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A commercial congress will be held In Kansas City, Ma, December 15 and 16 to urge upon congress the systematio improveinent of the Missouri and lower Mississippi rivers. DuRtNOi a quarrel betvveen Alexander Scott and bis wife near Indianapolis, Ind., the latter shot and killed her husband. Two men naraed Smith and Felton were lynched by a mob at Mer Kouge, La., for the murder oí a man named Dyins. John Lasib's livery stable at Jacksonville, 111,, was burned, and thirteen horses perlshed in the flames. The executive committee of the National Education assoeiation has decided to hold the next annual convention at Saratoga Springs, ,'. y., July 12 to 15, 1892. The long strike of the coal miners of the Pittsburgh, Pa., district for an advance of ten cents a ton is over and the 12,000 men vvho had been Idle for three months returned to work at the operators' terms. Wili.iam Cox, aged 50, and his son William, 28 years old, vvho lived near j Wapella, 111., were suffocated by gas while cleaning out an old well. Lawyeb McCurdy, of New York, who won the case for the Tilden heirs, received $400,000 for his fee. Stephen Bond and his wife were fatally injured by an explosión of natural gas in their home at Anderson, Ind. Fire in the lumber yard of Burnham & Davis at Lowell, Mass., caused a ' loss of 8100,000. Crabtkke & PatchbttSs woolen mili at Montpomery, N. Y., was burned, causing a loss of 5?IO,),OO(). Tin-: boiler of a thi-asher exploded near Sanborn. N. D., killing Ed. Thompson, the engineer, Albert Thompson, the fireman, audEd. öwartwout. The steamship Fulda made the trip from Gibraltar to New York in eig-ht days and eight hoors, the shortest trip betwecn the two ports on record. A cagk carrying eighteen men feil in the Anaconda mine n -ar Hutte, Mont., from the 400 to the 9JU level and killed seventeen men. Telegrams received by Gov. Buchanan, of Tennessee, reported the capture of afcout ninety of the convicts liberated by miners. Tuk secretarj of the interior has isBued an order to entry under the homestead law the surplus iands of the diminished Fort Assiniboine military reservation in Montana, aggregatinr (7,200 acres. An express car on the Missouri Pacific road was le!d up by six raaskcd men near West Sidc, Neb., and robbed of $8,500. A STATEMENT prepared at the treasury department :hov.s that the increase in eirculating medium for October was 833,810,1-35: increase iu bullion and money in the trc-asury, 89,183,403. A great golu iind was reported near Llano. Tex. In the New York presbytery Prof. Brig-gs was acq nitted of the charge of heresy. John Ebamer, aged 41, of New York, shot and fatally wounded his wife and then took bis nwn life. Albert K"(i::-.s, the lB-year-old Milwaukee boy wtio killed Annie Kodatz, aged 15years, ha; been senteneed to life imprisonm. nt. Thf. milit;nv academy at Dartmouth, O., was burned. Iiie Farnieri' mortgage and savings bank of Summerville, Ore., was entered by two mafcked m?n, uho at the point of a pistol conipelled the cashier to give up $4,800 in cash. Chkrokek Indiana have filed a petition at Muscog-ee asking a partition of i 14,000,000 acres of land in severaltv. SihXiFRiED Gosch, a Germán laborer at San Francisco, murdered his wife and son by splitting their skulls with a hatchet and then hung himself. It was said that no further demands would be made upon the Chilian government by the United States until after the election of the new president on ' the 16th inst. Bürglaks eatered A. D. Sprague's j bank at Caledonia, Minn. , and secured $(,000. A train on the Mount Penn road juinped the track near Reading, Pa., and dashed into an embankment, killing the conductor and fatally wounding two and seriously wounding two others. Lookout Mountain Cottag-e house, a hotel, and seven cottages were burned on Lookout Mountain, Tenn. Judge Taintor, of Hartford, Conn., decided that liquor dealers in that state must take out license in each county in which iiquor is sold. It was üaid that the boundary line betvveen Ohio and Indiana deprived Ohio of a trianrular-sliaped strip of land 200 miles long and 12 miles wide ! at the north end. Should this fact be j established Indiana will claim a corresponding slice from Illinois, which incl udes a portion of Chicago. Dr. Mott Smith, of Ilawaii, who was in Washington, announced that the citizens of Hawaü desired the annexatiou of the island to the United States. The wholesale dry goods and notion firin of Weiss Bros. at Galveston, Tex., failed f or $450,000. Ohio farmers organized a state association with J. W. Chamberlain, of ïiffin, as president Foub stockmen were killed and an engineer was seriously hurt near VVaco, Tex., by a rear-end collision of stock train s. Robert Wallace, a colored sleeping car porter, was taken from a train at Lake, Miss., by masked men and hanged for assaulting Station Agent Gilmore. At the Leadiogr clearing-homea in the United States the exehanges during the week ended on the (ith aggregated 11,166,880,860, against $1,218,166,861 tho previous week. