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British View Of The American Tariff

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Tías promotora of the McKlnley tariff meant it to push torward tho policy of America, for the Ampricans. One metbod of reaUzing it was to keep all work w i tuin their own dominioiis. The country waa to be maOe srif gupplylng; what could be produced at home wals not to l boughi ;i That waa the keyKtone of the McKlnley écheme, and It is Working out the idea, of its deatgaera wlth the precisión and etfectivenese of a machine.- Sheffield England) Telegraph. The pèople of Ohio Will Oiit turkey n. Thankstfiving Day, tMa irear. The oditor of the Adrián Press Bwalow.-d a íree trude toad Borne years mn, and has been epawlng it up on ts readers neariy every week slnce. The oi the Ypsilunti Sentiïel pui.iisiifs the reason ior liis "IreHK'JH oil-of-tovn trips." Tlie liorilil' susplclon and suspense o! lIic jublic is now over. As the iuie ior vlie meeting ol eongress apppoachea ii looka more and nioiv liko Mills, oí Texae, ior the apeakershlp. Well, ïhe republleans .,n griad Mlllfi as well as any other man. The Now York Tress ihiuks that oo lees than !ji,üü0,0oo were spent by the Oemocrats In their recent rescufi ol the Tammany Tiger and Mr. FlowtT from poliücal burial, in New ïork etate. Grover Cleveland is Btill the i, ul oí his party, although badly umashed by il,,. ■ Il 1SSS. [t is poBBible that the republicana wlll have lü distigure hiiu ugain In L892. li tooke vhat way. A eveats progresa tbe tact is proven that Patrlck Bagan, as Minister LU, ú the right man in tiie rlght i 11,11 be Wuffed or bulöed, iiiu stands, muuïully lor the righta of his co-untry. Duim l'iati. i knowu editorial wrlter nul newepaper correspondent, lá-'d on l'nday, the 14tli inst., aged .- yearB. During war times was eonsldered way lip at ,, ail as a correspondent. Simps ai and Pfeller ! Ever h oïthemï Wnat : . . v.'i-V Weil, they ara OTill ..-iiU nis ol A lous ihiK' ago vhey thought they owned Uncle öam, „m iluy learaed the other day that Uacle Ham o.wned them. The Louisiana Lottery tigec runs the demoeracy in New Odeans am the ïammanj' tlgea: run.s the same in Btitutton in New York. AU ol th( saia stripe. They will try ; pawa with each other one ol these üay.-. Free sllver in Ohio; hard mo iu Massachusetts; a stoaddle in New York, iv wlil be a pleasing thing utempiate Sust wbat the opinión o: ïhe democratie parby ia ia rela lioii to a sound cnrreney will be nrxt year ? The 31! aonual .n' th Michig-an Stat ■ Sunday School As lio'ii is to b held ar Muskegoi Dec. 1.-1. -.1 -"-I 3d. AU railroads will . -11 I ■ :i-"'1 om third {are. Pree enrtjertainment ïoaaccredited delegates. It is uaid tliat Mr. Gladstone g ba fiity cents a word lor his magazine articlee. There are Iota i men right hew i.n Ann Arbor, who would bc glad to write ust as iï(wil articJ :s it hall the prlee. Thère must be something in a name, after all. Mills, he of Texas; tlie famous author oí the hoodoo Mills blll; he who said that no É.n:ui ean ! a candidat.' on 'ciio democratie ticket or president who does aot Ia.vor iree zilver; the same Mills who helped the republicana carry oiiio in vhe fecent election; lia.s turned about on the stlver question and now 'avors honesi i y, in order to help hls chances tor the speakesrship. It is hoped that he will succeed. In the speaker's chalr he will like a Texas steer in the sir ■■is ii." New York. The toot bnll eleven put up a pretty good gam-3 at Chicago Saturday afti'i-noon. Xmhei1 eide scored during the first ham o! rli ■ ; . ïmt the fThicago boys ralïied and malde 20 points in Ui ■ laai hall whíle ou-r boya bad to be satisfied wlth goose eggs. II reporta are truc the Chicago club won th'ir points through shameful decision8 ol onc of their own namiber actlng as umpire, and by nnpr.i sinnal ml dihonorabla tactlce. The side ilnt geta beaten of eourse always lias sonte one to bJame, but in this iastance 11 I oks as H there was jast caus ■ '.:.:■ eomplalnt. The Aun Arbor Coarler complains bthlgh taxes. Give somebody a íran11 viwi your luain -d oíd Tmvn, brpther nnd gert oíf cheaper.- Ypsllnnti Sentinel. The r bas nev ■■■ ye1 convplained of híh taxes. What it lias ilained oí is the injutice ol other districts i iking the burdena ofl oí thrfr own neck and plaolng it upon thn.t o:" Aun Arbor. Rpeaklng abowi taxes, it mighi well to state, íor th :-; aitlnel'a benefit, th-at the estire Btate, cotmty and cjty rix .■ ■ . i i i i Arbor, amounta : per cent . Juit about (perhaps a trlBe less) wrhat the eity tas oí Ypsilanti alone (inimints to. ANN A.RBOE LS OUT OF DEBT AL8O. So yon gee we ahall not be apt to cali In an Ypsilanti financier to rao our town. And the reaeon for our low taxes le the senstWfe and eeonomleal plan the city eouacll has adopted in tlic way ol clty expenditures.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier