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Z. P. Brando and wife died at Orangeville, Cal., from arsenical poisoning-. Tbe drug was nsed by mistake for bnking powder in maUing biscuits. In the eourt at Harían, Ia., J. K. Cufn'berland pleaded R'uilty to the charge of mwdering James Robertson and hi.s son Jasper in tho fail oí 1SSS. The total vaiue of the shipments of bread stuff s írom tbe United States during the ten months endeil October Si was 1169,488,4(58, aainst 8119,087,156 for the ton moutlis of the prior year. Liri'tXi'OTT, Johnson & Co. 's wholesale cloth and woolen goods house at Philad 'lphia wuj burned. Loss, $200,000. TflE report of the director of the mints to the ■ i retary of the treasury shows that durinjr the last fiscal year tho eoinage at United States mints aggregated 119,647,877 piect'S, the larfjest in the history of the country. Tho mines of the United States yielded during the year srold of a commercial value of ,845,000 and silvcr of the value of 857,225,000. Abion, a 2-year-old colt owned by Senator Sanford, trotted a mile without a break in 2:10% at Stockton, Cal. A TOUNG man entered the ofíice of J. C. Davis, a money lender in ISoston, grabbed a rol] of bilis amountin to SI, 000, "dashed into the strect and escaped capture. R. A. Kr.AMio, a travelintr salesman for a Cincinnati diamond firm, left a gripsack containing f30,000 worth of diamonds in a car while he v.-ent out to get some lunch at Dayton, O. When he returned the k'v'P was gone. Tuk elevetïth annual session of the National Farmers' congress met at Sedalia, Mo. Tuk statistical returns of th3 department of agrieulture at Washington for November uaaké the corn erop one of tbe largest in volume ever lcnown, the average yield Ueing twenty-siz bushels per acre. At Nashville, Tenn., the Rankin Manufacturing Company, wholesale clothing, made au assi:,'n;ncnt, with assets' and habilities of S133,0ÜO. A DYSAXITS explosión in a warehouse at llayward, Wis., injured six pers, fatally. MBS. Georsh !).ui:.. a.ijed 60 years, died su'iili.Mily oí heart disease at Columbus, Ind., being the fifth and last member oí a ínniüy all of whom died ase. C. 1.. :' sale lumber dealer at Louisville, Ky., lias íailed for S200,000: assets, 8100,000-. I!iss Maitie Hendbrsoh was &o burned by gas f rom a stove at New Castte, [nd., that she would lose the sig-lit erf botb ejes. In ti i States supreme court Attorney General Miller announced that it had be I io submit the eontrover d the l'nited States md as to the Behring sea seal fisberies to arbitration. lx was repo'.'fc'd that ïuasked men boardcd a train on the St. Paul road near Western Union Junction, Wis., and robbed the exprcss c;,r of an enormous sum of oioB A PA8SENGEB ana freijfht train on the Illinois Central road eullided near Jacksbn, Tenn., ;in;l four trainmen were ciiti'd and a numbcr of passenpers were injured. A firk amonff raercantile houses in Augusta, Ga., caused alossof $186.000. Inspector Hubbabd compelled the display oí the American nag at an anarchist meeting1 iu Chicago and saicl that iL any more incendiary language was used he would '.leur the hall. The National Baseball league in session at New York awsrded the penant for 1891 to Boston. DurixG Oetober 30,798 immigrants passed through the New York barge pfflee. At the h'rst eonvection in Boston of the World's Woman's Christian Temperanee unión Wiss Francés E. Willard, of Chicago, was eleeted president The resolutions adopted favor the outlawing of the traffic in alcoholic liquors, opium, tobáceo and impurity, the suppression of gambling and Sunday i cration and the icntoi the women of all nati Tuk l'ivery stable of William Powers at Yankton, S. D., was burned, and twenty-six horses perishcd in the flamea. The Pennsylvania senate has decided, by :i strict party vote, that it has no right to investígate the irregularities oí the state treasurer and attorney general. A NüMBEE