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How To Live Well On $1.50 Per Week

How To Live Well On $1.50 Per Week image
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This artíeie wlll ba of especial interest Just at piesen from il1 fací tliat it.s author, Mi-k. Emma Kwinif, ham jast. ctoeed a eookfaw school to the ci'ty, and many of our prominent liailivs know hier. Tn the sunimer of 1887, whilc in charge oí the School of Domestic Eoonomy of the Iowa Agricultural College, I kcpt a dürict account of the tood asea on our ia.mily table from Aug. 10 to Sept. 28- a pertod of geven weekB. Our family consteted of four adulb persons, and we used chickens, lX''f, lamb, egge, batter, cream, milk. vegetables, melone, grapes, etc., in abundan-c, and all of the beft iualii.v. Tne coat was exactly $42- .; a week for the tour, or $1.50 a week for oach person. In 1888, white ton charge of tbc School of Domestic Economy of Purinè rnivT.-ity, Indiana, I experimented, witb a fami'ly of foiir adult perBonis, and the folio wlng was our bill of faro for one week in Aprü: SUNDAY. Brea krast- Orantes, Mitteá beef, bolled pota o tes, muffins, bread, butter, coftee. Diiuiíer- SalsKy eouip, frted oysters, baked potatoee, U'ttmce salad, prun jmdilinir. bread, butter, coffee. &upper- Bolled rice witli cream, buttrfHl toast, tea. MONDAY. F.nakf ast- Bananas, broiled fish, Wed potatoes, water creases, graham muffins, bread, buttcr coffee. Dhiner- Scotch broth, stewed chicleen, maehed tui-nips, lx)iled po'tatoes, etewed peaches, bread, buifcter, coHee. Supper- Farinose and cream, French rolls. Btrawberry jam, ginger wafers, j bread, butter, tea. TUESUAY. Breakfast- Oranges, creamed codfisli, bolled petatees, poached eggs onj toast, bpeiid, buitter, coffo - '"" , _Diiïnor- Torym'co BOUp, broiled beef steak, mashed pototoes, succotasli, bread, buitter, peach merimirue. Bnpper- Bolled wöeat with cream, coro muffins, bread, butter, tea. WF-DXESPAY. Breakfast- Omelot, breakrast bacon, stewed potíato, apple sauce, griddlp cakes, bread, buitter, coffee. Diimer- Pea eoup, roast beef, browned potatoes, scalloped tomatoes, bread, botter, ooffee, sruow puuüm. Suppor- Rolled barley with cream, bread, botter, etage waiers, tea. THl'HSDAY. Ureakfast- Apples, oraoges, liash, corn (hHlftvrs. bread, botter, coffee. DlMner- dam soup, roa-st turkey, ratíberry sauce, sweet pota toes, ioread, butter, Charlotte russe. Slipper- Cold meat, dipped toast. kread, butti-r, téa. FBIDAY. TJreakfast- Veal chops, baked pota.toes, rice imifftas, hread, butter, mnrmaladí", coffee. üinner- Brown sooip, cold roast turlaey, potato salad, maccaroni, baked bout apples, bread, butter, rice pudSupper- Corn me;l musli, tnast. bread, butter, fancy buns. tea- rUHDAV. Breakfast- Oranges, bananas. Hamburg steak, creamed potatoes, cresses, Fremch rolte, brOad, burttér, eoffee. Dinner- White soup, mutton chops broiivd, aspara, potatoee, lettuce, s.ilad, bread, butter, r.irnnicl c-ream. Supper- Otmeal with cream. cold turk y, grahain gema, bread, butter, ten. Wnsn't tliat pietty good fare and a. pretty gíood variety ? What do you tlidnk it cosit? One dollar and se-renty-five cents eaoh, or $7 for four of us for the week. Most peopïe wcraM think ihcy íared BumptuoiMly ií tbey could tfet such breaWasts, dinners and suppers. WeH, every tamilv to tte laad can, for a eíinUar sum, ],', v as good a btll of tare everv day, oí ev ry wee in tbe year, 0 tlie I thc íamlly üs a providesit oiiBekeeper and anderstands liow to ■lect mil prepare íood. Yon wül notlce tbere Ss nothing lnhided tor foei ia thla estímate. That an be easlly eettoated for yourselves. "But bow' can olioice tare be servad for $1.50 a weefe ?" Ifi a quesion tbat ifl put to uno orally anl by ■tter every day. 1 answer: "By idielimsly selectimg the beet quauij 1 food mataríais and by skillfully prearlne them in the best poseittte manm.r.:' I bave jiivi'ii you the quanitv an.l qiialiiy of lood tliat can be umlsfaed for $1.50 whn properly ooked. EcpiaBy as much, II aot more, dependa upon the quaüty of he cookíng as apon fche qualtty of he maDarlal eooked. Amd tlie food bat is wastecl at the aTrage tablc on account of tlhc character of the cooking, costs moro ttian the iood thaD is eaten. People ï-equire a very moderate quantity of food, and when each article servd at a meal is weU eooked and palatable, it is eaten with a relisli, nouriehes tho system. and satisfilee the appotite. liut the Bloppy eoöoe, the half-baked bread, the fi' meato, the Boggy wgtai)lrs. the Bodden pestry and the various ottoer dMtee of similar ness tliat compose the average breaïfast. dinih-r and supper, aro so. lnmnitritiious, unpalatable and unsaüs fying that tluv werg jnerely tasted, .nd tïion passetl by with disgust, to ïin.l way into the garbage barrel, where auch stuff legltlim.tely beWe ed cheapcr food and better food Vnrt we caja and should liave it Hut we eam oniy have it through cíii-eful, lnitelllgBBt, economical mcthods of cookery ,„


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