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Want column on pnjïi' 2. Editorial matter transferrod to page 2. Oís alindo Ixdge I. O. O. F., holds its annuaJ olection Tuesöay evening Nov. 21. A little three year-s old on of Christopher Commisky, of N. 7th st., feil into a eistern, Saturday, white playing, and came aeai lasing its lifo. Thore is to be a aocial in the 5th ward clinpel, on Wall ut., to be iven by the Fifth Ward Sunday School, on Friday ovoning Xov. 27th. A line program is being arranged. The lacttea of the Second Baptist chureli will hold a fair ín their clnirch irom Nov. 23 to 25, 1891. Admis6ion 10 cents; lunch served each eveninii. Corner of Fifth and Bcakes sts. Arbor Tent K. O. T. M. will s'nd a large rielejiation to Ypsilanti this evening to as-sist Wolverine cent, of that place, in a parade and initiation. They leave on che 0.50 motor. Cápt. I)u Pont, of the Detroit Light Infantry, inspected the Ypsllantl Light Guarde Monday evenlng, and last evenlng, the Ann Arbor Light Infantiy lined up before him in excellent stj-lo. llev. A. 8. Carinan rond a paper vcsii ilay at tlic Washtemaw Baptist Aesociation, apon: "The 'Sundaj Schooi as au Educaloi' of the Nation al Consclence." itlng was held held in Chela ■ i. I,nst Frlday a number mí (rienda called apon Mrs. G. Schneidsr at hei honu' on S. "Kirst si., and vcinindci her ilnl il was her -iöth birthday leaving lier taany tokens ui affection utnong ui In-r thlngs was u fine nrw Kcwinii machine presented by Mr Schneld r. 1!. Dr. Z. Bddy di'.'d ai liis liomi' in Detroit list Sunday, aged 7 yeark Ho liad been In the ministry ''■' years, and was Ucensed xo preaoh when only 18 years of age. Dr. Eddy was considor-ed one of the most powerlul preachers in the Oongregatlonal ranks. One chlld, Jlr.s. Prof. Brown, a resident of tliis city, survives him. The ladlee of the charitable union will make donations to the )oor of Ann Arbor city and all lntereated in the poor will pleaee ttemd to Ben]. r.rown, 18 S. State lit. All kinds of produce such as egigs, poultry, grocerlee and fruit. Cash will be thankfully recelv&d and it is requested to have all donations at the above ad1itss by Tucsday the 24th, and not la than the 3th. There are 50 families that are needy. It was rainy and disagreeable last Monday evenlng, bat the ünity Club was well attended and the awdience richly paid in listening to the intensely interesting lecture of Itev. C. M. Oobern, of the il. E. church. The aiternoon taJks with the great men, Oliver Wendell Holmes and Wendell rhillips, were of the most pleasing character, full of instructivo points, aaul the ïlights of eloquence at times thrilled the audieace and held it spellbound. Tlie entertainment was by far the lest of the course, so far. There are many thlngs for which o give thanks this year. Aid. Ferguson, is to hip five car oads of road carts to 8t. Louis, Mo., iiis week. The ladiee' society of Zion's church will meet with Mrs. Gottlob Liuiek on Williara st., to-morrow p. m. A statement, of the eity taxes will be fourid in another column, as pi ven the assessor Mr. P. O'Hearn. The Ladies' Aid Society, of St. Anrew's church give a tea social at iarris hall on, Thursday evening. Ross dranger is to open a dancng school at Ypsilanti. Ross knows ïow to toach that graceful aceomlishment. Associations are already being formed for the purpose of saving money ot as excursión to the World's Fair at Chicago ia '93. A burning chimney in the saloon of Anton Brahm, on Depot st., called out the fire department Saturday forenoon, but it did not become necesary to tap a hydrant. The first snow of the season that ovwed the ground,was observed by early risers Sunday morning. It made sort of a Thanksgiving and urkey ieeling creep over a iellow. On Saturday afternoon the High School eleven defeated the Orchard ake adets by a score of 24 to G. One of the Orchard Lake boys had both kneos wrenched so that he was inable to walk. On the evening of Dec. 8th, Fraternity Lodgc F. & A. M., of this city, vil! go to Detroit, upon invitation of Oriental Iodge, of that city, to conot the 3d degree Upon a prominent rother Fellowcraft. lss Carter, erf New York, will speak in Harris hall, on Friday evening, giving an account of tue missions in China and Japan which she has recently vi.sited. Those interested in missions are invited to ba present. The largf evergreen which has just boon cut down on Mrs. Royer's lawn, corner of División an;l Ann sts., was one ot the first plantod in the city. There are many residente who regretted to see that grand old tree cut down. On Friday evening next there will be a "college day reception" tendoied to the Epworth Ivoague at the M. E. parsonage, on N. State Kt., from 7.30 to 9.30 o'clock. Membera attendlng pre roquesited to bring nlong a song book. The total eclipse of the moon. Sunday evening was not a success liercalwir.ts. The cloucte obscured the view almost entirely, much to the regret of many who had made preparatinns to gaae apon the shadowed planet. The Argns us."s alxiut a column in its last issue endeavoring to eonvince itself that it favors sewerage for Aiun Arlvor, but whether it has accomp'.islxHl lts purpose or not is not quite elear. Sewerage is cominc;, however, and the Argus will wheel in line all rlght. The boy who spends his evenings at homo ren ding nowspnpers and postini; himsolf on tho events oí the day, ot in perustng books, will make a bettor man than the boy who spends his evemings on the etreets and In public kiafing places, listoning to vulgar gossip.