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week oí 1890 was 0.0. A fiiïe at Duray, Va., did 125,000 flamage. I-a tho United Statsa .hp bnsinnsc ■ fauures during the seven days endedon the 8th numbered "((i, against 2.55 ; the preceding week and 215 for the [ corresponding weck last year. It wti said that a Qeorgian had invented a inacliine that performed perfectly tlie work of picicing cotton. Twi) viii'sii .en were burned to death in a prairie flre in Aurora county, S. D. A. explosión of six boxes of blasting caps at tlie Last Chance mine in Wardner, Idaho, killed Daniel Sullivan, Daniel McLean and A'illiam Parks. FoiiKST fires were raging on all sides of Florence, Ala., and great damage was being done. At Niágara Falls, N. Y., the heading of Khaft Xo. 8 in the Niágara tunnel caveel in, killing two men outright and wounding twelve others. Th F, Cochrane-Fulton company, distillers and wholesale liquor dealers at Louisvilie, Kj., failed for .$500,000. Nearlï all sections of the country reportcd that business was healthy and improving. The Bank of Florence, Ala., failed, with assets of {50,000 and liabiiities ol $100,000. Nbae Ijima, O., Frank McKernon and Frank Taylor were riding on a load of hay when the load was upsei by a gust of wind and both men wera smothered. A i'ACKAGE of lottery tickets sent from New Orleans via Ireland was seized at Kalkaska, Mich. Abe Wayman, the murderer of convict guard Tom Eowland in the Coal City riot June 21 last, was hanged at Crayton, Ga. The 6-months-oId baby boy of Mrs. Mary Diekson, of Atlanta, Ga., was fatally crushed in a folding bed. WlLLIAJ] MoBBn.l., 36 years old, of Cincinnati, and P. Hart, aged 45, of Anderson, Ind., were instantly killed at Shanks, O., by the cars. Joe JeffebsoN lowered the world's three-mile pacing record by going the distance in 7:3S14 at Knoxville, Ia. The best previous record, 7:44, was made by James K. Polk in 1847. Andrew Kohler shot and killed Annie Drew at St. Paul, Minn., beeause she refused to marry him. The giant powder works at Clipper Gap, Cal., blew up, killing five men and seriously wounding one boy. The price of admission tothe World's Columbian exposition in Chicago will be fifty cents. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Congkkssmkn were elected on the 3d as follovvs: New York, Second district, Alfred C. Chapin, (dem.); Tenth, Bourke Cockran (dem.); Twelfth, Little (dem.); Twenty-second, N. M. Curtis (rep.). Michigan, Fifth district, Charles E. Belknap (rep.). South Dakota, Second district, John J. Jolly (rep.). Gov. Page, of Vermont, has issued a proclamation formally announcing the appointment of Redfield Proctor as United States senator tosucceedGeorge F. Kdmunds, re.signed. CArT. Artiiur R. Yates, commandant of the Portsmouth (N. H. ) navy yard, died there of heart disease. He was a New Yorker and had been in the service thirty-eight years. Notices of contest of the seats of six members-elect to the Fifty-second congress have been filed in Washington, three from Pennsylvania, one from New York, one from South Carolina and one from Alabaina. Tony Hart, the well-known comedian, died at tbc Worcester (Maas.) lunatic hospital, aged 43 years. Jüx-Uov. Ai.heht S. Mauks died suddenly in his room at the Maxwell house in Nashville, ïenn., ag-ed 55 years. Further returns froni the recent state elections show that in Jiew York Flower (dera. ) has a majority of 47,000 for g-overnor, with the leg-islature republican. In Massachusetta Russell (dem. ) was reolected g-overaor by 6,000 plurality; remainder of the ticket and the leg-islature republican. In Pennsylvania the republicans elect Greg-g auditor general by about 58,800 inajority. In New Jersey the democrats retain the legislature. In Iowa Gov. lïoies (dera. ) was reeleoted by about 9,000 plural i ty; the legislaj ture is republican. In Ohio McKinley (rep.) was cho.sen goyernor by over i 21,500 plural ity, with a republicaa [ legislature. In Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado the republicana were successful. In Maryland Frank Brown (dem.) was elected foverrior by about 15,000 majority. In New liainpshire the republicana were successful by a large majority. Martin Stanz died at the hospital of the Little Sisters of the Poor in Milwaukee, aged 101 years and 2 months. Rkufiei.d 1'Roctoi?, chosen United States senator from Vermont, has placed his resig-nation as secretary of war in the hands of President Harrison. Nathaniel Laird cast his eightyseventh vote at the recent election in Osweg-o, N. Y. He was born 109 years ago. Ex-C.ov. S. Gregory Smith, of Vermont, died at St. Aibans, Vt, aged 78 years. FOREIGN. There was said to be an inoreased demand in English markets for American flour and spring wheat. Asiatic cholera was raging in Damascus. Out of 180 