of buildings at Kensingtou, Pa., were destroyed by a cyclone. Joskimi Mülhatton, notorious for the vagaries of his imag'ination, was imprisoned at Pittsburgh, Pa., for stealing money from i man wtaom he I invited to ais room to sp rui the night. Mrs. Jamks K;::s. a widow, and her three children, were murdered near Calverty, Va., by some one unknown. The immense barn of Connell Bros., on Deer islaud, St. Heieus, Ore., was destroyed by lire, and seventy-two cows and nine horses were burned to death. A CEXsus bulletin shows that the population of Ohio under the present Oensus is 3,672,819, against 3,198,082 in 1880, a gain of 474,254, or 14.83 per cent. The American bankers' association convened in seventeenth annual convention at New Orleans. William and Henry Thomas, lumbermen, were killed by the explosión of a boiler at Vendora, O. A party vvhich had been engaged for two months surveying lands in Lower California reported the discovery of 100 new volcanoes. F. II. Smith & Co., snip brokers of New York, have assigned with liabilities of f800.000. John MriCHEIX (colored) wasl3-nched by a nio'u i. ar I'aducah, Ky., for eriminally a-.s;i uiting a white girl. DuniNii the month of October 3,!i-t6 pensions were granted, the lirst payments on which aggregated $4,358,605. Ai.i. the buildings at Miller"s Station, tnd. , were deaioiished by tlie explosión of twenty tons of gunpowder, the loss leing S100.000. THB ohief of the bureau of statistics at asliington reports +hat the total valué oí the exports of domestio breadstcfls durinj; Octobor was L24.403884. Tur. Mciieiiem brothers - James, Wiliam and liobert- living1 at Stratford, Conn., aiv héirt to $8,000,000 left by héir bvotbiM' in E nel and. In an old s;'.ie formerly belonging to he l3te E. J; White, of St. Louis, a seeond-him.l dealer diseovered a roll of bilis amountinfc to 557,000. Tuk California national bank at San Diego, Cal., olosed its doors. Ar Warsaw, X. Y., the Crystal salt works were burned. Loss, $13ö,000. Ybob City, a suburb of Tampa, Fla., was partially burned, causing a loss of 8400,000. The body of David Allen, a hunter and trapper, was foimd in a bear trap near Bracebridffe, Ont. He left his lome about a mouth ago, was caught n the trap and died from starvation. Aftkr a hunt of five years the pólice lave captured the raurderers of John and Williarn Kester, of Sybertsville, Pa. At the Knifjhts of Labor convention n Toledo, ()., it was discovered that the accounts of ex-Treasurer Turner were over 831,000 short. ONK HUNDRKD policemen raided two anarchist meetings in Chicago and arrested trwenty-flve of the leaders and took them to the Desplaines street station. FLAMKS in the business portion of Silver City, Ia., caused a loss of S100,000. The Farmers national congress in session at Sedalia, Ma, adopted resolntions recommendinfr the passage of a national law requiring1 the stamping of artificial ho products; demanding the passage of a federal law prohibiting gambling in farm products, and indorsing the principal of reciprocity. A. W. Smith, of Kansas, was elected president. At the leading clearing-houses in the United States the exehanges during the week ended on the 13th aggregated $1, 315,3:31, '232, against 81,155,330,860 the previous wesk. The decrease as compared with the corresponding week of 1800 was 18.1. PüEPiDEXT Haerison has issued a proclamation appointing Thursday, November 26, a day of thanksgiving and prayer. In the United States the business failures during the seven days ended on the 13th numbered 291, against 226 the preceding week and (56 for the corresponding week last year. James A. Du.mont, supervising inspector general of steam vessels íd the treasury department, reports that during the past fiscal year there were thirty-three accidents, in which 336 Uves were lost. It was estimated that 600,000,000 passengers were carried during the year, making one Ufe lost to each 1,755,45 7 