- Mt. Clemeraa Democrat. On Monda y ewning -w-hen City Clerk Miller went home from council meeting he f o and his house tnvaded by a. large niumber of friends who carne títere bo Buxprise Mrs. Miller upon her birthday. Everybody had an eujoyable timp, and the evening was a memorable one. Tracy L. Towner, of Ypsilanti. has been appointed by Oov. Winans, agent for the County of Washi unaw of the state board oí eorrectíons and charIties, in place ot D. B. Greene, ol Ypsiianii. removed by Qov. Winans. Mr Green? was not removed, we nnderstand, for any cause, esespl that he was a repnbliean. Gov. Winans evlili'iniv believee that to vlio victors belong the epoils. So 'lid Gen. Jackson. But iii'ii. Jackson ia dead. Tlio lat 'si social oraze is ealled a "foot social." Each gentleman re ccivrs an enyelope containing tlio name oí a lady present togethei her hoisht, he then proceeds to pay so many cents Lair foot, íor the prtvitege of entertaining her íor th( eveaübg. Quito a sum of money i nsnally reállzed, and tall glrls ari usunlly imported for the occasion, al thousíh some-tlmís n yonns; man wil pny n !:i'-;' prlce per ío il íor a sliort ífirl. Daily 'limes. High School Ítems:- "Tour acribe had the good fortune of hearing the Detroit Philharmonic Club in tho 1'niversity hall last night Near hlm sat a gentleman who wás of a musical turn of mind, so he kep stamping hls foot- trying to keep time. We could have forglvea hin if the action of his foot had been vol Untary, but considerlng the ize o his shoe, that was impossible. Know ing that we have no SUCh enthusiasti mnsiclane in the high school we con eludid it must le a univn-sity ircsli man." Marcos T. SM, of Dexter, met wit] n serious accident last Friday. whil out hunting with some friends. I eeems that he was behind a clump o Imsiios in front of whicli were som quails, at which ono of the othe mombers of the party .simt. Mr Sill receivcd tho charge in. liis fac and one arm. and will lose the sigh ef one eye thereby. It is indeed i ead accident, and he has the sympa tliy of many friends in his affliction The typo.s in the Courier office nou set type by electric llght, two 2,000 candle power are ligbtB, making i alxiut as pleasaiLt to work durin the evenlrig as durlng Oay-light. A rainbow social and tea will be given by tille ladies, at the Presbyterian church next Thursday evening ati 6 cclock. Last Friday night ín Chicago, the ctosing of Pres. H. W. Rogers' íirst year as president oí Northwestern University was ceïibrated by a large iception. A society of ladies was formed at St. Aiidrew's church Momlay, wlth the purpose in view ol aiding the church work. They are co meet twice a month. The meetfeng oí the l'iiit.v Club next Monda y evening will take tlie form of a peaaut social. It is thought tliis will !:■ a ver y unique evening. Let th:' a be as large as ]nssible. The congregation oí the Bethel A. M. E. ehurch are engaged Ín erecting a ni'w house of worshlp, and everj oii" who can glve 50 cents thelr grand Thanksglving rally, will be doiiiii a good dteed. The Aun Arbor and Ypsilanti road lias two new cars on the way which wiil be here iií-xt weck. One is a horse car to rnu in Ypellanti to the diepot. and the other is a long 28 foiu wint ■! car the rejcular line. In fomviTsation with Mr. J. Volland Yisii'i-day, soune facts came out that niiiy be of iiitorest to our readers He says beore t-hc war it took 12 1-2 cords oí oak wood co buy a liarness now it takes G 1-2 cords; then it took orver four tioiis of hay, now it takes 2 1-2 tioiivs. A change was made in the time tabte o'.' the M. C. II. R. Sunday, the nlght expresa gotng easfc now leaves this Btatlon at 5.43; and the Grand Rapids at 10.55 a. m. Goiag west the only changee are the evening ex goes at 8.40 instead of 8.3!) and tin Pacific exprese at l().-".2 inatead o 10.30. Tlie Womans' Reli 'f Corps will give a supper and entertainment Thurs day evenlng Xov. 19th, in I. O. O. F hall and G. A. R. rooms over J. T Jacobs' store. A Hnte program is arranged; admlseion to all 15 cents All are eordially invited to attend Tlie liusiiwss Men's Quartette Wil have aomething new and line ior tht e -ellillg. Dr. (atchell. who was present teil us that the so-calU'd "boy-meemerlz er" who invaded town last week, in stead of bedng 1-4 years old, is reall; 18 or 19. He is a first class iraud Be had some monkey-lmsiness gónc through wlth by some boys that he brought wlth him, avIio had been pre viously trainod to perform thei parte. He did no mesmerizing at all tJie few protensions that he mail being the result of trickery and de ceptdon. He did not, by niesmeri power, stop a pulse-beat, what pass wl foir tdiat act being merely a plee of ta-ickery.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier