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is a victoryíoríTTíTírfWW!! New York...

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is a victoryíoríTTíTírfWW!! New York. The Tammany Uger and the solid Boato have Jolned hands and wiH now control all the legislation of the national house of representativos. Mr. Grover Cleveland has been outwitted, out-generaled, unliorsed. He Js not in it. We are indebted to Prof. Harrington, chief of the weather bureau at Washington, for a copy of his special report oi the operations of his k-partnicnt. The only critit'ism we would make alKut the working of his bureau Is tliat when he was home ou his Thanksgiving vacation he left eoroe boys to run the weather who got tou "eareless and gave it out all mixed. They ought to b; shaken up so as to give us just as gteaüy :i we get while the chief is there. Some intereeting facts about the ftaet legislature, commonly called the "agnawbuck," are coming out in conneetion with the Randall suit in Detroit. One of the pets in the auditor gencraVs o'fice frankly ivdmitted having epent the time and money of the state In lobbying the members for bilis, and he admitted having received some $800 from outsiders who were interested ín gettlng their bilis pased. He gave a list of members whoee reputation was bad, while another witnese told of a big carousal hM at hot-l when a bilí had been lulled, which was against the Chicago synü.catc' of beef packers, but in favor of Michigan cattle raisers. Evidently that last legislature was copid after Tammany in lts methods and Wholesale corruption. Tlu republicana will win next year, ml tlicir war cry wlll bc "protecion and prosperity." The Ataerican hos has rooted his i-ay into Austria, at last. The Ausrians have reasOü tO rcjoiec over he fact. Detroit is to have another ten story milding. But all the stories about apid transit in Detroit appear to be alse on. 's. In the speakershlp oontest at Wash.ugton, Uistory repeated ltself. The best man diil oot 'in. Had he done !O Th os. B. Reed would now be speakr of the hou.-'. Col. Dick Taylor, who first sukfested to Abraham IJncoln the idea of tesoing greenbacks, died in Chicago rk'c. 4th, aged 90 years. He deservpdly livt-d to a good old air''. Ex-Senator Palmer says that the kvorld's fair is to be the greatest exïibition ivcr known in the world, and that all Europe wlll have to ackHnwledKi' that faet. Good for Torn. Another new boat has been launchpd and will soon be added to Tíñele Pam's littl? .navy, ehristened New R'ork. It is to be hoped that she kvill be laster than her namcsakc has peen. eepeelally in regard to the Grant monument. The proposition of the millers of this boontry to send a ship load of flour, 0.000,000 poumls. or 50,000 barrels, Kvorth $125.000, as a gift to the ramine strickcn peafeantry of RusMa, is a noble ono. Of this amount :he Minneapolis mlllera are to give P5 car loada. I Winans has namcd Hon. Peter White, of Marquette, ex-Senator Palmer, ex-Congressman Wheeler, of Rvtst I'.ay City, Hon. Terry Haanah, [Traverse city. and C. K. Eddy, of Kaginaw, to represent the state at klic öeep water-ways eonvention to held at Detroit on the ITth inst. A.1 a banquet in Landon the other tiight one of the Emrliwh giiests. In k-eply to a toast "The President of t'nited States," said: "We raust love har dear cousln across the water, and hhoultl stand shoulder to shoulder and Kvhip ereation." He probably judged lof Uncle Ham's ftgbtlng qualltleu from bast experience. I A lunatic entered the office of RusU-l Sage, tlie capltaliet, in New York last I'riday, di'inanded $1,250,000 and piot belng aocoinmodated witli that little sum. tliri'W a dynamite bomb tli at killed hiinsi'lf and two or three pthers and nearly wrecked the building. Al most miraeulously. Mr. Sage Bgcaped with a few scratches. Ií the rcforins and improvemmts puggested by Postmaster General ÏVanamaier in hi.s animal report, are ulopt il. a long strkle wlll be made In the postal service of thta country, Lnd tht' people greatly accommodatkd. The report is ane that the peoble will read and feel that the P. O. [lepartnient has a practical toaster It its head. I Dom Pedro IL, ex-emperor of Iiralil, died In Paris last Friday night. He was born in Brazil, Dec. 2d, 18Ü5; Ind before becoming six years of age Iras made ernperor by the abdication li his father. For forty years he was In able and kind ruler of nis people. In 1850 he commenced the emancilation of the slaves in nis empire, liiich was fully consumated in 1871. In 1889 he was deposed and the presInt republic formed. I Every little while gome Canadian Ifficial will have the bravery- and it ■oes take a brave Canadian to do Wr- to declare for annexation to the ■ nited States. Such a thing would le a great thing for Canada, but how Lis country would be effected by such In alliance is a nother question. Many leople believe that this country covrs ■ulfitient territory already, and that ■ie has a suificiently large debt al■ ady without adding more to either. Bañada is too eold. If she carne in Ks one of the family she would add ■ the ice fields and not to the rice lelds. IUce is preferable to ice. ■ D. Burglar Hill, the man who holds Bvo democratie offices in New York Biat are valuable, has expressed his ■pinion on the silver question. He ■i.vs. mal;c the silver dollar worth ■üO cents intrinsically, and then give xe country iree silver coinage. That's not a new idea. It has been advocated ever since the iree silver craze has ehown itself. But doesn't Davy know that when he makes a silver dollar ïntrins c Uy worth 100 cents, in other warde an honest dollar, that he takes away all the charm of free stlver coinage ? It ís the little 20 cents on a doilar that holhders of silver bullion wish to make that has caused the érase. It is a fine thiug to get this erafty fox to expresa a conviction, houever. He is invariably all tfainga to all men. Comraon sense dicta tes that the American farmer should encourage a pollcy which will give him a home m.u-ket for all of hi producís. In stead of being ajixious to see large exports of -vvheat and corn to foreign co: ntries he s::o:ld rather pray for the day when the United States can absorb all he can raise. When that day arrlvea, should tbere still be deficiency countries. he will enjoy the benefit of the foreign demand, just as certainly aa he will this year, for prices in this country will be influenced even though we have no surplus. But, on the other hand, because he has a certaln market he will not suffer in those years of plethora when the surplus countries are all trying to sell their grain to th ; gr at deficit country, England, which invariably takea advantage of the situation to depress prices to a point at which production Is unprofitable.