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In Ite "Cheap Money" Beries the D ■■■■ mi, t Ceal ui-.v win contain :i paper on "The 'Per Capita' Deiuaion." WortJiJngton Co., 717 Broadway, New York, announce for Immediate publlcatlon ae No. 22 ia their [nternattona] LUbrary, "Ltgti't O' Love," by Clara Dargan Maclean. Thia ïinique tültle Indical as a b iok of strikIng and unusual tatereet. The scènes iu-r laid 1 'h;t rli-.s! in, South Caro Una, ;i. ;i ;ii i-belíum days, when lts ty was sui ganarla reflned, culhnred, hospitnble; and under a elight ■, its and h alea ol a i." v aliiiust forgotten period, move beiore us ia a glamor oí grace and beauty nnd cln ,'ihic gplendor. The Ktory is tull of brilllaiit local color, and abounds In drani-itic Bituations. As a stuily of character, it, rivala the best introspectlTe prodructlons ol the modera sublunctíve BChool, whlle the lotty ethica! tone wlll make the book acoeptable to thoae whose consciencea dlsapprove fche ordlnary romantic novel. WortWagtOD Co., 717 Broa-dway, New York, anaounce for Immedia.te publica.tlon as No. 10, Rose L4i.rai-.v, "The Bachelor ol Salamanca," by A. I!. LeSage. Ti-a n-l.-i i '-i by .Is. Townaend. With photogra.rure i trations. lvol., l-'mo, cloth, i?1.00; paper, 50a. One ol the renowned ,.! i. adveature romances Elelated tn a maserlul and most emtertaining manner, the wrlter exhltite remaxkable boldnees, iorce and ortglnality, while at the name Üme he dianas by hls aurprlsing fltghte ui inxagination and )iis proiiiiiud knowledge ol spanisli charaetcr mul customs. The ciinsti'.KiK numbev of The Century wi 1 contaln iour compli t ■ stoi lee: "The Chrfetmaa Shadraeh," by Frank R. Stocktpn; "A ChrftrtnnaB Pantasy, with a Moral," by Thomas l'.ailcy Aldricli: "The Rapture ol Hetty," by Mury Ilallock Foow, und "Wulfy: a Walf," a Chrlstmas Btory from Ufe. Dr. s. Welr Mltchell's novel. "Characteris-tlcs," wlll begin In this nnmber. For the fiisi time ia many yeara the December Qumbeï of The Century wi;i have a di&tlnctively Christmaa flavor. lts illustrations will inclnde a gTèat number of full-page engravInga, amomg them six oí Nativity subjects. The fromtispiece is a Holy Family by the yootng American axti-i. Frank Vincent Du .Mond. Wllliam Dean Howells'a new novel, Au [mperatlve Duty, whieh ar&used Ho nmcii aü.'iitioü as a. erial in BDarper's Magazine, wil! be published in book form a bout the middle of November. The story is based npon the teeling .-.-s between white and black, something deeper than race prejudlce - etronger, Indeed, where the r is weaik 'si. as at the Soeth. Thia ethnic gives to Bome very ,■.11 : ethical eomplicatlona, which are treated by Mr. Howelte in l'is usual masterful m:iin-i1. ProieseoT Norton has eo'J 1 d from the nnpubllaüied writlrigá o:' .1. Rníseell Lowell, a volume whish wiil !► publlsbed shortly uaider the title ry Eeaya and Address■-." It wiil contain paipara on Gray, Landor, Walton, Milton, Shakere'a Richaard II!., and soni (ItlllTS.


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