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Km vri: o Jons W. Wiiiïi.ahk. Q1 n: 01 MICHIGAN, OovBty „f Waant Al ■ si ilon ol the Probate i mirt tot th Count] i Washtenaw, holden al the Probate Office i r i the City "f Ann Arbor, on Priday, ih.' (oürth iiuy oi December in the year ona Chousand eighl hundred mul nlnety-one. Present, j. Wlllard Babbltt, Judge ol Pro bate. In the matter of the eitate of John v. Whltlurk, docea on readlng and iiiimk tl petltion duly rorl ui Bdward Treadwell, preylng thal be n llceuned to uil the real estáte whereol iald decoased diea BOlxed. Thereupouil II ordered, tlmt Thunday, the ij "i December. lnnt., al ten o'olook in the immuun, be i Igned lor the baarln ■ t i t tot] and thal de i iecH, It aod bei] i al law of uiil decea d and all other persons Interested In sald estáte . qulred to appeai al u sesslon ol iald courl then to be holden al the Probato Office, in the i mi Arbor, in sald oountj . and lf unj there be, why the prayer i the ]■ titloner should nui !■ granted : Lod lt i ínr dered, thal sala petitlonei to persons Interested n -jd.i eatate, ui the oetideiicj ui -iiiii petltlon, and the hearing thereof, fiy caunlng a copy ui HiIh ordei to be poblished in the Ann Arbor Courier, a newapapei prlnted and clroulatlng in sald i ountj, previoui to siiid da; óf Ing. [Atruecopy.] J. W1LLARD BABBITT, ui Probate, w. o, ii,, iv. i'n.i, ate Register, Km vi i ,i .luim (ii.iuii:s. QTATE OF MICHIG LN. C ty ,,f Waehte i iiiiiu .♦. ai a teaelonof the Probate ourl tor the County of Wasbtenaw, holden al the Pro bate Office In the elty ol Aun Arbor, on Uon oay, the teventh daj ol December in thi one i ho rhl hnndred umi ninel i i ent, .1. Wtíliard iiui.lilit, Jud bate. in the matter of the Mtate ol John Qeddei i icd. Wllllam T. RandaU, the tdmlnlitrator wlth II a sed f said estáte comea Into courtand represent that belinoví prepared o render hla Bnal account usuoh admlnlstrator. renpon II n ordered tbal Mondar, (he ourth daj of January ten o'clo be rorooon. be assltrned íor examlnlng and lluw Ing Buch account, and thal the de . [ateei and heln-at-law (jí Bold deceased "'t aii othen .i non Interejted In tate, are reqalred to appear a a leitloa d eourt then to be bolden al the 'róbate Office In the city of Aun Arbor, In ald ei ty, and show oause, l( any there e, wiiy the suii account lionl.i nol be llowea. And it li further ordered, thal Bald dmlnlstrator five DOtice to the penoni luíate, oí the pendenoy ol ald ccount and the heuing thereof, by caualnga ol Un ■ order to be pnbliihed In the Ann riior Courier, h newipapeí prlnted and aireaitlngln said county, three inoceialve ireeki revfoui in gold day of indring, J. WILLARD It.MlltITT, (A triii-copy.) JUDO! Or PBOBATI. W. (, [ Probate Regliter. 'erms of Gourt for the Twenty-second Judicial Circuit for 1892-3. T1BMG (il c i. i i i i i.rilT. State ol Mii-iiii'ini : The Twenty-iecond idlcl&l Circuit. Termi ol Courl in and for i nviiit 1 1 1 tbe yean 1899 and 1888. [, E. D. Klimr, Circull Judge In ""'l for the Twentj second Judicial Circuit, do bereby lix and appolm 1 1 j - ihn.- ■■ bolding tbe leveral tarme of the [reuil ouri ïn and tvltblu l ue ond Judicial Olroult for the yeari o wit: (M HOMBOI i 'HMV. . Tbe fint Tuetday ol February, tbe flnl da) of April, tbe aecond Tueadaj of September, and tbe Brsi Tuesday of Kovemoer. IN AMII KNAW CCH NTY. The lir-i Mciiiiiay m Muicli, tbe Brit Monday In May, the flrsl Monday In October, and thé ■ i uuiiiiy iu December. Dated, October SOtb, ihyj. i: II. KINNK. ii í Circuit Judge.


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Ann Arbor Courier