passengers carried. Alexaxdki: Chambers, alias Tom Sutton (colored) was hanged at Fayette, Miss., for the murder of Robert Henry the 18th of last July, and William Somerset (colored) was hanged at Marión, S. C, for the murder of Ed M. Fore. He protested his innocence to the last. An explosión on the towboat Tice near Dixmont, Pa., killed Capt. John Dippolod and six men. Louis Adler. a wholesale cloak dealer in Chicago, failed for 300,000. Jok Jkfferson, owned by A, L. Sardig, paced 4 miles at ICnoxville, la., in 10:10, thus lowering the worid's recorc of 10:34};; by Longfellow at San Francisco in 1S51. Betheard, his wife and three children lost thMr lives in the James which burned their house at Col um bus. O. The total valué of the e sports of domestie mineral oils from the United States during the month of October, 1891, was S8.S 10.101. WnxiAM Hr [iiis and Dick Joy were literally blown to p "-oís in the Brush Heap mine a1 K N. M., by the premature explosión of powder. A Fiiii: in Bills L koch's luinber dock at Toledo, O., caused a loss of ÍÍOO.000. S. N. Btbádbb, a I reeder of thoroughbred horses at Fr -sno, Cal., failed for $150,000. W. F. Baibd, nan;igorof tile Bank of Madera, Cal., to be nearly $100,000 short in his accounts. rge Duke, proprietor of a distillery at Boach Grpve, Tenn, shot and killed Bud Elliott and Benton Messick in a fiffht. In a railway ,sear Brooklyn, Mo., Conductor X. J. .Sones and Engineer F. M. Smith were instantly killed. The report that the United States governmcnt hatl ac Lowledged liability for the of Italians in New Orleans last spriojí and had agreed to pay indemnity was üünied by the au thorities ut Washington. Goi.d-beahixg dirt was said to have been found in immense quantities in Jackson and Clay counties, Kan. Tivü NEGROKR wei: lynched near Burnham, Tex. They had participated in a negro dance row, and it was supposed they were huned by enemies made there. The members of the National Federation of Wómen'8 Press clubs in session in Boston elected Mrs. Sallie Joy White, of Boston, as president. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Fredekick Mathushek, the piano inventor, cied at his lióme in New York, aged 77 years. GEORC4E A. WlABD, oí Montague, Mich., died after sleeping since May 1. He welghed fifty pounds at the time of his death. The official canvassof the vote at the recent election in Iowa makes the total vote for governor 420,214. Of this Boies (dcm.) received 207,575; Wheeler (rep.), 109,759; Westfall (alliance), 11,918; Gilson (pro.), 903. Boies' plurality, 7.816, Ex-Conohíessman John M. (íi.ovek died at, his residence neiir Newark, lío., aged 73 years. The official vote of Pennsylvania at the reeent election was as follows: Auditor general, Gregg, (rep.), 411,548; Wi-ight. (dein.), 354,167; Hague, (pro.), 18,150. State treasurer, Morrison, (rep.), -tn'.i.ím; Tilden, (dem.), 350,197; Drayton, (pro.), 18,070. For constitutioual convention 178,771; agalnst joh.v llUTCiiiNS, a mcmber of conjress from Ohio from 1858 to 18152, died i. his home in CUw iland, ftjjed va years. Mhs. IIanxah Mosheb, of ;iens Falls, . V., celebrated her 102d birthlay. She has lived during the term of very president of the LTniti'cl States. Col. Dunn 1'iatt, the eminent jourïalist, died at his country home, MacO-Chee, in Logan county, O., a'jed 12 'ears. FOREIGN. The Brazilian provinco of Rio Grande ws reported to have decliired its indejenden ue beca use of its opposition to ,he acts of Gen. Fonseca. FüRTHKB particulars show that the cyclone which swpt over the Andaman ïslands in the bay of líengal caused a loss of over 200 lives. The sultan of Morocco sent a numjer of emissaries to Toilat to endeavor o gain suppovt to his pretensions to sovereiffiity. The nativos conhned the emissaries and decapitated five of them. Samuel Chipman died at Cornwall, N. S., aged 101 years. He had been a 'reemason since 181 3. At Chelabink, Eussia, a