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If You Hear A Bad Story On Any One

If You Hear A Bad Story On Any One image
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remombr that, if it is true, by repeating it yon put an obatacle in the way Crf til ■ lïtiilty man tO prevent liis doing better in the future, -ind if it is nol true, you do Mm n greater injury tliau couia be done in ;iny other w.iy. There are so many good reasons wby you should not repeal goasip, and not ome wliy yon should, thai il you stop and reflect you will recver be guilty of it. You know tliat alter you have said it you cannot uneay it or limit the nnimber to whom your words will le repeated. - Ex. AVIiat miii'ht have h'.'n a terrible affair oecurred Wednesday oight at iii ■ borne of Mr. and Mr. Bmerick, corner Cross and Iiuron sts. They etarted a cpal stove for tlie first thai evening, and the family and rooniers, some eiRht or beo in all. retired as usual supposing all -vvas right. But it .veins that the chimney was stopped up, and all night the stove emptied its polsonous r-;as into the house. In the mörning the first to awaken iound it almost imposelble to get to the doors and open thcni, but it was done, and a physi.iin at once summoned. He iound six of the nmat.'s of the house uearly asphyxlated, bui careful treatmeni tas assisted nature, and all are now out of danger, and all excegi on out


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier