Saturday and Sunday were traditional April days, fair and beautiful ome minute, rainlng and frownlng the nekt. We RathOT iroan infoi-matiou apon a poeta! eard which bas fallen undeiomr notice that Joaepta Clark is su]Miiiit'n(laiit" of Homeopathie Medical íaculty. A burgular sawed a hole throngh the back door of .Fred T. Stlmeon's store on X. Main strrct. last Moiuhiy nifiht, pint one of hls hands through, turned th" k'ey and walked in. The only thiiiii inisstMl was abouit $6 in kinall change thai was left in the cash (iraAvcr. Sarah, wiíe of Lewis Lamboni, of Lodi, (lied on Safcurday, Noy. 8th, iged 78 years, 6 mos. Funeral held 1 nhi.v j). m., at the reeidemcé, Eev. Henry ïatlork officiatlng. The fihe weatiher of the frxeater part of tii" pnsi weeft lias caused the annüig conimunity to hustle their fall work, and as a eonsequence the nuerchairts say that busftaess has been luH. The r malus ol .raines Loughlin, iornierly of Northfield, who was accilcntly drowiwd in Toledo, on the 2d nst., were brought to thia city Thursday last, and luterred in Northöeld ■.■Tnvt.-ry. This evening the Aim Arbor Llght Iniantry will open thelr armory and club rooms in thè llanerstorfer blook hy a gTand reception. The company have commodloua and elegant quart-i-s. and their frlemds will be pleased to assist in d M'.icatiag them. At the last meeting of tbr Young Mn's so -ifty. of ZionV Lutheran ■hni-cli, tb.' iollowlng ofllcers were ;1: President, Etev. Max Hein; vlce president, Chrlstlan Stoll; secretary, L. Boes; treasurer, Charles Steeb; collectors, Pred Wolf and Herman Stoll.- Daily Times. On Friday, Nov. 6th, Mre. Emma M. Hatch, daufiliter of Mrs. Mary ('ook. dicd at thelr residanee, Xo. 12 N. State st.. of pneannonia, aged 23 years, 8 montha and ( days. Funeral was held Sunday, at 3 o'elock p. m., at the reeldemce, Rev. Henry Tatloek conductiiiK tlie services. The second game between the Ann Arhor High School and Normal teams. cloaed with a row Satnrday. The Normal team protested agaiiist alU'K'd Kluggins by Baird, of Aim Arbor, and not resumlng play in time the referee declared the game forfeitetl to Ann Arbor by the score as it then. st-ood, 18 to 0, in favor of Aim Arbor. The Normal team left the Ki'ounds very imlignant. Hallowe'en nlght Saturday, Oct. 31) called out the evll spirits, who proceeded to collect all the ungainly and dUapidated property they eould find and place it in the streetK: removed si'j,-ns, gatee and thre-w cabbages aronnd.- Wayne Review. Had that occurred in Ann Arbor, it Avould have been hurled to the reinotewt pnrts of the world by this time, as an instance of student rowdyism. The alarm of fire yesterday afternoon, was on account of the explosión of an oil heater In the home of Mr. Frank Dole. Mrs. Dole was fillinfl the stove while burning. She was (se.verely burned, though not. dangerously, we bclieve. Tlie furniture in the room was ruined, bub the house was sa ved. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Is thle another victim of squawbuck oil? The Instances an1 getting numerous.


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