- San Francisco Ohronicle. The presiden of the Gnlted States rules over more Engllsh epeaklng peo jle than does the queen of Knuland. Tin' (orinan relchetag lias v.iird 900.000 marks, $iM-t.2() for au exïibit at the world'i Iatr In Chicago. J. Chris. Jaco!) oiiiflit to be in Washington to h.'lp pull the democratie wiivs. He could give somt' of the wii-f puliere down there even, points on cbeek and devioua ways. Tliere has never been a more careful and economical administra tion of public affairs, than the ono President Harrison is gtvlng us. The republienn party can go to the pebple on that count, and win every time. Every man will wish to be well up on turiff points the coming year, and he can get tne pratectlvê viow at the ïowcst posslble ïiy taking the Home Market Bulletin, of Boston, which we furnlsh at half prlee in conneetlon with the CouTlei. Both papers for $1.25 per year. Governor McKlnley says the Bulletin la admirable, and he wishes it might go to every voter. The dominion of Canada is lookIng with greedy eyes apon a strij) of the state of Washington which sbe Baya was wrongfully glven to U. S. vrnen the boúndary liné was run. Yon Bpoke too late. my dcar. Your Únele huí had undisputed posession upwards ol -1 years, and that establtehes ownership. And you know you and your mama together cannot take it away from us. The focunility of the French Canadans doubtless explains the fact that n the past ten years the Roinan Catholic population of Canada has increased from 1,791,000 to 2,223,000, r noarly 25 por cent., while the popilatinn of the whole country has not acreaeed but about half that fast. t the present rate of progresa the Dominion wlU be both French and Koman Catholic by au overwhelrning najority withtn a quarter of a century. Tn the mix Xew Eugland States 2,658.000 persons have $592,000,000 ín the savin.U's-banks. In the States f Xew York. Xcw Jersey and IVnnsylvania thriv are .S8,000,000 to the credit of persone whose deposlts average but $323. This large suni of 1.250,000,000 is owned by men and women average savings amount to less then $-100. These figures should be pondered over by the people in this country wliu are continually clamoring for a cha&ge of the tariff policy of the country from tinpresent prosperous one to free trade. Suit has been entered at Lima, O., asiainst Calvin S. Brice, of New York, the senator-elect from Ohio, for $15,007.46 back taxes, which that gentleman has refused to pay on the ground that hi was not a resident and tax-payer in Ohio. Xow whieh will he do ? Pay his taxes or confess himself a non-resident ? It is a very tight place for the gentleman, turn which way he may. In tH is connection it might not be out oJ place to quote page 13(5 of the X;'v York City directory: "Brice, Calvin 3., office 80 Broadway, residence 693 Fifth avenue." As was stated in the New York Sun the other day, the supreme court of Massaehusetts once decided that the use of the word "damn" is not profaility. There is a story in the N. Y. Tribune about a Connecticut clergyman ivho, in a sermón upon profanity, said that the word "damn" inight be rightfully used by respeetable people as an emphatic expression. The next day he changed his mind on the subject when he met one of the feminine members oí his flock, who saluted him thus: "Good morning, Mr. . That was a damn good sermón of yours yesterday!" A few dasy since Cyrus W, Field lost his wife, to-day he is pronoiinced beyond recovery; a daughter is dying from cáncer, and a son after stripping his father of every cent of liis property has gone violently insane. To Mr. Field's grit and perseverance the world owes the ocean cable. He realized a handsome property from this enterprise, though it sent him to the verge of bankruptcy before he finnlly succeeded. He has been a good man, in every way, and should he recover the world owes it to him tlfat Iris closing yeara shall not be passed m poverty and suffering. One of the most remarkable incidents in the way of marrying between t.wo families is reported from the province of Quebec, Canada, in the parish of 8t. Marie Beanee. Two respectable farmers named Rheanme and Morin, had each eight cliildren, four sons and four daughters. Rheaume's four sons married Morin's four daughters, and the four sons of the latter joined their fortunes to the four daughtera of the former. The offspring of the first four uniona up to date number thlrty-nine, and of the latter thirty-fivc ehildireu. It may be hard to trace the relationship after a time. Hou. John Rookwalter, of Ohio, has bought 60,000 acres in Nebraska, whereon he proposes to establish several agricultural eommunitips or villages, selling a plot of land to each householder, and none to be more than ome or two miles from the central villago, wlicre its owner will live. The plan aims to combine the advantages oí village and farm life. The system is largely followed in Europe, and we do not see why it should not be successful in this country. The isolation of American farm life is one of its chief drawbacks, and a frequent cause of insanity, especially among women. Wherever the plan of farm villages could be adopted it would add much to the comfort and happiness of the farmer'e family.


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