cases there ninety were fatal in six days. It was reportedthat the Chilian minister of foreig-n affairs had sent a dispatch to Minister Egan relative to the Baltimore affair couched in conciliato ry terms and evincing in every way a desire to see that justice was done as Boon as the inquiry in Valparaíso was concluded. A rich Jewish timber uierchant and ' his whole family, of twelve persons, were murdered at Osowico, Eussia, bv a band of robbers. Fivk tbousand bootmakers were locked out in London and 20,000 would ultimately be treated in like marnier. The cause was a strike by employés of two firms. Sandringham house at Norfolk, the home of the prince and princess of Wales, was g-utted by fire. The export of potatoes and all cereals except wheat has been forbidden by the government of Russia. Is the storm jf. SeoteiDbeïtuU in. Japan eigüty-two I ves were ÜS!, 3,7u houses were entirely destroyed anc 760 vessels were carried out to sea o sunk. The property loss was e.stimatec at $1,000.000. In a flght between Eiissian and Ger man Btudents at the university of Doz pat, Russia, three of the Germana were killed. The iight grew out of race feelint,''. E.M ix PA8HA has been heard from again. Jle wasabont to start on anex pedition to the domains of the kinf o Ruhanda, which has hitherto been un visited by white men. A BOAT altached to the battleship ITowe capsized at Portland, Eng-., anc six sailors were drowned. ÏIMOTHI ükai.y, the most bitter of the anti-Parnellite leaders, was horsewhipped in the streets of Dublin by Mr. McDormott, a nepliew of the late Mr. ParoelL At BerJin the failure of Hirschfield & Wolf, banken, with liabilities oí 300,000 marks, vas announced. Revolutionary tactics in Brazi] have so alarmed the authorities in Washington that one or more United States gunboats will be sent to Rio de Janeiro. Il was reported that the Brazüian eong-ress had been dissolved, martial law proel aimed and a dictatorship established Ihe JMongolian city of Tehbua was captured 1 y a forcé of 5,030 insurgents. In a religieus riot at Mazanderan, Persia. a mob set fire to the house of Gen. Saadal Gooly Khan, who was killed, with twenty dependents. Mahik Lebo:(;f, a yuvirness, committed suicide i i Parií af1 ■■ fashot her betrayer, Valentine It was reportad that neax-ly 2,000 of the Russian troops ■ ; the Prnth had penshed of typhua ■. .-. Thk report that th Br ziliao congrrs.s had been dissolved and martial law declared in that country vs confirmed by a dispatch from the United States minister in Braz 1. President Fonseca had declared himsslf as dio tator. Admiiíai. Joros Montt has been chosen president of Chili for the term of five years. He will be inauguratsd on December 20, The steamers Farsee and Lou Jane of St. Johns, N. F. , were wreeleed, and eleven uves were lost, including1 Capt. Keen and his four sons of the Parsee. Severe snowstorms prevailed in Bulgaria. At some points the snovv was 10 feet deep and many persons had rtied from the effects of the cold and Ihousands of cattle and sheep had been lost. It was reponed that Martin Flavin, the McCarthyite candidate for member of parliament from Cork to succeed the late Charles Stewart Parnell, had been elected over John E. Remond, the Parnellite canclidate. A SCORE of lives were lost in a railroad collision at Famalicas, Spain. The erop prospects in Cuba were more flattering: thau ever before in th history of the island. A Comjussion has been established in Hrazil for the summary trial of personi suspected of being enemies of the republic, and all such upon conviotloa were to be immediately banished. LATER NEWS. "ISi.íEjAKi' KuSK in" his third annual report estimates that the increase in the value of agricultural produets this year over last will not be less than 8700,000,000. The Corry (Pa.) national bank closed its doors withliabilities of 8700,000 and assets of S450.000. Hiram Lkster, aged 124 years, who claims to be the oldest man in the world, and Mrs. Mary E. Mosely, aged 80 years, were married at Atlanta, Ga. McLeod Stewart, formerly mayor of Ottawa, Can., a real estite dealer, failed for $500,000. The dairy and barns of John O'Connor at Homer, JS'. Y., were destroyed by fire with their contents, including 152 head of cattle. Gen. Ponciano Leiva has been elected president of Honduras. A gasoi.ine tank exploded in the rear of Washburn's block at Orange, Mass., startinpr a fire that destroyed 8200,000 wortli of property. John Hknry's ox team ran away with hira and his fainily in the wagon near Kuoxville, Tenn., and the faratly of four were thrown over a pivcipice and killed. M. B. QoBLB, an extensive dealer in lumber at Catlettsburg, Ky., has failed for $400.000. Gen. John Palmer, commanJer in chief of the Grand Army of the Kepublic, has issued an order to the effect that veterans of the grand must not attend reunions whcre the stars and bars are displayed.


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