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nrpRicrs A Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. Superior to every other known. Used in Miilions of .Homes - 40 Years the Standard Cake and Pastry, Liht Flaky Biscuit, Griddle Cakes, Paiatable and W'ho!. No other baking powder does siioh work. Two Boíílcs ChtojJ Her. VI Cahboll, Iowa, July, 1889. I waa sufforing 10 ypars from Bhocks in mj heiid, so much bo thr-t at times I didn't expec to recover. I took medicines froin raany doctors, but didu't getanyroliof untill took Pastor Koenig'B Nerve Tonie ; the second dose relieved ineand 2 boules cured me. S. W. PECK. ISeroiisuicmd It to Sfany. Siiiilion, Ind., Oct. 1, 1890. My danghter becainp eilleptlo bout five year ago through a frieht. All physicians' treatmeu availed uotuing, until I uscd Pastor Koenig'B Nerve Tonic, which at onco di apellad the attacks. It ia tho bast. remedy I ever U6ed and I . have recommended it to luany of &uch as are [ Buiïeriug íiom this dread disoase. MAKTHA ZICKLEK. RPP - A Valuahle Hooit on Nervou M MJm v I?e:ises stMit tree to any adtlress and poor patiënt can also obtain I EILaln thi ineiliclne iree of charge. 1 Thl8 remedy has been prepared by the Reverend Pastor Koenijr. of Fort Wnyiie, Ind., eince 187e. anc iBnow prepared uncterhis cürection by the KOENIC MED. CO.. Chicago, Bil. j SoUT by DriiKsists at Y1 ier Kottle. 6 fcr S5. E Lance Stze.Vl.75. 6BottlesforS9. BE A MAN APOLLO WAS A PERFECT MAN. ; PERFECT IN FORM -MATCHLESS H WAR1 7 SoaniúOBJ werc llie ancientf.r stal wart meü tba: JJ'j ñ P"Qy boyaat birtb wtre pul lodcatb A "1- Al Ev7 KAN can be 8TR0NQ .rtfiCfyt ndVIGOB0US!n all respecto. ñ-Mñ Y0ÜNG MEN OR 0L3, ƒ J-s VsJ Ál Sering from NERVOTJS DE: J ly'X BILITY, tot or Fiiling MnHTk!%J hood, Fnysical Eiceiei, Mental WL j(lH l) Wrry, Stunted Development, or Sl- El any PERSONAL WEAKKES8. cn be di i l r reítorad to PERFECT EEALTH and Jl 1 I I tlle "OBLE VIIALITY oí BTKOKQ y 1 ) MEN, the Prlde and Power of Kations. y [ 1 I V I We claim by years of practice by í i 1 our exclusive methods a uniform i I l. "MONOPOLY OFSUCCESS" in treatF? 5 ing all Dlieaiea, Weaknenel and _ ■ - Affllctlom of Men. Testimoníala 1-' ' from 50 States and Territories. DUB NFUf Rnnif 'a6e''íie,ealed,potülf BtW BIJUN paid, fora limit,..-! timé: Gc lt whlle yon can. Full Eiplanatione for HOME TREATMEKT. Yon can be FTJLLY RESTORES ai Thousandl kart been by m. Eead our testimoniáis. Addreis at oncí ERSE MEDICAL CO. BUFFALO, fá.Y. nWL DBEFFEMBACH'S f{30y. PROTAGON CAPSULES, lávJivWv Sure Cure for "Weak Ufen, as AW mvA provedbyreportsof leadinKphyEumr'wJi F) sicians. State age in ordering. Nn 4H 0 Price.Sl. Cntulofcue Free. nJl i_ffl (Pí% O fll A safe and speedy MMflHB lift U cure for leL ■&:' BB. lim lfl Stricture and all JJ lV innatural discharges. PriceJSS. TBB nREEKSPECIFICro3oa! -' "and Skin Dlneanea, Scrofrtnna Sorel andSvphllltlc Aflectlons, witlicut meroury. Price, 3. Order from THE PERU DRUG & CHEMICAL CO. L?., 18 WisooMin Street, MILWAÜKEE, VIS. CARJER'Sl CURE Eick Headaol.oand relieve all thotroubles Incident to a büious átate of tho systom, euch as Dizzinose, Kausea, Drowsiness, Uiatress after eating. l'air. in tbe Sido, &o. Whilo their most remarkable success has beeu showu iu curicg sick Headache, yet Carter's Littlo Llver Pilla aro equally valuable in Constipat ion, curing aud pro■ventiug thiaaanoyinf?complaiut,while they also correct all disorders of tho stoinac Instimúlate tha Üver and regúlate tho bowols. Even if they only HEAD Ache thoy ttould be almos tpriceleesto thoso who euffor f rom thiB dibtressing complaint; b fortuHately theirgoodnesB does notendhcro,aud thoso who onco try them will find theso littlo pilla valuoble in Bomany waysthat thoy will not bo willing to do without thom. But after allsick hearj ACHE Ie the bane of so many livea that here Is ■where we make our great boast. Our pillö ei re it while ethers do not. Carter'a Littlo Liver Pilis are very araall and very easy to take. Ono or two pilla matea dose. They are etrictly vegctublo autl do not gripe or purgp, but by theirgeutloaction ploaseall who hbo them. Invlal3ftt25cents ; flvofor$l. Sold by druggiete overywhfre, or peut by maiL CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DQSE. SMALL PR1CE RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAK0RY. GROCERY, FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACK EKS, ( Ki:s. ,■!,■.. lor wholesalc and retail trade. We sha 1 1 aUo keep a sxipply of SWIFT & DEÜKEL'S BEST White Wheat Flonr ! OSBORX'S ÜOI.P DUST FI,OUR. BÜCKWHEAT FLOUR, COItN MEAL, FEED, 9tC, ai Wholesale and retail. A general stock o( GROGERIES and PROVISIONS Constantly on hand. whieh will lie sold on a leasouable ternis as at nnyoiluT house in the i-iiy. Cash pald for BÜTTJ R, EGGS, and ( OüNTRÏ PRODUCE generally. Goods deed to any part oí the eity without extra rÏÏt SEY& SEABOLT.


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Ann Arbor Courier