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The Best Of Children's Magazines

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Tlio publlshers oí St. Nlchoías, that famoiM young toïka' magaalne, are ofíerlng to send a sample eopy, free o! eluarg, to any (ather or mother ivlio wonid üko to consl-der the queet!ü.ii oí talclng n eháldren's magazine ilurin.iï .tlu' year to come. Certalndy i ;iiat queetion is np íor clicu.-sinii ín auy household st. Nicholas wll Ík' tli't )u;i.iaziu selected. Prom Ita first iiumber, iii 1873, the pens of the greateet writers oí the English world, and the pencils of tlie most famcras illustrators, have been at ita service. Tennyso-n, Longfellow, Bryant, Thomas Hughes, Whittier, Brete Harto, Bayard Taylot, Mrs BurD'ftt, Miss Alcott, Dcmald ;. Mltchell, Georgië Macdomald, Mrs. Ollphant, ProSeseor Proctor are a ii'w ol the many great names which have been upon iis ;ist of eomtrlbutors. Mrs. Mai-.v Mapes Dodjg i Is the editor. in h ia riiistr.n 'd. I.V IS! IL'. Thera .-u-r i,, be serla] stories by Brander Matthews, Lieutanant Robert H Fletcher (the amthor of that cbann Lag book, "Marjorle and Her Papa") Laura E. Richards, WlUiam O. Btoddard, Charles E. Carry] (the author i! "Iavv and the Go-bün"), and Francee Co-urtenay Baykw. There will be short. Btories by Thomas Nelson Page, Mary E. Wükíns, Mary II.ilkxsk Foote, Richard Malcolm Jolmston. Octave Thanet, Greneral O. O. Howard, and many others, ith papers if u-ave] and adventire by J. T. Trowtarldge ajid Lteutenairi SchwatUa., and ueeful artiolea oa "Xrow Colunibus Reckoned," "WtUiam tlie Conquero-r," "Votoanoes aiwl Eartbquakes," -sti-aiüiu Linea and aretes," et:-, in "Strajigie Corners öt Our Country" the Grea.1 American Desert, the Cliff-DweUlngB öl .rizona. and other iiitn-cstins places, trfll bc described, and in "Honors to the Flag" and "Boys and National Guard" the p.i.triotism oí the vouiik readers will be aroused and stimulated. ulianRaJ lph is to describe "The Mnking of a Great Newspaper," and the are and incandescent electric linlits axe to be clearly explained. APPLIED CHRISTIAXITY. is wliat St. Niehotafi teachos;- unseliisliiness, faitlifulness, courage, truthfuiiirss- these thlngs are taught in a iHindred ways by stoiics, poeras .■nul pictures. Do you need sm-li uo .'issisiant in wOTk with vour boys and glrlB ? [1 so. and if" you are nul aiready famiMar with St Nicliotas, sond ai postal card to Tlie Centure Co., Union Square, New York, N. Y., and aak see a sample copy. A year's subscription to St. Nichotos makes a splendid Chi-istmas ppeeent, for it brtügs ChristmaK tu-c'.vc times a year.


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