woman iilled her three children and then ianged hersclf to prevent starvation. Señor Silva luns been elected president of the Chilian E nate, iind Senor luco has been electea president of the Chilian chamber of deputies. These gentlemen, witb Prpsident-clect Montt, constitute the provisional junta. A HEAVT gale or the coast of England and [reland was the causo of many wrects and several lives were lost. Thk exporta of Encrland to the United States liave fallen offto such an extent that vessels lravinir Great Britain for this country are generally not more than half loaded. Bbcaur'1 the Cana ■ ernment would do nothingto ur for the oolony ■ E Ch ae .mcouver, B. C, thfi city council set them free, and it was s;:id that many of them were coming to the I a.tes. Thk Chinese province oí liarían was reported to l; i:i opea revolt, and a great civil war seemed inevitable in that country. A fit::-; in Haneow, Ch'nn. destroyed 1,500 honses, and 18,000 pursons were mado homeless. Waas in a himber district of London destroyed property to the value of over S:,0ül).(K0, including the dwellings of many poor people. A co8PIBacy ivas reported to have been discovered in Athens to overthrow the reipniïicc d'riasty. A great storm which swept over England caused the loss of over fifty lives and the destruction of property valued at S500.00Ü. A stram launcb beloncring to a Spanish man-of-war lyiny oïï Villa Sarcia %vas capsized in a gale and five men were drowned. Kleven miners were killed and two injured by an explosión of fire-damp in a coal mine in Essen, Germany. Th hip Ontario, which arrived at Bristol, Eng., from Montreal, lost 130 head oí cattlo during heavy weather. A fisi:i:;g boat was wrecked in the ib ehaunel near lioulonge and sixteen fishernien were drowued. LATER NEWS. I. . . Lrst seasoti nnder the ruw the governniynt has paid ly .Slü.OUO.Wü in sugar bouuties. Tne amoant of sugar produced in the United States is about i.neeighth of the amount consumed An incendiary fire in Lexington, Neb., destroyed property valned at $1UÜ,OOO. A fibe in Cleveland, O., dustroyed business property valued at S'200,000. John Grady, a ñreman, was killed by a falling iloor. SlGNOK MoNTT, the Chilian minister at Washington, was formally pr-jsented to President Ilarrison. Thk annual report of John W. Mason, eommissioner of internal revenue, shows that the total receipts for the last fiscal year from all sources were 3146,035,41(5, an increase of Y3.440,719 j over the receipts for the previous fiscal year. Justice WOODMAN fined several of the anarchists arrested in Chicago for concealed weapona In Omaha, Neb., Capt llattie Smith, of the öalvation Army, was fatally shot by Miss Xettie Hiedler, who then took her own life. Jealousy was the cause. BüNDKEDS of persons were reported to be dying daily of influenza in the famine stricke n clistricts of southern Eussia. ÖOBBON ly. PoSD, ono of the original publishers of the New York Tribune and alinea! descendant ol Noah Webster, died n New York. Ai Frankfort, Ind.. lien ja min Farley was senienced t twenty-one years in pr !k' morder of Alcxander Stewart at Whitestown June 18, 1891. DUKING a party piven in Philadelphia to celébrate the betrothal of Miss Clara Holloway to Christopher l-'oiwell Miss Holloway feil dead In Óhicago Mr. and Mrs. 1'. .J. Callehan, a yóung eouple, were asphyxiated by gas. Afteb a Ruecessful career of twenty years the bauking auuse of Bonner & Bonner at Tyler. ïéx., lias failed for $600,000. A Bi. ast of giant powder at Lyons, Ia,, blesv outboth the eyes of Charles Babbett. Edwin E. Pratt, for over Iwenty years cónneeted witli the A. N. Kellogg Newspaper Company, ar.d for several year president of the company, died sud alj at bis home in Chicago, ajfed SS years. Hisdeathwas the result of a severe attack of the grip last winter from which he had taever entirely recoTered.


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