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It seems tiiat Dr. Angelí Is not occupying the president 's house yet, afer all. The X. Y. Mail and Express of Dec. 1-. liad a very credltable portrait f President Adama, of Cornell, formerly of the U. oí M. I 'resident Angelí, Prof. Belser and ithcrs. of tile univereity, are to deiver a lecture in the course before the Amerjoao [nstltute of Sacred Litjrature, at Detroit this winter . J. T. Williams, a foirmer stude-nt ïere, committed suïcide at Lthaea, N. Y., o Snnday. last, beeause of depojndeney, sald t have resulted from iver-stuily. He was pursulag a post gradúate corarse at Cornell. By to-morrow night there will be i stlllnees on our streets once more, or majiy oí the studente will have lef t or ttaelr hamers by that time toepend the holidays. There are goodly numx'i's, however, whoee homes are eo ar away that they are oblijied to renaia here during the vacatlon. Detroit Tribun -: "The Evening evs. applying lts antlquated p;)litico-cco:iomic fcheorles to a propositdoii to approprlate public money to extend the usefulnesa of the state university, discovers that such an ap)ropriation would pauperize someKJdy. Theork's whlch lead so easily o nonsequiture are not only antique rat absurd. In oxpioitinjï its pet fad f individualism the New has the exreme fecility of the companionship of a few grey-haáred whlgs in Engand and a few Hoger Q. Mills demo■ïats in this country. Everybody eLse livee in the liglit of 1891." The Kalamazoo Telesraph remarkg n an athletrc sort of a way: "It is very eiidont from the result of the oot-ball games this year that Cornell is too much for the Michigan University team. "Prexy" Angelí and lis faculty will have to brace up, or Ann Arbor will lose much of the prestige which its groat number of studente has won for it." The Schubert Quartette at Univerïsity hall, Jan. 9th. under the auepices of the S. L. A. Sunday evening Rev. Dr. Talmage delivered a discouree in University ïall before the Student' Christian AsBOciiation. Tliore were present eome 3,000 or 4,000 people, probably the largest audience ever gathered there. Ae is always the case, eome liked tlie Dr. and some did not. He was not profound enough for some, and others thought hie stories and Jocularlty on a Sunday evening were out of place. the great maes were pleased, for he let hdmself down among the people, and spoke in words intelligible to all, and nis stories all tauglit good lessons. So if the Rev. Dr should come to Ann Arbor again he would fill the hall just as full ae he did thlfi time. Everyone admires hiw gealality and good nature.


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