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ONE EJVJOYíS Both the method and resulta when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasan and refreshing to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on the Kidneys Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitúa constipation. Syrup of Figs is th only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in it effects, prepared only from the mos healthy and agreeable substances, it many excellent qualities commend i to all and have made it the mos popular remedy known. byrup of Figs is for sale in 50 and $1 bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro cure it promptly for any one who tyishes to try it. Do not accept anj substitute. CALIFORNIA FG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, LOWSVILLË, KY. NEW YORK, N.Y. THE CREAT jj Germán Remedy. mTRUTHS FOR THE SICK. III Kor tlm.-e doííthiyTTwOTñT be imidl II lBiHousRpellsdepend foracasewhereSiiL-ljl lllonSi-LPIICRlilTTEKS PHUB BlTTEKS villl 1 lit will cure you. nutasstst orcure. lt ei iv,v„„Mfciti,eterMa' pq Ithnttircdandallgone cieanse the vitiatedlH feeltng; if so, use Mooa when yoll see I Sur.riiiJR Bittebs; ts impurities burst 1 1 ill rurc you. ii1(r through the skin II Operativa wlio are in Pimples, Blotrhes.IH closely conflned i„ and 8ores. Rely ongl the milis and SirLPHUR shops; clerks.who do ;ln(1 bealth will íol-jíí not procure sufflclent Vj ___l II exerclse, andallwho o.,, „„„„ t, aïeconflnedlndoors, win (',,rë I Werfom 1 1 should use Sulphub „ia „T nonTt be dul I BlTTKRS. They will '„„Aed itwlilcureU gnoUhenbeweakand raged.itwlücureM III If vou ilo not wlsh ,RLP,I,IFR BrrTERSlIl I Ito will bulld you up and II latism, use a bottle of make you Btrongandl I HISülphub Bitters; henlthy. III Hl lt wrer falle to cure. rULp„ur bitters l PJ Don't le without a wlll make your bloodïH ÍS bottle. Try lt: you pure, rlch and strong.M will not rejiret lt. nd your flesh hard. ITI III Ladies In delicate Try Sulphuk BIT-I lhealth, who are all reus to-nlght, anillll III run down, should use you will sleep welllll U-llMillllUIIM!- in I f. ■ ' ■ . 'i. ■ '.., )t III Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? 6end 3 2-ccnt stamps to A. P. Ohdway & Co Boston. Mués., and recelve a copy, free. BEAL & POND, INSURANCE ÍGEMTS Courier Office, 41 and 43 North Main St , (Suceessors to C. H. Millen.) HThe oldest agency in the city. Eatablished over a quarter of a ceutury ago. Representing the following first-class companies, with over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. Home Ins. Co., of New York. .Conti.nkntai, Ins. Co., of New York. Niágara Ins. Co., of New York. Girard Ins. Co., of Philadclphla. Obient Ins. Co., of Hartford. Commercial Union, of Londou Liverpool, London and Gi.obe. Hatos Low as the Lowest, Losses Líberally Adjustfd and prompt!; Paid. BE&L & POND. ggjfij ft_ Sll"P lililí forüinestmve bern mnriftt 0.,IloxS80 Portland, MaUo b ■ H pü a " A v.v K F.SIS " gives instant ■■relict and is au infallible mJÊ ti HL_ )k Cure for Pilos. Price$l. Iïy H mP k7)ruiíKÍstsormail. Samples ■ frep.Addrcss"ANAKESIS," ■ I BB ■■ Vite 2416, New York City. MAKINC A BEAUTIFUL HOME IS not a questton of money. Taste, experlence and sklll have inuch to do wlthlt. If you Intend to build, it wlll be a mistake not to eend for our books of Sensible Low-cost Housks. now arranged in three volumes. In thcm you will flnd perspective views, floor plans descrlptions, and estimates of costa for 105 tasteu!, nar design for houses. Thpy also gtve our f rices for complete V orklng Plana. Details, and Spcctlcatlons, which enable you to butld without delays, mistaken or quarrelx with your butlder, and whlch any onecati underetand. Good builders reccomend these plans. Testimoniáis from all parts of the country. Vol. I contalns.'iT.copyrlKhted designs of houses costing between : and eiHixi. Vol. II containa 35 copyrijititcd designs, iX) tocstiOO. Vol. III contains iTicopyvlghted designs, iUK) to 9000. Price, by mail, tl. 00 coca, or $8.00 fMr the net. WcRlHopubllBh "COLONMAI.HOÜSKR'a volume showing Perspectlvefl and Floor Plans of houses arranged In tlie inimitable style óf the Colonial Architecture, and having alV modem arrangements for comfori. Prlcetó.00 PICTUIiKS(UE HOrSES FOR FOREST AND SIIOIíE:- This shows Perspectives and Floor Plans of new designs for Sunmier Cottages, wlileh are romantic, convenient, and cheap. PrlceSl.OO by mail. Address NATIONAL ARDHITECTS' UNION, 190 N. Ssventh Phlladclphia, St., Pa. SAW MILLS, ENGINES, Improred Variable Frictlon Feed. Send for catalogue and special urices. A. B. FAKQUHAR CO.,' Yorn, P


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