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Baking A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every otlier known. Used in Millions of Homes - 40 Ycars the Standard. Delicious Cake and Pastry, Light Fiaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Palatable and Wholesome. , No other baking powder does such work. Perfetly Wcll I V FiLLMoitE. Dubuque Co., Ia., Sepfc., 18SJ. Miss K. Finuigau writL'S : "My iuother and Bister used Pastor Koenig s NorveTonio for neuralgia. They aro both ïierfoctly well now and never tired praising the Tonic. TiPPEOANOB City, Obio, Oct. 21, 18itO. 6ince takiug the Örst spoonful of Paator Koenis's Nerve Tonlo, tho l&twr part of lasfc May. I have ïiot hai auy syinproma of fits, autl I firmly belleza tb&t I aia cured. I eau iwv r thauk you onuufíñ for ycirkindneba tu me. Lt is a wonderïul meaiciuu. li.SS LYDIA (IRA NT. Capac, MlcK, Om. 3, 1830. My wife at timos bocame snch nervous spells that sho coul'i not bo kept in bod, and all medical treatmont proved wlthont effect. Since she nöfeti Pastor Koeniti's Nerve Tonic sho haa bad no apella and is hcalthier tnan ever, thererore I coi:sider myuelf under obliyation to exiirees niy gratitude to you. CKUIbT. SCHOENEMA.N. R ï" - A Valiiable Book on Nervotts fé Um %é l'vnv sent i'ree to any addrua, f ñf f and poor patiënt can also obtain il LU tiiis ïiiedicine tiee of charge. This remedy bas been nrepared bytbe Reverend Pastor Koeniff, of Fort Wayne, Ind., eince 187ü, and ienow prepared underbis direction by the KOENIG MED. CO., Chicago, III. SoW by Druggists at 8 1 per Bottle. 6 for 85. Larse Si.e, W1.Ï3. O Bottles for S9. VIGOR OF MEN Eaeify, Quickiy, Permanentty Restored. 'Wenknesi, Nervouffneiin, Iteblllty. and all tbe train of evlïs f rom cari y errorsor later excesses, tbe resulta of overwork, sickness, worry, etc. Full etrength, developruent, and tune pivcn to every orpan and portion of the body. Simple, natural metbods. Innnedtate improveuient seen. Failure impossible. 2.000 rcfercuces. Book, explanations m proofsmailed (senled) free. Address ERJE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. Y. nm. DIEFFENBACH'S ft3ffi. PROTAGON CAPSULES; &J"V?A. ure Cre for Weak Men, as Vy _jLv Pro7ociby reportsof leadinirphyfiilT "m l sicians. State age in onJering. ROBfc k9h íPnce. J&l. Catalogue Free. KB". vJ6 rf J% ij Jfbt A f-aie and speedy I HÉiE If JbBa cure for Ole et, IjBHBEikK Mrictureand uil ■■Lf annturaldiscüarges. Friceos. W KE?:SSPECSFICSTooali mm Vl;irKlSiklnIlicOB, Scrof. nlotiis Sores andS.vphllltlc AHectious, without niercury. Prtcd, SS. Order from THE PERU DSU6& CHEMICAL CO. iSÜS. 189 Wktoaair. Street, MILWAOKEE, WIS. CASÏÏER'Si CURE Bok Eandacho and relieve all tho troubles lncf ent to a bilious state of tbe system, such aa Diiziiicss, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distresa aftet eat ing. Pair. iu, the Sido, &c. Vhilo theirmosé ■reniarkabio Bucces ba.s been etiowii in curing S1CK Headache, yet Cnrtcr's Littlo Liver Pilis are equally valuable iu Constipation, curing and preventing tlaisaiiiioyingco:iiplaiut(while they also correct alldisorders of thee tomach, 8 ti muíate tho íiver and regúlate the bowela. Even if they only HEAO Achetliey wouldbealmostprícele3stothosewb.o Bufior f rom this distres-sing coiuplaint; brfl fortuuately thcir goodness doea notend here.aud thoso yrho once try thena will flnd thcee littlo pilla valulble in Bomany waystliat they vrill not bo willing to do without them. But afior alleick head ACHE Isthebaneof somanylivea that herelawhera we make our great boast. Our pilla cure it whilo others do not. Carter'a Little Liver Pilis are very email and very easy to take. Oue or two pills make a dose. They are slrictiy TOgetable and do not gripe or I'Urpe, but by their geutleaction picase all who uso them In víala at 25 cents ; flve for SI. Sold l)y druggiats overywhere, or sent by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL SMALL DOSE. SMALLPRICE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY GROCERY, AND FLOUR AND FEED STORE. onetantlyon hand BREAD, CEACK . CAKES, etc, for Wholesale and retall trade. We ahall also keep aaupply of STYIIT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! OSBOKX s GOLD DUST Kl.Oriï, BUCKWHEAT FLOUE, COKN MEAL, FEED, Btc., at Wholesale and reuil. A general stock ol GROCERIES anl FBOYISIONS tantly on hand, whlcb wil] besold on a3 reoaonable terms as ut anyothei house in the city. Cash pald for BÚTTEK, Kc.i.s, „ml NTRY I'UoDTt E merally. Gooáa d,livered to aay part of tliu city withon' charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT.


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