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Canadian Reciprocity

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ïïiox who favor reciprocíty with ida shmild not fórget that any igreement to that efioet wouM practiealïy b3 afi Ennlish treaty tor Elngis. Canada van make nff y i y era 1'. and when we make irocity agreementa witli Englsnd it behooves na to look ut Bharply igaiaal h r cannlD ade ogrejeats. Ai'.y ene ean '■■ that reclproeity Avitli C inada is a far mórè important her than us. 8he lias a popti'ntion sinall r than IVnnsylvania ■ a territory aa targe as the entivo United Stal ■. Any meas ure to ïu-lp Uuiltl her iip is not only at our sp na ■, bat more than that, it is streng+hen cm oar northern borders a meiiacing power, which ready t annoy and Injure We have only to eall to mimi the lish.rics troublee in the Bering the extortione and blocks to mir eommerce throngh the Weiland fanal, while their shipa sall readily ilgh the American "800" canal. i Ivnitl.-ind's uchI she nervw iails to inake complica tions ■wlth va, whlte ler kwation and railroads glve Ensa-and an cpportunity at any moment to pour down on our northern border an army oí invaders. W!iat can Canada giv ns in return tor lier uso ■of our Immense markets ? ÏN'ot cnoupth XVOTtll til 0 Vlsks. "1%'c often hear ol ilion getting Ín a condition as to see "snakes" all abovn tln-ni. but Adrián lias a curloslty in tlip shape ol a man who eos "toada" everywhwe. We do not tnow what favorite leverag our brother oí thc A-drlan Press partakes ■of so copiousiy, but teel sorry for his family and friendfl who havo to hear the continual "toady" Bhrieka f Bro. Stearns.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier